Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday, Funky Sunday

I've been to some excellent weddings in my time. There was a terrific celebration in the Lake Tahoe area that brought dozens of us to the Sierras for a week. The Teej and Baconbaking pulled off a ceremony that was perhaps the most perfect reflection of a couple's unique personality I've ever witnessed. Dave got thrown in a river in his tux. Clarence and his lady yachtrocked the ORF, Three Sheets to the Wind still the best live wedding band I've ever seen. But there's competition.

Just this week, I learned about the band that a friend of mine had play his nuptials. He's a Harvard undergrad, Wharton MBA, Georgetown School of Foreign Policy, and McKinsey alum and now the CEO of a mobile app company. He is, along with Dave, one of the two smartest people I've ever met. (Though his brand of hyper-intelligence is for more practical than Dave's.) He's from Boston, worked on John Kerry's presidential campaign, and completed a Birkebeiner. He is, as his resume suggests, (and I say this fondly) among the whitest people in the world, at least by outward appearances. Which, as we know, can be deceiving. By rights, he should have had Three Sheets play his wedding, unironically.

Instead, he and his bride rocked out to the Pimps of Joytime:

In a happy coincidence, the Pimps are coming to my little town in just three short weeks. See you there.


  1. I've seen these pimps and they're really good. Though many of the white people dancing to them may not be as smooth on the dance floor as they think they are.

  2. i'll be the judge of how smooth i am on the dance floor, rootsy. the answer: very.

  3. Not no Parkay, not no margarine, strictly butter.

  4. I'm sure you are, Rob.

    Do you do the Funky Pimp Robot?

  5. i don't need gimmickry, roots. just straight up skills.

  6. we could be up for this as it seems a perfect opportunity to bust out my robot.

  7. Tri-state GTBers, be safe in the forthcoming Snowmageddon.

  8. They'll give you something to groove to Rob, but there will be turrible dancing all around. And you'll look even better.

    I love the Sheila E. figure. That vid has a bunch of different cats than I saw them (only she and guitarist are the same). I'm sure they'll still be plenty funky.

  9. in 'what the fuck' news, just signed up for a neighborhood guys' trip to new orleans to watch the sun belt hoops tourney. among other things.

  10. Without looking, name three teams in the Sun Belt

  11. Same guys as your squeal like a pig canoe trip?

  12. At DCA for my 6th flight in last 9 days. I have this sinking feeling I won't be flying back tomorrow night from Chicago to DC

  13. Coach K looks younger than me.

  14. This Murray Dmitrov match appears headed for a fifth set, which is good because they're playing their asses off.

  15. we're not actually going for the tournament, though it is in town at the same time. we're going to try to catch a session. hoping to see georgia state - they've got a pair of terrific guards. other than them, i know the sun belt's got some louisiana directional schools, appy state, and a whole mishmash of other shit.

  16. Georgia St, Louisiana-Lafayette and...Troy?

  17. from the national weather service on the storm facing the northeast: “[T]his is a storm that could produce one or more new inlets along exposed east and northeast facing barrier beaches.”

    stay safe, gheorghies

  18. And Rob...Georgia State actually has three good guards. Ryan Harrow formerly of Kentucky, Kevin Ware formerly of Louisville and RJ Hunter. He's the coaches kid and a likely first round pick.

    And I can't blame you for accepting that invite. Just about anything that results in a trip to New Orleans is worth it.

  19. My phone says 14-24 inches of snow. Not quite the apocalypse but a pain on the ass for a day or two.

    Which means my house will collapse.

  20. The wife is not excited I am 2,000 miles away. Would the good husband move be to abandon the work trip and rush home Monday morning? Or is it already too late to avoid the storm?

  21. Snow allegedly starts Monday at midnight but I'd check as well.

  22. Nothing sexier than a ginger robot.

  23. TR, get out of there. I cancelled a day trip to Chicago because I knew I would not get back tonight at 10PM.

    If you look at the weather map for MA my town is just one town north of the 3+ feet sweet spot for the storm. Already made the run to the liquor, I don't even know her, store.

  24. KFC has a new double down that includes a hot dog. That is all.

  25. i wish my intelligence were practical!

  26. and if i were really that smart, i could think up a better term than "snowmegeddon."

    flakeasco? blizzergency?

  27. um, the Lakers rookie hazing is kinds funny

  28. So do those of you affected by the storm get to stay home from work? As long as you don't lose power and you have food/booze that seems pretty sweet.

  29. hell yeah we do! half day today, early dismissal, no school tomorrow, and wednesday is suspect. still getting paid . . . it's joyous. just checked the beer fridge and it is stocked, so you are correct, the only downer is if we lose power. then we freeze and die. otherwise, pretty awesome.

  30. zson goes insane if you keep him inside for more that 24 hours. Being housebound could be bad news.

  31. Crazy insane? Insane? Crazy?

    Hopefully he won't knee you in the nuts and call you a faggot.

  32. TR's in Colorado so you can't expect full coherence.

  33. i was riffing, man. broke his heart in two. broke more than that. c'mon, z.

  34. Rob/others: Zman has a very funny pop culture void from the 80's. He must have spent less time than others absorbing the decade from in front of a cable TV.

    So when I say that it was a Weird Science reference, it will be news to him.

  35. In other news, Nadal is being routed in Australia. Currently down 3-2 in the third set to Tomas Berdych after losing the first two sets. He has won 4 of 19 games in the match.

    Make that 5 of 20 after a much-needed service hold.

    Nadal is in pink and Berdych is in aqua blue.

  36. Yeah I grew up without cable. Only about 2-3 inches of snow so far. I assume there's more to come but right now it's very calm.

  37. However, if you turn it over to God he promises that you will see the big picture in the hereafter. Nothing is too small to be a mistake.

  38. Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines. jenis obat herbal untuk mengobati asam urat
