Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Last of the "danimal in China" filler

Sent to us last evening:

"This is the pic that I couldn't get. Yes, it's a caricature of a person spitting out the window. They don't want you to do that. You can spit anywhere else mind you, just not out of a car while in town."


  1. the cars in china seem really small

  2. Breaking records for days having the trots.

    Vince Vaughn....each episode I think of half a dozen guys that would be so much better than him. Well, he still has his performance in Rudy to be proud of.

  3. he did a nice job supporting the old 97s in 'the break up'.

  4. I enjoyed him wholeheartedly in Clay Pigeons. Worth watching.

  5. Is that supposed to be a picture of George Jetson?
