Friday, December 26, 2014

Gheorghemas Day 9: Late Gifts Still Worth Giving

Hey Gheorghies! After being laid out by the flu earlier this week I'm nearly back to full health (any time this sore throat and runny nose want to give it a rest will be just fine) and here to deliver a few late Gheorghemas gifts. Obviously these are late because I was sick but it takes a long time to deliver gifts to G:TB HQ this time of year when you're coming from Florida too. So, what I'm saying is be happy these gifts arrived in December. Holiday traffic is a bitch.

The first gift I'm giving is my all time favorite Christmas song. It's a classic and yet most people don't think of it as a Christmas song but listen to the lyrics closely and pay attention to the sleigh bells in the background and you'll see I'm right.

While we're talking music, here's another gift. Dave mentioned on Christmas Eve but Run The Jewels 2 is fanfuckingtastic and you should all download it. Actually, go back and download the original Run The Jewels as well. Killer Mike and El-P are hip hop's odd couple. One is rapper from the Dungeon Family tree in Atlanta and the other is a rapper producer from Brooklyn who began his career at the heart of the underground hip hop movement. In many lifetimes they never work together at all, much less become close friends and collaborators. Luckily enough for all of us though, that wasn't this lifetime.

Christmas is a wonderful time. We get to spend time with family and friends, many of whom we haven't seen in months. We have yet another excuse to over indulge in food and drink and people buy us things. I don't know about you but I still enjoy getting gifts. The problem that often arises with these gifts is that our family and friends don't know our tastes quite as well as they think they do. With that in mind, make sure you get something you really want this year but going to the Clearance section of I told Zman about it a year or so ago and I encourage all of you do check it out. It's loaded with shoes, gear and clothes. All at a large discount. I check it out about once a month. Go there, look around and get yourself something nice. I did a few days before Christmas and look what showed up at my house on Christmas Eve.

Merry Gheorghemas to me! And to all of you.


  1. I realize I'm a little late on this, but I need to share that I totally had the single of "reggae Xmas" back in the day and played the shit out of that thing. Basically it was that + "Do you Know is Xmas" in constant rotation.

    And, I received my copy of "reggae Xmas" as a member of the official Bryan Adams fan club.

  2. My coworker's some works for Nike and she let me order some stuff at the family discount for Xmas. zson got 1s and zdaughter got foamposits.

  3. And I have an old pair of Air Max 90s similar to those with the new school sole.

  4. My AirMax game has been highly elevated by the clearance section of Nike Store.

  5. I likes those Jacquard jawns but I already have too many sneakers. I regret not getting them of course.

  6. i had my eye on those jacquards, too, z, but i just got done bitching at my wife about all the fucking money we spent this xmas and was thusly a bit sheepish about buying more stuff. maybe i'll do it tomorrow.

  7. as for run the jewels, i was first exposed to them when killer mike spoke so eloquently and personally about the ferguson protests and mike brown. need to go listen to their first record - i dig the new one.

  8. that outkast song is great. i've been listing to run the jewels 2 and crooked rain, crooked rain the past two days . . . ebony and ivory.

  9. I was first exposed to El-P when he was a part of Company Flow. One of the very first underground hip hop groups that led that late 90s movement in NY. He then started the label Def Jux which was a huge label in that scene in the early 2000s. He's a hugely influential guy in terms of sound and business in the NY hip hop scene.

    This is a really good article on Killer Mike and his social values and influence in urban Atlanta.

  10. I got the worlds slipperiest slippers for
    Xmas, so slippery that I slid down my stairs and landed on my ass while carrying zdaughter. No one was injured but the slippers are in the trash along with my dignity.

  11. Don't call them slippers, Z. House shoes.

  12. my youngest daughter just made a 'yo mama' joke to her sister. in front of my wife. who is, in fact, her mama. metastupid.

  13. Just asking here. Was Dave somewhat unfamiliar with 'Player's Ball'? The way he referred to it made it seem that way.

    That song and the album it is on dramatically elevated my social status as a high school sophomore as I was a new kid at school and also happened to be the first kid to discover Outkast at my high school. Tastemaker, just saying.

  14. Speaking of taste making, zmom got zson some denim Coogi cargo shorts.

  15. I'm generally out on cargo shorts and denim shorts but the Coogi is aspect is a game changer.

  16. cool kirk goldsberry piece on my man draymond green:

    robot wearing medium if you want to get him a draymond green t-shirt

  17. Is this in lieu of the SkyMall Gmas gifts post?

  18. Coogi makes a bad-ass Cosby sweater.

  19. I guess the link would help:

  20. dave's entire wardrobe costs less than that sweater. and if we're being honest, i've never purchased an item of clothing that expensive, except for maybe a suit or two. how the fuck do people buy shit like that?

  21. zmom paid like $15 bucks at TJ Maxx for said jorts (which had an MSRP tag of $54 which made me say "who pays fifty four bucks for toddler jorts?!").

  22. Larry Bird used to rock Coogi sweaters on the regular near the end of his playing days. I own a Biggie shirt with him wearing a Coogi sweater.

    Clarence- TJ does the Sky Mall post. I usually "buy" gifts for the GTB staff but took the easy way out this year. Because I'm a terrible guy. Merry Gheorghemas!

  23. What's the deal with The 1975? They were not born that year. I am drunk-watching a Palladia festival w/ them. They seem to be trying to be Blink 182, but I may just be drunk.

  24. Off topic, but I ran into the most amazing dude on the planet today. I brought my kids to a local bar and grill for a late lunch (River Grill, Zman), at about 1:30. There was a guy at the bar in his 60's sporting the Dennis Eckersley hair/stache to a tee, almost certainly with the help of some black hair dye. He also had on an aqua blue v-neck sweater on that was one size too small, revealing an occasionally hard nipple. And it was tucked in. He had many necklaces, including a big interlocking NY, lots of bracelets and rings, and a giant belt buckle. He and a shady buddy drank three Buds and did a shot of something brown while I was there, cajoling my kids to eat their crappy chicken tenders. He then drove off in a white Vette. I am still kicking myself for not finding a way to take a photo.

  25. Made man. New Jersey sounds fun.

  26. I hung out with Greg for the first time this holiday season for a few beers and a shot tonight. He wasn't dressed like TR's boy in any way. 'twas a good time though.

    Greg is here for another two weeks. It's all downhill from here.

  27. I hope it was a late 70s Vette. That would be perfect. Like dirk digglers.
