Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Young Sneezy

GTB's "Adopt a rob" campaign was once again a success this year, as Penn State junior Mary Krupa agreed to clothe and house our tiny dictator over the course of the school year. Below, in her own words, Ms. Krupa, the "Squirrel Whisperer"...with a bonus pic of rob in his Sunday best:
"My parents were worried you might bullied for making friends with the squirrels," she told WJAC. "That isn't something a normal person does but people seem to really love originality and creativity."


  1. best not to tell my wife about my relationship with a college girl - we all clear on that?

  2. She's just helping you open and run a legitimate business. I see no harm in that.

  3. on a different topic, i strenuously disagree (a few good men-style) with shlara's notion that there's no such thing as privacy in the cloud. internet hosting services exist to securely host data belonging to individuals and businesses. i have every expectation that those services are taking appropriate precautions to ensure that my data is not disclosed inappropriately. were they proven to have not done so, i believe i'd have cause for action. without some basic expectation for privacy and security, their business model blows up completely.

  4. i can see a market for people to stand in as nudes for celebs in selfies, though. create plausible deniability through photoshopping.

  5. so, you're saying their business model would be... exposed?
    /puts on sunglasses
    //The Who blares

  6. i certainly won't be fooled again by you, my friend

  7. Are you suggesting these hosting firms may be utilizing an eminence front?

  8. Full frontal eminence, from what I've seen.

  9. if some of the celebs in question are to be believed, the guess who might be involved, as well.

  10. as always, teej. isn't that in our constitution?

  11. As you mentioned, best not to tell your wife or you'll get no sugar tonight.

  12. Then you'll have to go find a new Mother Nature.

  13. You better you better you bet you will.

  14. I'm going to the Kentucky Derby with Wes Welker next year.

  15. Hi gheorghies, from Streamsong.
