Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Interesting Restaurant Concept

I'm in an all day training down here at el fábrica de galletas, so thought I'd leave you with this pic. This fine culinary establishment is located in Shirlington, mere minutes from my house. Heard the tossed salad is to die for.


  1. anyone catch the end of the yankees' game last night. jeter at the plate, two out, bottom 9th, scene set for a natural-style walkoff. crowd (with a bunch of empty seats - nice fans) was buzzing. even i was almost rooting for it.

    whiffed meekly on three pitches, late willie mays style. could've heard a pin drop. it was almost sad.

  2. Trawt Nix-un nevah, NEVAH, would hahv whiffed in that spawt. NEVAH!!! He had haaaaaaht! Wickid haaht! So did Nomah ... until he dih-int. Let's nawt tawk about Nomah.

  3. methinks someone has a jetersadz. i thought it would've been a cool moment if jeter walked off. you're projecting keith olbermann's jeterhate onto me. you're a projector!

  4. I'd still take Jeter over Jeff Driskel.

  5. I have two post content requests:

    1. Ryder cup preview
    2. The upcoming Elonis case before the Supreme Court

    Zman should cover the latter, obviously.

  6. Geoff or Danimal can get on the former.

  7. geoff (or one of his minions) is efforting the former.

  8. that's what I like to hear. or see.

  9. A dirty projector?

    You have to admit there was a pejorative undertone to your comment. "nice fans." "almost sad." "meekly." "late willy mays style." Maybe not full on hate (of which I did not accuse you) but there was clear derision.

  10. I'm guessing this should make an appearance in the Ryder discussion:

  11. the 'nice fans' part was certainly pejorative. last homestand of the captain's (my captain) career, team still in the playoff race, and giant swaths of empty seats visible on camera. that's something yankee fans don't like to talk about at cocktail parties.

    the rest of it, i think, was in keeping with my post from yesterday about my haterespect for jeter.

  12. and careful in responding, z. wouldn't want to provoke dave's ire by spending too much time talking about this quaint relic from an earlier time.

  13. I guess on the Jeter stuff I have two simple thoughts, not that anyone was waiting...

    1. The fawning over Jeter by Yanks fans is totally understandable. I get it, and in this day and age to have had a guy play for that long at that level and never leave your team and be responsible for that many lasting memories and not be a douche and not be a PED suspect... it's unheard of. Fawn away.

    Just don't expect me to fawn along. And most of you don't, but quite a few Yanks fans do. Friends and bar strangers alike. They try to make the case over a beer as to why I should overtly acknowledge his greatness. I've already conceded how terrific Jeter is but that's not enough. I have to hear it over and over, and every time my agreement/allegiance is demanded. My nextdoor neighbor is one. Great guy. Annoying Yankee fan. Luckily he takes me semi-seriously when I deadpan that actually in the 90's Rey Ordonez was a better fielding SS and Benny Agbayani's OPS was better over a three year period and I would have to take Cal Ripken over him for an all-timer. Fill in the blanks with any name; delivered in earnest, shruggingly and "I may be crazy but that's how I feel," it drives these folks nuts.

    2. Red Sox fans have no credibility with me. I give Rob a pass to a degree, but his ilk could say, "I hate the friggin Yankees but Jeter is unbelievable." Instead, you guys have deep-rooted feelings (with Neyer stats tattooed on your forearm to bring out whenever) that he wasn't so great. It's bred of... see above, but you know what? Red Sox Nation, larger than China these days, have morphed into Yankee Nation Part II ever since 2004, and Sawx fans barking about Yanks fans are like that episode of Friends where Schwimmer played dual roles and Ross was pettily sniping with Russ. Enough.

    In the Shakespeare quote Rob borrowed, Marc Antony says he comes to bury Caesar not praise him, then praises him powerfully. Rob buries Jeter in much the same vein. The squirrel doth proclaim it too much, methinks. He was our generation's ___ fill in the blank baseball great. Sucks he was a Yankee, but tip a cap and let the blathering fade to black, as it will.

  14. I know Simmons has become SUPER annoying in the last few years, but his rants on Goddell are awesome and ESPN's suspension is redic.

  15. Isn't it "ridic"?

    Sorry. Curious suspension to me. Tomorrow is SportGuy's birthday, so he gets to relax and have fun. Also born on 9/25 are many people just like him: William Faulkner, Phil Rizzuto, Michael Douglas AND Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mark Hamill AND Christopher Reeve, Potsie, the Fresh Prince, Scottie Pippen, Heather Locklear, and Hubie Brown.

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