Saturday, October 18, 2014

What is this, Week 8?

Week 8 Picks! Yeah! I write this from Winchester, post mini-summit with the Marls which was also our first time meeting. A wonderful chap he is if you have not had the pleasure. Mr. KQ - next time my friend. I regret only having a couple of hours to spare but my homeland was calling.

If keeping track at home, you've figured out that Mark and I are pretty bad at picking games. As compared to last year at this time, Mark was around 5 or 6 games above .500 and I 1 or 2 games above .500. Today, Mark is 6-14-1 and 9-12 for yours truly. This weekend we make some changes though. Right Mark? AndI'd like to apologize again for last week's half-ass effort. 'Twas on the annual golf trip with my laddy's. Well let's get onto it shall we?

Syracuse -5 at Wake Forest
I thought I'd start off with a bang here. It'd be interesting to see the TV ratings on the ND/FSU game IF everyone were required to first watch in its entirety, this shitshow of a football game. The doormat of ACC. Hell, the doormat of college football are these two. Five points seems like 3 touchdowns but what the hay. Syracuse has scored some points against far greater opponents including 20 against FSU and 15 against ND, with a few turnovers mind you. Wake has had far less success so for that reason, I gotta go with the 'Cuse.
'Cuse is in house omygod omygod.
Stanford -3.5 at Arizona State
That thar is a head-scratcher. If I'd guess this spread without seeing it I would have figured Stanford by a touchdown. Admittedly, and I'm sure this is of no surprise to anyone, I don't do much research on these games. Much of it is what I've seen and perceive from usually just one of the teams. And what I've seen from Stanford is a team that probably got a little more hype pre-season than it should have. Their offensive line and thus running game is pretty similar to the Jaguars of Jacksonville. My guess of a -7 point spread was more due to ASU being annihilated by UCLA last week 62-27 rather than Cardinal superiority.
Sun Devils
Notre Dame +11.5 at Florida State University
Yup. I'm going against my pre-season edict of not, under any circumstances, betting on an ND contest. Ignoring this game this weekend here at GTB would simply be sacrilege. 'nah gonna do it.
So what's going to happen? One of two things - ND loses by 2 or more touchdowns or they win by a couple. I don't see a middle ground here. One concern for ND is their recent propensity to turn the ball over multiple times per game. Golson alone has 9 of 'em in the last 3 games. Nine times? Nine times! Nine times? Yes, NINE TIMES. Throw in a few more among the other guys and out comes a struggle against Syracuse, and a game they could have lost against UNC. The concern though is also somewhat of a silver lining. Not too many teams regardless of who they are playing will/could come out with wins with that many TO's. The other concern is ND's secondary combined with their blitz packages that when executed flawlessly are effective. When not, not effective? Yeah, not effective. I don't see Winston having any problems play-wise with his distractions this week. He'll play well and so will FSU despite their recent challenges. Everyone gets up to play FSU and everyone gets up to play ND. Should be a good'n. And I'm going with the Irish. Shocker of the day right?
Last Week was a fucking debacle. Danimal and I both went ofer on our picks and I missed Florida blowing an extremely winnable game against LSU because the PGA National Reesort doesn't get the SEC Network. Things have to turn around this week, right? RIGHT?

Kentucky +10.5 at LSU- This is your Daddy's Kentucky team. That's because your Dad's Kentucky team played basketball and was coached by Joe B. Hall. But seriously, Mark Stoops has Kentucky trending up. He's recruited extremely well and has developed those recruits. They should've beat Florida in the Swamp and did beat South Carolina in Lexington. LSU doesn't play defense like the Les Miles coached LSU team we're accustomed to seeing. LSU probably finds a way to win but the Wildcats cover.
Georgia at Arkansas +3.5- Arkansas was a missed extra point away from taking Nick Saban and the Tide to Overtime last week. While the record may not yet reflect it, Bret Bielema has a much improved Razorback squad. They have two big time tailbacks, an offensive line that's bigger than any NFL Offensive Line and a more than adequate QB. It's pretty impressive that's managed to turn this program into Wisconsin South in less than two years. Now he just needs and SEC win to show the nation and his boosters that things are moving in the right direction. Today's the day he gets that win. Woo Pig Sooey.
Tennessee +16.5 at Ole Miss- I was wrong. Ole Miss is for real. Dr. Bo isn't the scattershot QB we've seen the past two years and those stud recruits that Hugh Freeze has brought to Oxford the past two years have developed nicely. Quiet as it's kept, Butch Jones is doing similar things with the program in Knoxville (Side note: Everyone in the SEC seems to be improving, except Florida. Hey Dan Mullen! How, YOU, doing?). Tennessee's issue this year is that they had to replace every starter on both the Offensive and Defensive line. That's a tall task and the main reason we won't see a significant difference in Tennessee's Win-Loss record this year. They're better though and they have some legitimate talent at the skill positions. Enough talent to keep this game somewhat close. Take the Vols and the points.
(My site didn't have the FSU-Notre Dame line listed but I'm with Danimal. Take the Irish and points. If you've been paying attention the one good wager I've been making all year is taking the FSU opponent and the points. They're not the asme team this year. Not even close. FSU wins as usual but they don't cover. As usual.)


  1. I like Rutgers getting 22 on the road against the Buckeyes. They tend to play up or down to the level of their opponents.

  2. I had put in photos as well as some editing that obviously did not save. That's too bad.

  3. In the Danimal v Blogger matchup, take Blogger every time.

  4. Blogger a three touchdown favorite over Danimal.

  5. I just carried my hangover and my 37 pound son around the hilliest zoo in NJ. I need a Bloody Mary and a nap.

  6. The only photo this post needs is Coach Kliff

  7. I'm not posting anymore photos of Kliff until I'm convinced he's actually a good Head Coach. So...gonna be a while.

    Meanwhile, Baylor has 160 yards of total offense and 162 penalty yards. That's bad, right?

  8. The blogger is good at effing with me. Why the hell can't I get rid of the space at the top? It's driving my ocd bonkers. AHHHHHHH!!!!
    How 'bout Ashley j and the sun devil from where I would guess would be Cambodia or 'Nam? Heh? diggity diggity.

  9. The baby coach Kliff is creepy but the real one is mighty fine!

  10. We've used the Sun Devil coed pic multiple times. I approve of it's continued use.

  11. Trickster!
    I thought she looked familiar.
    And speaking of creepy.... the Lincoln commercial gives me the wierdos. Or is it weirdos?

  12. The one where McConaughey is talking to the bull? I want some of those drugs.

    Baylor's defense is as bad as Florida's offense.

  13. Ohio a State freshman LB Raekwon McMillan is a beast. And his name is Raekwon so I obviously love him.

  14. I assume he's called the chef for short.

  15. I don't know if there's ever been a single Lincoln model that made me say "I want one of those." Not even Wooderson can get me into a Lincoln showroom.

  16. Rutgers not quite playing up to their competition just yet.

  17. They're playing down at Howard's level, but they're not playing Howard.

  18. What Alabama is doing to A&M should be a felony.

  19. Arkansas vigorously disputing my notion that they are much improved. Christ.

  20. you guys want 2000 words on the tribe hoops scrimmage i watched this afternoon?

  21. We're getting it either way so why bother asking, Rob?

  22. For the first time ever (I think), I'm going to be rooting for the Irish tonight. I've had my fill of Jameis Anus.

  23. Brutal loss by the Tribe today.

  24. everyone on college gameday picked the hogs over the dogs. welp.

  25. I was at Doak Campbell the last time Notre Dame came to town. That was early in the Tyrone Willingham era. Carlyle Holiday and the Irish took it to FSU that day. ND had a black leprechaun mascot that year. I cannot accurately portray the racist vitriol lobbed towards said mascot that day. I rooted for ND that day. Ill root for them again tonight.

  26. Also, Florida sucks and I hate watching them play football.

  27. I remember that game well. Ty was the second coming. And then he discovered he had carte blanche access to the university golf course. The rest is history.

  28. After a particularly bad loss during the Zook era a homeless guy walked into a bar across the street from the Swamp and yelled out 'Welcome to the 80s!'. I hope he's still around to do that tonight.

  29. A buddy on the Board of USARFU just informed me that as of yesterday the US v NZ All Black game at Soldier Field on 11/1 is sold out. 61,500 tix sold. Ponder that.

  30. Fade my wagers at all times this year. Things will work out well for you.

  31. Don't encourage Rob, Mr. KQ.

  32. David Robinson's hairline is unfortunate. His son is fast as shit.

  33. Kelly deserves a lot of credit for game-planning around Golson. His strengths and weaknesses are so obvious. Kelly's put him in positions to succeed all game.

    Irish really are playibg their hearts out. Almost makes me not hate Catholicism. Almost.

  34. Bobo's real name is Jesus, according to Google. That mak sense.

  35. FSU also has Karlos Williams Sr. no relation to William Carlos Williams?

  36. "Are you a homo?"

    "No. I'm a Bobo."

    Name the movie.

  37. Heartbreaker. From the highest of high's to the lowest of low's. Great game. Go Irish.

  38. Keep betting against FSU.

    I really, really dislike many things about this FSU team.

  39. So fsu has Louisville on the road. The others are uva, bc, miami, and uf. That sucks. Looks pretty good for them. And the more I hear Jimbo, the less I like him.
    And I and others were wrong about Ohio State. Those effers might find their way.
    And lastly for Mark, does Muschamp finish the season employed.

  40. Tear gas in Morgantown.

  41. Since I was home last my mom's pretth little sun porch with dainty wicker furniture has been converted to a man cave for my old man. Leather furniture, tv, space heater, remote control for the lights. Ed 1. Bev 0.

  42. A late night crown royal influenced prediction....notre dame loses to either asu or northwestern.

  43. Walked into a bar for last 30 seconds of ND/Fsu. Yeah.

  44. The last minute twitter feed of the nd games needs to be nominated for twitter hof.

  45. Crown Royal needs to be in the Danimal's quiver more often.
    I also like Arizona State cheerleaders. They seem like very nice young ladies.
    And lastly, but probably not really lastly, this looks like this will be my first 3-0 week for gtb picks. Ever.

  46. But it's not like we have been doing picks for years though. 19 weeks is all.

  47. Btw stanford had 70 yards rushing

  48. "Are you a homo?"

    "No. I'm a Bobo."

    - from legendary comedy (and Howie Mandel opus) Walk Like a Man.

  49. up at 7:00 to drive three hours to chaperone a birthday party with 12 13 year-old girls. this is suboptimal.

  50. While playing with various animal toys zson asked "what does the fox say?" I told him ring ding ding ding da ding da ding but he doesn't believe me.

  51. these kids are fucking lunatics

  52. 13 year old girls are lunatics. They'll normalize in 35 years or so.

  53. I like the Rob Lowe DirectTV commercials. They amuse me.

  54. One can only hope to contain Colt McCoy.

  55. my man mike paci got me a signed copy of bob ryan's new book. that kid is alright.

  56. jimbo fisher is rocketing up the list of annoying douchefuck coaches.

  57. Douchefuck. You mind if I use thst one?

  58. Comment 69 is an NFL trivia question - of the top 25 all-time rushers in NFL history, how many played their whole careers w/ only one team?

  59. Payton, Sanders, Dorset, Brown. Maybe Franco Harris. That's all I got.

  60. Dorsett and Franco, like Emmett Smith, had feeble cameos on other teams to end their careers. You got three of the four. The one you missed is not quite in their rarified air - Tiki Barber.

    Gore is about to pass Eddie George and be the fifth guy.

    And that's one to grow on.
