Wednesday, May 07, 2014

I Smoked Hog for 7 Hours

A guest post by BaconBaking. Our favorite chef, Hugo from the Dub, hooked us up with a smoker for no other reason than he is a very nice guy. Last Sunday, while I stressed out over a grad school project, BB went to work...

A couple weeks ago our good friend and chef extraordinaire gave me and Mr. BaconBaking a gift. A brand new charcoal smoker. While we enjoy grilling on our propane grill the traditional burgers, brats, dogs, and chicken, this was a mighty big culinary step.

This weekend Lesbopeep and I tried out the smoker while Mr. BaconBaking worked on his school project. Our first culinary adventure was a smoked pork shoulder.

After reading every website I could find, we decided to use 100% hardwood briquettes—not the self-starting ones. I only used lighter fluid to get the fire started, but let the fire burn for a solid 20 minutes to get rid of the lighter fluid. While I was getting the fire started, I left the pork out on the counter for like 45 min to an hour with a homemade dry rub. The rub was a mix of brown sugar, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne, cumin, oregano, and thyme. I was told not to put tooooo much rub on, but you can see how much I used.

Keeping the temp up was the hardest part for me. Anytime I threw in more charcoal the temp would dip. I was told that I should make a small fire in an old coffee tin with holes in the bottom and throw in hot burning briquettes instead of cold ones and then the temp wouldn’t dip. I’m lazy, and that sounded way difficult for my first go at it. I was also told I should have spritzed the pork with apple cider to keep the pork moist, but the smoker we have has a water bowl and I made sure that was at least ½ full throughout the entire process. It was a little tricky to refill the first time, but after you get the angle and such you are golden.

It took about 7 hours to come to 180 degrees. (7 brutal brutal hours of tanning on the patio, chatting and catching up on reading. Smoking is hard work.) 180 was good for slicing and falling apartness, but not quite to pulled porkness. I think you have to be up to 190 to 200 for that and I got a late start. After we took it out of the smoker, we let it rest for a solid 30 minutes. I read it should rest for at least 30 min-1 hour. That is a brutal part of the process because you want to dive in.

I was super excited that I had a smoke ring (the red edge right under the bark) and that while I sliced the pork, it was really starting to fall apart. We ate the pork straight up with BBQ sauce the first night, the second night it was tacos…with homemade tortillas of course, and tomorrow I’m going for a smoked pork pizza.


  1. hibbert's first half makes total sense

  2. I respectfully request that Mrs. and Mr. Baconbaking adopt me for a week of dinners while Mrs. Mayhugh is out of town. Smoked. Pork. Pizza.

    And do you remember the Wiz from the regular season that would get complacent or disinterested and go down 15? That team seems to be gone, and I hope they are not coming back any time soon.

  3. John Wall's shot is really off tonight.

  4. its ok, we knew we weren't going 4-0 in this series

  5. Gosh you're an upbeat lady.

  6. and, I know I say this every day, but I LOVE KEVIN DURANT.

  7. In the government world Shlara would represent an OCI.

  8. So, what is everybody here gonna miss the most about the print version of Jet Magazine?

  9. What am I gonna do without my "Jet Beauty of the Week"?

  10. I really enjoy the BaconBaking food posts--I hope this does stick as recurring segment

  11. I second that.
    We have a built-in smoker in our grill. I know, it's not the real deal but it's pretty good nonetheless. I feel your pain on the wait. To make that less painful, we put the rub on the night before and let it sit in the fridge. The next morning, we'll light the fire early and just let it go. all. day. lawng. We have a good sauce recipe we use too but I'd guess BB and TJ would like to discover their own. I think we'll do one of these quite soon due to your inspiration.

  12. very random obersvation - lauren tannehill is overrated.

  13. Mayhugh, tonight is the smoked pork with bonus pineapple homemade pizza

  14. Smoker? I hardly know 'er!

  15. Lauren Tannehill is way overrated. That forehead!

  16. Teej - I just had some string cheese and a spoonful of peanut butter. Your life > mine this week.

  17. Of Hard Knocks football wives, I was always an Ashley Heap fan.

  18. I was always partial to Tony Gonzalez's wife. Terrible name (October) but quite easy on the eyes.

  19. Bold predictions this eve? of first round or bottom?

  20. Roger Goodell does not like being booed. You can tell it gets to him.

  21. I predict the Teddy Bridgewater stock bounces back from the hating over the past several weeks and he goes earlier than projected.

  22. I just baked some processed fish sticks. Things are looking slightly up.

  23. 9 minutes in and Berman already has some impressive lip sweat.

  24. I just crossed off Mayhugh from my "potential babysitters from GTB" list. We are down to zero now.

  25. Poor Sammy Watkins. But, I guess congratulations, Zman.

  26. I assume Z is excited about Sammy Watkins. Danimal and Blake? Probably not so much.

  27. Wait? I didn't make the cut for babysitters, Dan? So offended.

  28. I'm really digging Manziel's watch.

  29. Barry Sanders might have pulled his suit jacket from my closet. It's clearly not as nice as most of the draft picks and it's a bit big.

  30. Tight end at 10 - thoughts?

  31. I'm excited about Watkins. I'm not excited about having EJ Manuel throw to him. So they have Stevie Johnson, Robert woods, mike Williams, Watkins, and spiller. And no QB.

    Barry sanders hasn't aged.

  32. Ebron is a beast. I would've been cool with Bucs trading into the teens and getting him. 10 is a little high but he significantly upgrades the Detroit offense. Stafford's gonna throw for 5k. They'll still be average though because their secondary is shit.

  33. If I'm about to be a first round draft pick I'm not getting engaged. That type of poor judgment should knick him out of the first round.

  34. I like Ebron a lot, but I find it hard to believe that there wasn't a greater need for Detroit and a guy still available to possibly fill it.

    And this is only first round tonight? Do the guys in the waiting room have to come back tomorrow if they don't get picked?

  35. That's the issue with the Ebron pick for me too. Detroit has much bigger holes to fill. That's why they're the Lions though.

    And I too question his judgement. Never get married in your early 20s, especially when you're about to be rich. Dummy.

  36. That Rams DLine is scary.

  37. Would the cowboys take manziel?

  38. Being a baby is like being wasted.

  39. I am terrified the Jets may grab Manziel. My dream picks were Ebron and Beckham. They need a playmaker in the worst way.

  40. I like that Jerry Jones brought road beef to his war room.

  41. Rex Ryan has never valued safeties very high. No idea what they'll do at 18. Ha Ha seems unlikely.

  42. Brandon Cooks would be a nice pick for the Jets. Super productive, great speed and tough. Could be more than just a slot WR but even if he's just a slot WR he'll be elite.

  43. Jets needed a CB in the worst way. And he was first team all-AAC!

  44. You realize he's a safety, right?

  45. Come on Dolphins. You can fuck this up. I know you can.

  46. That may be a lie. I blame the scotch.

  47. Cooks is going to be unreal in the Saints offense.

  48. Ja'Wuan is a name that hits all the high notes.

  49. Good article on Cooks.

  50. Jon Stewart just made a joke about the NY State bird being the kind you flip. I think he overheard Pi Lam initiation back in 1984.

  51. First round must be brutal for the commentators. Just sitting around talking about a draft pick for 10 minutes. I'm not sure I could cover 10 interrupted minutes talking about Jerry.

  52. Is Ray Lewis the least eloquent talking head on TV?

  53. It's. About. The struggle. Zman..

  54. I'm truly happy for Dominique Easley. He was the best defensive player in the country thru four games last year before he blew his knee out. And the unquestioned leader of Florida's team. If he can stay healthy he'll be a monster 3 technique DT.

  55. Teddy to the Vikings? #TeamTeddy

  56. I'm going to be one of Bortles' bitches until I'm forced to do otherwise. There are definitely concerns, 3rd down completion %'age being one of them. Seems like a very solid citizen though with smarts and attitude. He's probably the only guy we could have picked that WANTED to come to Jax. I do predict we select another QB in the 5th round where we have 3 picks.
