Thursday, October 02, 2014

You Can't See This Post Because It's Wearing an Invisibility Cloak

Courtesy of the Doofus Overlord, a scientific discovery from the University of Rochester with significant implic

              n't wait until we scrape up the funds to buy one.


  1. That's neat. Those guys seem smart.

  2. I see what you did there, tiny

    and i approve

  3. that didn't work like i'd hoped. back to the workshop.

  4. you may disagree with sally jenkins' position on the nfl's concussion/cte issues, but it's worth reading:

    i confess to wrestling with conflicted feelings. i still love football, but it's impossible to watch it now a remain ignorant of the toll it takes.

  5. Drink more. It helps with the ignorance, and it also enables you to be empathetic.

    Naturally, I agree with you, but Dr. Clarence may be right.

  6. Well I'm no doctor but that monkey might be right.

  7. you're no doctor/i'm doctor seuss!

  8. TH Houshmandzadeh's melon is enormous. He makes Rocky Dennis look like Beetlejuice.

  9. And on the topic of football, DirecTV just upped its offer to $1.5 B/yr for 8 years for NFL rights as a condition to being acquired by AT&T.

    So the NFL ain't going anywhere, even if the hits make you uncomfortable (like they do to me).

  10. I'm surprised no one has investigated CTE among boxers, MMA fighters, hockey players, anyone else who gets hit in the head a lot. And not just professionals; lots of people in New England and the northern parts of the Midwest grow up playing hockey as kids and continue to play in leagues as adults. They don't get hit as much as pros, obviously, but there's still a lifetime of opportunity to get your bell rung one time too many.

  11. soccer players, too. lots of concussions in younger kids, especially, from heading a ball.

  12. And actors in V-8 commercials.

  13. I have had a few concussions, which may explain a lot. Football, rugby, drinking, fraternity, vigorous love-making.

  14. and you should've been outlawed years ago. quod erat demonstrandum.

  15. I got a big concussion snowboarding a few years back. My helmet cracked. I remember thinking this is what Troy Aikman used to feel like all the time. I also thought I was in Utah for 10 minutes, when I was really in Colorado. It's no joke.

    The irony is I was sent to the medical facility in Vail that Kobe visited when he got into trouble.

  16. I was going to make a suggestion as to why that's ironic but this is a family blog.

  17. Me, too! Clarence the Demure strikes again.

    The expression "a case of rape on his hang-low" would have really been inappropriate.

  18. Huh? I was going to make an Achilles' tendon joke.

  19. I had a meeting today with an outside vendor rocking John Lennon's glasses, Tim Robbins' hair circa High Fidelity, a mint green shirt, burgundy alligator shoes, a taupe suit which I suspect started out as a sack of peanuts from Five Guys, and a checkered ascot. Throughout the meeting I would randomly laugh out loud. It was tons of fun.

  20. It's been an array of turd sandwiches with these Thursday night games.

  21. On the train back from euwwes game. Clarence where is the band playing sat night?

  22. "Did you just drop hot soup on my wife?"

    I love The League. And scotch.

  23. The New Orleans episode of Fuck That's Delicious is here. Fantastic. I have been to Willie Mae's and can confirm its amazing.

  24. Mr KQ, the band is played at O'Sullivan's Wharf on Colley Ave. Same joint as post-wedding. Get some.

  25. How's that weekly pics post coming? Hmm? Maybe some upsets, hmm? Maybe winners will end up being losers and loser will become winners hmm?

  26. According to the NY Post, Prince Amukamara just lost his virginity on his wedding night. They're calling him "The Black Tebow." I had no idea.

  27. Boys becoming men. Men becoming wolves.

    I told someone I was going home early to watch the NATS and they looked at me like I was crazy.

  28. 40th Anniversary of Austin City Limits is on PBS tonight. Might be worth recording and watching later.

    Clarence, you should go here and sign up for one of the studies:
