Monday, May 19, 2014

Spam Comment of the Year

Someone want to take a crack at deciphering this Footloose/pot brownie spam comment left on a soccer post?

Lazy Monday, indeed...


  1. Like flaming globes sigmund like flaming globes ha ha ha!!

  2. worst footloose review ever

  3. Was someone playing Mad Libs?

  4. i like to dance in movies that are prohibited because of nostalgia. i like hunting snark but it is hard to get good molecular gastronomy in the forest.

  5. nope, it's impossible to duplicate the work of that bot.

  6. cool oral history of the 9:30 club:

  7. pretty great post over at sentence of dave today, if you're into that sort of thing

  8. Did Zman just botch a line from Dazed and Confused?

    I think what the bot wanted to say was Fuck You Yankee Blue Jeans.

  9. bought a new printer today. i just printed something from my phone. mind. blown. #future

  10. also, defended gheorghe's honor on twitter in response to something dan lebatard said about the big fella on his show today. forced a retraction. gheorghe is all powerful.

  11. Did you tell him to replace the b in his last name with an r? Cuz that's what I would've done.


  12. It appears that I share health insurance carriers with Walter White and Hank Schrader. They covered $342 of my $11,400 wrist surgery. And will only count $1,400 towards my yearly $10k out of pocket maximum.

  13. so you have to come out of pocket for 11 large?

  14. Yes, plus the $1200 I already paid the anesthesiologist. It's my fault for going out of network (my dr is not in any network nor does he need to be, he's one of the top guys in the area and he fixes injured Jets). But to say that I'm responsible for $11k but I'm only $1400 out of pocket ... that shit hurts.

  15. that's fucking crazy, man

  16. It's all ball bearings these days.

  17. Whoa,Zman. Next time go hit up my good friend, Dr. Nick.

  18. go watch the video i posted on sentence of dave. i promise you will not be disappointed. 17 seconds that explain the mysteries of the human mind.

  19. didn't realize rob already promoted my post today, i will read the g:tb comments more carefully next time.

  20. that was yesterday's post. but the advice regarding careful reading still stands. and then some.

  21. reading is fun-dave-mental

  22. SEC Football rant coming. Florida was supposed to play at Ole Miss this year. Instead they'll play at Bama. Seems fair. Did I mention that UF-Bama isn't set up as a home and home? Oh yeah, Bama won't come to Gainesville until 2020.

    As if it wasn't bad enough that my virgin voyage to The Grove has been ruined, now Florida doesn't get a return home game. On top of that, Florida won't go to Ole Miss until 2020. Their next two rotating SEC West roadies are at the two worst locations (Arkansas in 2016 and Miss St in 2018). Bullshit. Mike Slive is killing my SEC road trip game.
