Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 4 Picks!

Top of the morning to ya ladies! As everyone knows, Mark is with his Pop this weekend taking part in much more important things than spending time on weekly football picks. So, it might be just me going solo this weekend. Or...on behalf of the GTB brain trust, the invitation is extended to anyone interested in a guest appearance today. I'd give Mark until 11:00 should he decide to slip something in here if you are feeling frisky.

Please note - I swear on the holy bible I made my FSU/Clemson decision Wed or Thurs. If I must, I'll pick another game should the Executive Committee deem necessary.

Oklahoma -8 at WVU
7:30 p.m.

Who else is jumping on the Trickett Train this weekend? Clint, pronounced CLEE-int, is now beginning to get some print, much deserved. CT is amassing big boy yardage with a completion percentage to boot – 1200 & 75%! Hello!!!! And his 4 top receivers each average 10 yards or more per catch. Well, technically one is only at 9.8, but still. Morgantown is going to be OUT. OF. CONTROL this weekend. Oklahoma has their own weapons and a nice QB in Trevor Knight. He just seems to be a little inconsistent. When he’s on, he’s on. I see them eking out a win but needing to score last to do it. Orrrrr….they don’t convert that last possession and WVU wins! Could see a record breaking couch-burn up there in West by God. Either way, I can’t wait for this one.
West Virginia
Clemson +16.5 at Florida State
8:00 p.m.

Jameis Jameis Jameis. What the fuck? Does he only possess common sense when he’s on the football field? Apparently. On the football field, thus far anyway, he’s been pretty pedestrian as has been their defense. Citadel scored 12 points on them losing “only” by 25. They rushed for 250 yards, 322 in total. That’s not a bunch, but we’re talking about the CITADEL. They converted 11 out of 17 3rd down attempts! FSU probably, and somewhat understandably had a difficult time getting fired up for that game. But I say it is pathetic. This line was 22+ pre-poor decision by JW. After his suspension was announced, it dropped by almost a touchdown. Almost. I’m predicting FSU loses the turnover battle (rookie QB related) which will be the difference in covering this spread.

Oregon -23 at Washington State
10:30 p.m.

I’m short on time and patience here. Must take Oregon. Back up the truck people!

Mark's got much better things to do that hang out with jackasses like us, and by all accounts he's had a pretty cool weekend already. Since he's a man of the people, he sent us his picks to sate our gambling jones.

Indiana @ Mizzou -13

(Note: I can't believe this line. It's like they want us to have free money. If I were a gambling man, I'd load up the kids' college funds and drop them on the Tigers. Which doesn't bode well for Mark's pick, now that I think about it. - Rob)

The Hoosiers (1-1) are coming off a loss to Bowling Green, while Mizzou has quietly opened their season with three straight wins, albeit against mediocre opponents. Nonetheless, a two touchdown line for any SEC team other than Vandy against a lower-rung Big 10 team is simply a gift.

Tulane @ Duke -17

There's a cool story in this week's Sports Illustrated about Rohan Marley, the former Miami linebacker and son of Bob. His son Nico is a 5'9", 200-lb sophomore linebacker for the Green Wave. Rohan runs a thriving coffee company in Jamaica, eponymously named Marley Coffee. Their motto: 'Stir It Up'. It's based in the Blue Mountains. Duke is the Blue Devils. So there's that.

Oregon - 23.5 @ Wazzu

Looks like both our prognosticators like the Ducks. Mike Leach's boys are gonna surprise someone, but neither Mark nor I think it'll be Oregon.

Bonus Gambling!

Since I have the mic, I give you your William & Mary Tribe -10 over the Lafayette Leopards. (Note: I think they're the Leopards. Too busy/lazy to look it up. If they're not, they should be.) Lock of the week, though - it's time for Jimmye's vaunted offense to show up. Or at least for the new look Tribe defense to continue to stand tall. Speaking of the latter, nice piece by FOGTB Dave Fairbank on W&M's junior corner DeAndre Houston-Carson in the Daily Press this week.


  1. Rex Chapman had a 12 year NBA career but he's so broke that he has to boost shit from the Apple store to make ends meet?

  2. If I was a high profile BMOC with a potential eight figure NFL career ahead of me and accusations of rape behind me, I would not do anything to jeopardize said NFL career, including but not limited to avoiding screaming sexually insensitive obscenities in a public area. Jameis is a moron. Hopefully he isn't really a rapist too.

  3. and if i was that bmoc's coach, he wouldn't go anywhere without a handler

  4. Yeah, if you're the most recognizable face on campus, probably best to avoid any conduct that is tweetable. It's not really your word against theirs when there are 200 people tweeting that they saw it.

  5. once again, emphatic proof that this guy is a turrrrible prognosticator of footballing.

  6. Muschamp needs to start working on his résumé. Shit is over for him in Gainesville.

  7. first time i've seen blake sims play live. he and cooper have something going.

  8. My neighborhood block party is out of hand. They hired a DJ who's currently blasting Cotton Eye Joe at Yankee Stadium decibels. My five month old is not going to bed on time.

  9. Now it's Don't Stop Believing. I want to die.

  10. mizzou wasn't content with just botching the cover. they went ahead and lost to indiana. at home.

  11. Sweet Caroline. I'm vomiting on my iPhone.

  12. I hope you didn't bet the college fund. It's harder to screw up with a 529.

  13. Gators allowed 645 yards today, most in Gator history. Would have hit 700 if it weren't for the giveaways. Yeah, Muschamp is toast.

  14. Z...step outside in your tighty whitey's and go apeshit. That'll do it.

  15. tribe scores 24 straight to win and cover.

  16. 3rd and 10 on oklahoma's 20 and Dana calls a run play, settling for a field goal. What's the process on getting to that decision?

  17. I think I may jump on the WVU bandwagon

  18. I don't think they have the juice to hang on which is too bad. The day had the potential for a major shake up in the rankings.
    And on queue, LSU scores a quick td off a turnover. Oh my. Not over.

  19. Tiger stadium is at about 20% capacity. Onside kick coming.

  20. Miss st recovers. 90 sec left.

  21. LSU is going to get another crack at it. 3-4 plays maybe.

  22. And speaking of bandwagon, the fresh qb for Clemson is going to have a lot of people on his.

  23. They should show Winston more.
    Umm...just saw that he came out after halftime with his shoulder pads on. They sent him back to the locker room to take me off. Douche. And why do suspended players get to be on the sidelines? If I was the Big Dog, that would not be allowed.
    Just talkin by myself here. Keep moving.

  24. clemson gonna clemson. and i find that my long-dormant disdain for florida state is in full bloom.

  25. jameis is a terrible hat wearer. add that to the list of his questionable choices.

  26. You have got to be shitting me.

  27. I'd really like to go to sleepy town,

  28. Holy shit they are going to kick the field goal.

  29. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. That last run of comments by dan with a lone interjection by Rob is fantastic.

  31. In unrelated commentary, this season has rekindled my hatred af all Florida teams (FU, FSU, Miami, Marlins, Heat, Dolphins).

  32. Finally, how do you make a Citadel bet and not use a Lords of Dicipline photo? Bad form.

  33. Just finished watching CLEM/FSU this morning and have mixed emotions. I'm happy for the backup QB for getting a win when he was thrust into the spotlight through no fault of his own. I'm mad at Clemson for leaving so, so, SO MANY points on the field. All those shenanigans in the red zone were ridiculous. I'm also disappointed that Jameis Winston probably takes no lessons away from this situation. His team and Clemson (mostly the latter) let him off the hook. Had they lost that game I think he takes a lot more away from it.

  34. Rob Bironas, former kicker for Titans and Terry Bradshaw's son-in-law, died in a car crash last night. Only 36, just married a couple of months ago,

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I don't think fsu is good enough to run the table. We will see another Clemson-like opportunity without the inevitable Clemson-like opportunity. Signing off, from the toilet. Have a wonderful Sunday morning everyone.

  37. P.s. Go to my twitter handle to see the retweet of Jimbo's reaction to Jameis' donning of his shoulder pads. Seriously, the kid is such a d-bag.

  38. put down the pipe, marls. nobody made a citadel bet.

  39. My phone died last night but I did get out of my Dad's ceremony and to the bar just as the 4th Q of Clemson-FSU began. That was next level Clemsoning.

    Also I hate FSU. So, so much.

  40. my sources in florida are hearing rumblings that the fsu trustees are not pleased with jameis, and that he may have lied about several recent incidents. expulsion is on the table. i'd be stunned, but what's the fun in hearing a rumor and not spreading it?

  41. yeah, mark, my hatred of fsu has been rekindled over the past two years.

  42. Can put some $ on a major scandal involving Jameis once he reaches the NFL? I'd like to do that. If he's this much of an idiot now I don't think millions of dollars is going to result in a more measured, mature approach.

  43. speaking of hatred, man u just gave up four unanswered second half goals to lose to leicester. ha ha!


  44. The clip of Jameis and Jimbo is fantastic.

  45. I assume that FSU will do the FSU thing and wait until after the season then kick him out.

  46. I'm 12 minutes in. Love that Philly O has not touched ball yet. Bodes well for 2nd half stamina.

  47. Oh boy - if McCoy done for the day, me Likey.

  48. EJ Manuel is incapable of throwing more than 5 yards past the line of scrimmage.

  49. After drinking a dozen or so cups of Bud heavy last night I should not have had Popeye's chicken tenders at the local mall. My intestines are rebelling against me.

  50. It does not smell like victory.

  51. Wow, that seems like the first time a former player has gotten any form of revenge while playing as a member of Washington.

  52. Feels like Washington has played about as well as they can, and Philly has played about 75% as well as they can.

  53. zson just shit on my basement rug. All the zpeople are digestively challenged today.

  54. Why do airports both having different types of restaurant brands? They all over the same 4 things and all of the food tastes the same if you're at chilis or wolfgangs or cibo.

    They should just label it all "crappy airport food you're stuck eating"

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