Wednesday, July 01, 2015

The many faces of Brian Posehn

"Well, I can't believe that actually worked."

Those seven words were spoken very loudly to a coworker over a remixed 20-second clip of Baby Got Back at roughly 12:30 am last Friday night in downtown Miami, when, after months of prodding by the likes of rob, Mark, and even my wife, I decided to try my hand at (pseudo)celebrity impersonation for the first time ever.

After three and a half days spent in a Miami hotel (the very lovely Intercontinental, right on the water), a co-worker and I decided around midnight Friday that we had to at least hit the town. The plan was to go to South Beach, but we encountered some fellow conference attendees in the lobby, and a local friend of theirs. After very little convincing, South Beach was scrapped and we all headed to a place called The Blackbird (I think. It was on Brickell). We pulled up, andddddd...then we realized it's Miami at midnight on a Friday. Line was 50 to 60 people deep, there was a hefty cover charge, this wasn't to be.

As we stood on the corner trying to figure out where to go to next, alcohol-inspired brilliance struck. The decision was made on the spot to tell the bouncer I was Brian Posehn, and see if that got us in. The worse that could happen is a laugh and a "Hell, no", and we move on. I stood about 8 to 10 feet from the club entrance, and we sent someone to the bouncer with a pic of Posehn on the phone. After a brief moment of explanation, the bouncer looked in my general direction, I acted relatively disinterested, and then....he waved us all in. No line, no cover, no hassle. I gave the bouncer a thank you head nod, and then we entered some club that I assume is like all Miami clubs: music blasting, booze flowing (as well as plumes of smoke flowing), and hot as f'ing hell because the club is actually outside (!).

"Well, I can't believe that actually worked."

Thank you, Brian Posehn.
'til we meet again...


  1. danimal, you hearing anything on the rumor that tiger has been making time with dufner's ex-wife? because if he has, that's a pretty good explanation for the state of his game. i wouldn't want to practice, either, if i had that option.

  2. potus said in an interview that he was listening to outkast and the black keys this morning. there will be some 'sploding heads.

  3. actually, said that on twitter during a chat. but still.

  4. Which albums, that's the key question.

  5. was talking songs. mentioned liberation and lonely boy.

  6. That's great stuff teej.

    Rob - no, have not heard any such rumors but will keep my ear to the ground.

  7. I get into the club by claiming to be Jon Hamm. Works every time.

  8. Ok....have now heard about tiger and Amanda. Shit is blowing up.

  9. I pretend to be the front man for Anthrax.

    Just when I'm at home and in front of the mirror. Not to get in to the club.

  10. But not the front man for Judas Priest?

  11. just had to google brian posehn. apparently, he's slightly more famous than tj (but not in my book).

  12. also, i am headed to chatham tomorrow morning. expect a candlepin bowling post in the near future . . .

  13. chatham, nj? say hi to zman and tr.

  14. ...and Sammy the Bull, Juan Carlos and Mr. Huth.

  15. england just lost to japan on a stoppage time own goal that was as bad as you could imagine. just a gutting feeling for that poor girl.

  16. I'll make sure the tonka truck is in the basement.

  17. i always tell my players: if you don't score an own goal once in a while, you're not playing defense.

    i also tell them: don't step in the bed of a tonka truck when you're carrying pepperoni and mustard.
