Sunday, December 14, 2014

Post-Gheorghemas Day 5 Filler

The people on Facebook seemed to enjoy my sartorial stylings, so I figured the community of Gheorghe might like a glimpse of the sweater than won the title in the 3rd Annual Russell Ugly Sweater Party/Contest/Yankee Swap/Drunk Suburbanite Bash. It's not the one my wife is wearing.


  1. I saw that sweater! I wanted the yeti sweater but it was sold out.

  2. Merril Hoge just noted that Deone Bucannon likes to play in the box.

  3. Thank you for posting something so we can move on from the worst comments for a hangover ever. I haven't felt that systematically forced into barfing since beer bash.

  4. This weekend I got drunk with fratres, had sexy with zwoman in a plurality of positions, diagnosed and temporarily repaired a plumbing problem, built a gingerbread house and an insanely complex Thomas train track with zson, replaced the thermocouple in my hat water heater, repaired broken kitchen tiling (which required intricate prep work with a chisel), and performed masonry repair on my back steps. Now I'm watching football and explaing why the Mannings are annoying to zson.


  5. I also, apparently, met one of zson's friend's moms at a holiday party and, likely because I was overserved, told her all about my vasectomy. I thought her raised eyebrows meant "this is interesting" but now I think that might not be accurate.

  6. When did Washington pioneer this Three Stooges offensive system?

  7. i got drunk often and well this weekend, z. but i pissed my wife off by not doing anything else, which resulted in a weekend less sexy than yours.

  8. Big weekend for Zman. Impressive.

    I took my kid to two parties this morning. One birthday, one Xmas featuring a petting zoo. Now I'm going to focus on my fantasy team until dinner which is, reportedly going to feature both bulgogi and oysters.

  9. Three Stooges special teams too.

  10. Missionary and Pegged, Zman? Kudos.

  11. Standing wheelbarrow and splitting bamboo

  12. Round of applause for Z.
    Currently at park with my 2 daughters. The youngest has recent gotten into the habit of calling me "buddy", "boy", and "little boy". It's funny for now.

  13. So glad we've moved past the puking recaps

    And, I just found skinny Vince Vuaghn on HBO's airing of Swingers. Love this movie

  14. Serious question: Is Buffalo's defense currently the NFL's best defense?

  15. hungover at a gymnastics meet. think this is one of the things dante wrote about.

  16. It might be. Two INT on Peyton and two on Rodgers in back to back weeks. Held both to under 190 passing yards, zero TD.

  17. I'm stunned, by the way. Bills won't have a losing season and they locked it up by beating the best QB in the league who won 9 of his last 10 games.

  18. Love the Marshawn Lynch td celebration....simple handshakes with his teammates.

  19. I guess I'm the only one that thinks Liam Neeson is awful in the Taken movies.

  20. I thoroughly enjoy Taken and will always stop and watch if its on TV. Taken 2 sucks. Instead of beating the shit out of people like the first movie Neeson shoots everybody. Booooring.

  21. Is there a cheat sheet for emojis for old people like me?
    There are like 1,000 symbols in that tab and I understand 12 of them

    Can someone have their tween kid give me a tutorial?

  22. NFL catchup:

    Ditto on the Lynch handshake celebration. It's tremendous. I love it. There's not much I don't love about him.

    The future could before bright for the Bills if they can find a QB. It's too bad Jimbo Fisher suckered them into taking EJ Manuel off his hands.

  23. According to Social Security data, 328 Americans are named Abcde. Pronounced like Absidy. Predominantly female. Most common in Hawaii.

    I learn something every day.

  24. Bee Gees had a song titled Absidy didn't they?

  25. Abcde
    When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
    It's Abcde
    When the morning cries and you don't know why
    It's hard to bear
    With no-one to love you you're
    goin' nowhere

  26. I understand that this was the inspiration for the Bee Gees song "Tragedy."

  27. Thanks for explaining the last two comments for us there, Zman.

  28. In Winchester tonight. Eat/drink recs, Danimal?

  29. In Covington, VA now. I see a place called Cucci's Pizza. How do you pronounce that place?

  30. Whit....lots of new good stuff down on the old town mall. You won't recognize it.
    I should send you to Brewbaker's for at least a beer or two. Ask for Monty. Tell 'em your pals with myself and Buckles and the rest of us you know from the big W. He and I graduated from HS together. And if you do that, ask about the "Ronnie incident" during our 25th reunion.
