Monday, March 02, 2015

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, which is what I do. And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.” -- Theodore Seuss Geisel

Dr. Seuss would have turned 111 on March 2, 2015. Not coincidentally, one of his more obscure but nonetheless beloved characters celebrates the 45th anniversary of his birth this very same day. As the good doctor wrote about this uniquely Seussian character, “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”


  1. Happy b-day, Dave. In your honor I'll make the family partake in the tequila lazy susan of death at dinner.

  2. Dave's a killer

    Dave's a mess

  3. I forgot to post this on the Spoon post but Britt also helped record last year's Split Single album. He played bass but is not touring with them. The other members are Jason Narducy (bassist from Bob Mould Band, GBV and others) and Jon Wurster (Superchunck, Bob Mould Band, The Mountain Goats and others). It's got a few catchy indie pop songs and worth a listen. Start with Never Look Back, Fragmented World and My Eyes.

    With the recent mentions of Spoon and EX Hex, you fellas might want to check out a small little label that's been around for 25 years: Merge Records. They've put out a lot of good music that is varies from indie rock to country/folk to electronic.

  4. We get a lot of mileage out of that photo.

  5. Happy Birthday, Dave.

    How is Sam I Am not on that stamp? Egregious, USPS.

  6. Happy birthday Dave. Any chance you got a snow day?

  7. Perfect for today's post:

  8. thanks guys! i wrote a slightly more grim seuss post over at the sentence, but i love sharing a birthday with that guy.

  9. and i got a delayed opening for my birthday, which is even better than a snow day bc it counts as a full day.

  10. Happy Birthday, Dave.

    Well played, Teej. I get that joke.

    I played abortion Hears a Who for the first time for my 5 y/o. He didn't like it that much. I blame Jim Carrey.

    Still employed.

  11. Thank you, Autocorrect. Should be Horton Hears a Who.

  12. TR--I was wondering how I missed that Seuss story about abortion!

    And glad you're still employed

  13. Wow, TR. Your auto correct mistake is very very close to the random idiots lyric

  14. Abortion Hears a Who is the greatest children's book title in history . . .

  15. I Had Trouble in Getting Solla to Swallow

  16. there's a cat in the hat joke to be made, but i ain't makin' it in mixed company.

  17. related facial hair photo special at sentence of dave!

  18. Right now in southeastern Virginia: 31°. Tomorrow's forecast: 70°. Friday's forecast: 29°.

    Reminds me of some of my old girlfriends.

  19. I doubt most of your former girlfriends made it past 69.

  20. Marls, only thing missing from the last comment was the mic drop.
