Friday, February 20, 2015

Your Daily Affirmation

There's some bleak shit in the world right now. ISIS casts a pall over the Middle East. Politicians of all stripes in the U.S. wage rhetorical war to no end other than power (at long last, Mr. Giuliani, have you no shame?). Racial animus here and abroad erodes our collective humanity in ways public and private. And it's cold as fuck across the country, making us all over-bundled assholes.

So, at the risk of charges of blatant pollyannaism (though, really, is that such a bad thing?), a little respite and maybe a life lesson worth pondering. From the wife of the late Roger Ebert, this message from a man who found his true calling late in life.

It may not warm your flesh, but it'll give your spirit a little pick me up. And I think Gheorghe would approve.


  1. love this quote as much as I miss ebert's movie reviews

  2. yeah, I'd give it two thumbs up for sure.

    So Slick Willy snuck in and out of town yesterday in code red secret squirrel(no relation to our squirrel) mode. No press, no nothing. Came to hang/help w/past aide and our current Mayor, Alvin Brown's reelection campaign. You heard it here first.

    Live from Jaxville, Danimal.

  3. My wife is in Jax Beach for the weekend, Dan. Be on the lookout for a very drunk Italian woman. She left me at home for the weekend with the childrens. Pray for them.

  4. The two most underrated NBA trade deadline acquisitions IMO are KJ McDaniels and Kyle Singler. Both will make a playoff impact for their respective squads.

  5. Not sure how I feel about DeeLite selling out to Target.

  6. I go the complete opposite way on that. DJ Shadow got paid by Chevrolet recently and I was happy for him. Get paid.

  7. Crown Royal making a big run on Johnny Black as the brown liquor of choice in the TR household.

  8. NY Post is the best. Thanks for posing with them, Rob.

  9. Crown is my standard brown liquor too, TR.

    I don't mind being alone with my kids for the weekend. Waking up with them is a different matter.

  10. 8-10 inches of snow on the way with temps in the teens. danimal, mark - either of you have an extra bedroom i can rent for the rest of the winter?

  11. Sure do. Come on down. You'll have to share the bed with a 13 year old pit bull though. He's cool.

  12. i can handle that. i bet he's warm.

  13. Marcus Mariota ran a faster 40 time than Nick Marshall. I didn't see that coming.

  14. Come on down Rob. Babysitting in exchange for room and board. 63 here today after being in the high 20's last night. Reflecting on another W in flag football while sippin on a Strongbow Honey and Apple Cider. Don't judge.

  15. Soccer is really popular around here. Both high schools that pull from the beach towns have won multiple state titles in both bits and girls soccer recently. So obviously the youth programs are good. My town's your program had Alexi Lalas and Sydney Leroux in for a clinic today.
