Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rugger? I Wouldn't Want to Be Hit by Her.

Courtesy of man of the world Mr. KQ, we commend to your attention Meya Bizer, a 21 year-old Penn State student who happens to be the world's hardest-hitting female rugby player. Bizer, a fullback on the USA Women's Eagles, is nicknamed The Human Sledgehammer. Check out the video below to see why:

ESPNW opines that, "Bizer might just be the hardest-hitting athlete, male or female, in sports." While we're probably not ready to go there, if for no other reason than the fact that, at 5'8, 158 lbs, she gives up seven inches and nearly 70 pounds to, say, Kam Chancellor, she's still a singularly impressive athlete. Penn State and USA Women's Rugby strength coach Ian Jones tells a story of Bizer's work in the weight room: "At Penn State, some of our male athletes from rugby or lacrosse or football will be training across the room and they'll see the weight she's moving and they're like, 'Holy s---, I can't even do that.' Her force development is unique for a female athlete, and it transfers onto the field."

The Women's Eagles fell to New Zealand, 34-3, in Women's Rugby World Cup play on Friday, and failed to advance out of group play. But at only 21, we're sure to see - and feel - more of Bizer over the coming years.


  1. I love the quote in the article (and I'm paraphrasing/butchering it here) that said a runner would break out of the pack and you could see the fear in their eyes as they scanned the field wondering where Bizer is. Heh heh. That's so awesome.

  2. She got jacked up!! Wait, are we still allowed to say that?

  3. Sent this to a buddy who played for the US Team. His response? "I want to marry her."

    * It should be noted he was a prop.

  4. I also found her hits to be kind of hot.

  5. speaking of kind of hot:

  6. First Robin Williams, then Lauren Bacall. Who's next?

  7. The funniest/worst thing I've read on Robin Williams' passing:

    "What a tragedy! Why couldn't it have been Dane Cook..."

  8. dave doesn't get that joke

  9. tiger just did tom watson a huge solid.

  10. I'm on an Entourage binge-watching bender. I forgot how many great cameos are in this series

  11. Buddy of mine from Belfast works for ITN / ITV News. He covers the Middle East from Dubai. Just played golf with him a couple weeks ago while he was here for a week. Thought I heard his voice on tv tonight and shot him a note - start at bottom.

    Well picked up Kenny!

    That was me. I got on an ancient Iraqi army helicopter for a supply run to the top of the refugee mountain.
    When we got there and dumped the stuff the big-hearted pilot let more than fifty of those poor people on board for a ride outta there.

    That big bird struggled up but we made it. Emotional stuff.
    The same chopper crashed on the mountain the next day.

    Love to all,

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Aug 14, 2014, at 4:18 AM,

    Hey Johnny I swear I just heard you on the Rachel Maddow show. She did a segment with video from ITV News about too many refugees getting on a helicopter in Iraq. Sounded like you were on board. Something about it was supposed to hold 15 passengers and there were more than 50 on board.

    Take care mate - I liked it better when you were on the veranda at ANCC and we were sharing a few pints and stories. Stay safe bro.

    Cheers, Kenny

  12. I saw that footage from the chopper late last night. That is crazy insane. And sad as all get out. My first thought was...."this helicopter is not going to get off of the ground".

  13. damn, ken.

    way less importantly, for zman - norfolk state has new adidas headgear available for sale.

  14. This is why it's important to calibrate your kids' expectations regarding who qualifies as a hero.

  15. And I'm talking about the helicopter pilot, not rob and his tip on adidas NSU hats.

  16. Found the full link:


  17. My office became dust as hell when I started watching that video.

  18. The DC G:TB contingent should be excited at the news that Momofuku is opening a DC location.

  19. dane cook would never off himself. he knows how huge and awesome he is.

    and while that chick can hit, she's no Pip (hey? didja see ma hit?)

  20. Good God Mr. KQ--this is both heart-warming and heart-breaking. I watched the video then re-read your note from him...

  21. get to, pronto. celebrity dj.

  22. That is awesome. And they're making plans for Nigel.

  23. OMG just got a shout out. I'll never wash this keyboard again. Wait.

    What about Pete Yorn for Y? Does that count. I did prefer Clarence's pick of Yeah Yeah Yeahs over Yaz.

  24. The letter corresponded to first names. According to my co-host.

    Thanks for listening!
