Friday, September 05, 2014

The Tiny Dictator is off golfing today...

So why not let these lovely images serve as some Friday morning filler for us, while we eagerly await some sort of picks column, written by our two favorite gambling degenerates. I might even have some more useless filler later today - if so, POST COUNT.


  1. as I asked before I was cut off, it's time to buy a laptop. no apple. do tell.

    also - where's rob playing gawf today? you all may have seen my comment from the other evening. visited a new joint called streamsong in bumfuck florida, between tampa & Orlando but closer to tampa. unfortunately they are not someone we work for, yet. (evil laugh) the place is butter. if a golfer and in that neck of the woods you need to go check it out. they whore the place out this time year, which is nice.

  2. no idea where rob is golfing today

    i also am clueless about laptops

  3. Don't know if it will meet your needs but I got my oldest a google chromebook for middle school. It's light and seems more than serviceable for her needs. Pretty cheap too.

  4. appreciated...will check it out.

  5. I'm in the market for a laptop as well. Would like to keep it pretty cheap. Neither bells nor whistles needed.

  6. We are in the market for a laptop as well for our 15 year old. Although she's looking at a nicer one than I'd probably get. Maybe purchasing power? Anyone else? Bueller? Put it on the G:TB Corporate Card for miles?

    I'm also proud to report that she is paying for half with money she has saved up from her job. That's right, we're bucking the trend in our area of buying the kids every effing thing they want.

  7. atta boy mr kq! that's a plan we have adopted as well. it's more about saving my wife & I money than it is teaching them the value of. amiright?

  8. bull run is the venue. hot as fuck is the weather. we just got a macbook pro, which is nice. but if it were up to me, we'd have gone with a chromebook.

  9. do you get to make any decisions in your house?

  10. youareright. Rob did you reach 9 or 18 in 2?

  11. I've been rocking briefs ever since the grapefruit spoon incident. This two week stretch is the longest I've kept it brief in decades and I must say the extra support has been a revelation. I may have to reevaluate my entire underpants situation.

  12. Unlike his shots, well played.

  13. I've dabbled in briefs before. (not in 'Nam of course). But when my luggage was lost on the way to Greece, my underwear purchasing options were quite limited. I couldn't go to Greek Wal Mart or Target and get a 3 pack for $7.99 (or whatever). No, I had to buy individual pieces of underwear at 15 euros a pop: shitty, ill-fitting underwear. The brand was called "Sicko Nineteen" and like a cheap hotel, there was no ballroom.

  14. Oh and I'm going to see DJ Shadow & Cut Chemist tonight. Pretty excited even though I'm a little worn out from last night's Yankee game (which was really cool)--had the kingslayer seats again.

  15. I went back to briefs a couple years ago. Makes slacks-wearing (and Tom Cruise impersonating) easier.

    On the subject of laptops, I got a new Lenovo ThinkPad at work. It's uber-light and travel-friendly. I am debating getting the same one for our much-needed home PC and getting a 2-monitor docking station so I can work from home. And view the internet's latest fetish erotica offerings (naturally).

    I can get you the Lenovo model if you want, D-Money. I am similarly hesitant to go Apple, and I will never ever ever buy a Dell again.

  16. You can do a dual screen setup with one monitor and an open laptop (if like me you're too cheap for two monitors).

  17. Tr...have been using a lenovo thinkpad and have been pretty happy with it. Which model do you have? Uber light and travel friendly? Yes please.

  18. I was bummed not to be going to the Lock'n festival this weekend. Now I am watching it streamed in HD on the big screen with cold beers and AC with a few friends. Not a bad runner up.

    Truckers on now. Just played Puttin People on the Moon. All right.

  19. was in the rough pin high on 18, mr kq. it took about all i've got, swing-wise. 9, though a par 4, was a different story altogether. we made a hash of that one.

  20. I spent most of the day turning mountains into oceans, while wearing briefs, but no golf or Truckers.

  21. Greg's cheap hotel comment really got me. Cut Chemist & Shadow will be epic. I'm going next Sunday. CAN'T WAIT.

  22. Also, Westside Weekend on XM/Sirius Backspin. Doooope.

  23. I too recall Greg's luggage issue in Greece (Jerry had the same problem). The two took different approaches to coping with the prospect of having no clothes for 10 days. Jerry wore my more snug-fitting clothes and Greg bought Lacoste shirts for something like 130 Euro a pop.

  24. My wife has many tattoos though not nearly as many as me (she does have a whole back piece though) and most aren't readily visible. Until today when she got a large and very visible one. Pretty sure my in-laws are going to blame me for this one.

  25. The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story on Lifetime.

  26. my daughters are giggling uncontrollably while i play dumb about why 'gamecocks' might be a funny word. this is the end of the innocence.

  27. My stepdaughter went to a middle school dance tonight. Welcome to the club, Rob.

  28. the golf event i was at today had a silent auction. one of the items was 4 tickets to a game at fenway with a vip tour and a chance to take batting practice before the game. i bid $700, then had to leave. my buddy texted me that the bid had been raised to $800, but there were only 10 minutes left. i got the text 18 minutes after it was sent. dagger. i would've gone to $1000. it went for $905.
