Wednesday, September 09, 2015

I Procrastinate, You Lose

Last week, City Pages posted an incredible video recording of the very first time Prince ever played Purple Rain in public. The 13-minute video was filmed by one of his sound engineers as the Purple One unveiled the track at Minneapolis' legendary First Avenue.

It's an incredible piece of history, as well as a remarkable live performance.

The City Pages team foreshadowed what was to come in the very headline of their post:

Those folks know what they're talking about. Here's what the video looks like today:

Trust me, though, it was amazing.


  1. went to take a sip of coffee this morning in the office. the lid was not secure. so i screamed, because i'd just poured hot coffee on my manparts. people laughed. because i screamed.

    so i left the office and came home to change into dry clothes. who's laughing now, assholes?

  2. I am probably jaded, but if that happened at my office I would assume the person did it on purpose so they could have an excuse to leave and miss an hour or two of being in the office.

  3. On my way to work I saw a crossing guard who looked like a young Minnie Driver circa Goodwill Hunting, and on my way back to the office at lunch I saw a cop who looked like Allison Williams without an eating disorder. Which is to say, driving around suburban New Jersey was pleasantly surprising today.

  4. Rob, which browser did you use? You could potential retrieve the video you watched and share it with us. As long as you haven't cleared your cache.

  5. Ronda Rousey and Dave Grohl both need to go away for at least a year.

  6. Goodbye, nat geo, nice knowing you.

  7. i think the nats have stolen the mets' late-season kryptonite. no way the mets blow this lead to this bunch of sorry-ass chumps and their idiot manager.

  8. Murdoch/Fox bought National Geographic today. Climate denier now controls about 1 billion in scientific research grants.

  9. I see what you did Rob. Will the Nat Geo channel continue?

  10. Not cool, Rob. Not cool at all.

  11. Buy a bible and get learned up.

  12. whoa. it really *is* adam and eve, not adam and steve. mind, blown.

  13. What about apples? They are good for you, right?
