Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Love on Trial

Giant, huge, massive, enormous day at the Supreme Court, as the Justices hear arguments challenging state bans to same-sex marriage. SCOTUSBlog has a nice roundup of the facts of the case to date here.

G:TB is on record on this issue. We're pro-love. Let's hope it rules.

Teej addition: I took this photo two years ago in front of the Supreme Court when similar demonstrations were occurring:


  1. God hates Cleveland. Duh. Kevin Love likely done for the playoffs.

  2. i'm just catching up here, but i'm a little annoyed with rob about taking a stand against apathy in the previous post. if i had more energy i'd right a post defending everyone's right to be apathetic towards whatever they like, but i'm too lazy.

  3. Let's never have a GTB Summit in Indonesia. Fucking A.

  4. Or Baltimore. Tomorrow's game will be closed to the public. That should be really weird for the players.

  5. i stood up against student apathy, dave. adult apathy is perfectly acceptable. honorable, even.

  6. isolate and consume! just don't go!

  7. Best spam comment yet. Let's throw a blog party and have abal.
