Sunday, February 15, 2015

40 Years of SNL

In preparation for tonight's three-hour (!) celebration of Saturday Night Live's 40 years in production, here's are a couple of clips from my favorite cast member. Feel free to add your own, or play along in the comments.


  1. Farley
    And Norm doing Weekend Update.

  2. Bobby Moynihan. He knows Jon Hamm.

  3. My favorite deep cut skit of all time was a segment Fred Armisen did his first season. It was when "The Gates" were hung all over Central Park. He played a mook who was interviewing folks. He wore a Mets satin jacket and interviewed strangers badly.

    He nailed the character. Everybody who ever had a corporate job in NY knew a guy like this from their mailroom or security desk.

    Real life Armisen is a mysogynist douchebag, but he's amazingly talented.

  4. old school, dan akyroyd was a genius. his bag o' glass skit killed.

  5. akyroyd, aykroyd, tomato, tomahto.

  6. Other classic skit was when Broderick hosted during the Kevin Nealon era. They did a skit at a nudist camp where everybody complented each other's penis. Broderick's character entered the sketch and everybody felt bad for him b/c he had such a small one.

    They sang something called the Penis Song at the end. Good stuff.

  7. Great line up there teejus. I'm a fan of Heder solid as well. Some good characters.
    And am not a fan of most of his stuff, but Dana Carvey doing Carson with Hartman as Ed....that's some good good stuff there.

  8. My stolen hoodie was returned to the gym. Which was nice. Unfortunately today somebody took my car keys from the key rack instead of their own very similar looking set of keys. Currently stranded at the gym without car keys. Bad times, man. Bad times.

  9. Good opportunity to throw some more real estate round broh.
    Hader, not Heder. My bad Bill.

  10. Little chocolate donuts.

    Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, no coke, Pepsi.

    Kill my landlord poem.


  11. Mark was right. And I didn't realize the Snow reference on the last post.

  12. saturday night live on sunday? weird.

    i like the budd light commercial with joe piscopo and robin williams playing hockey.

    and deep thoughts.

  13. Anything involving Astronaut Jones.

  14. Was waiting for Greg to throw that one out.

  15. Colonel Angus
    Coconut Banger's Ball

  16. Great call by Rob on Schmitt's Gay.

    Unsung funny bits:

    Nealon's Mr. No Depth Perception
    John Goodman's Ref Pitman
    Belushi as the Hulk who stunk up the bathroom

    Steve Martin as the Barber is a great one.

  17. A Stefon appearance would be welcome, as well.

    And some Red Ships of Spain.

  18. jim carrey with will ferrell and cheri oteri as spartan cheerleaders

  19. stefon is so great. he and dieter together would be fantastic.

  20. The Californians. Consistently funny but not laugh out loud funny.
    Chris Farley, David Spade (an unsung member imo) and Adam Sandler as young teenage girls in restaurant.

  21. What's the sound of one hand clapping?

    Me talking Les Gheorghies after hours.

    And this .
