Monday, February 09, 2015

Monday Filler

Before leaving her animal figurines to head somewhere with her mom, our 2-year old placed them in this position.
We found it amusing at first, then tried to figure out where she might have seen such a move. 


  1. I was going to say NatGeo, but it appears that she's making a Liger so I'll go with Napoleon Dynamite.

  2. good call. that's a possibility.

  3. Big day here...I hope I didn't offend anyone.

  4. When we lived in NC we had the mechanical reindeer out in the yard Clark Griswold Style. One morn we awoke to them giving it a go - was pretty neat with the headbob action.

  5. toy animal porn is huge in japan. expect an influx - hope our servers can handle it.

  6. Here's the Cleveland Browns fan rant:

  7. So, the Knicks owner seems cool, no?

  8. I got on the wagon on Dec 28 after drinking vulgar amounts with stupid frequency from Thanksgiving thorough Christmas. I hopped off the wagon on Feb 7. Now I'm contemplating my fourth scotch of the night. Do I have a problem? I'll hang up and let one of you answer.

  9. In other news, zmother-in-law got zson the new Taylor swift album and I came home tonight to find him dancing to shake it off. I plan to force-feed him the new father John misty, which comes out tomorrow, and maybe some johnny cash and/or James brown. I knew I shouldn't have exposed him to ziggy stardust but he loved suffragette city and I thought that was cool.

  10. you should force-feed zmother-in-law some of that, too. or maybe 'one of these days'.

  11. In other other news, it appears that TR has been performing medical studies in France for about 15 years.

  12. All the scotch is drank so I guess to issue is moot.

  13. The only problem you have is a lack of scotch.

  14. still, though, three scotches on a school night is impressive. you've got some catching up to do. why anyone would self-impose a month-plus-long anti-bender is beyond me.
