Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Another Reason to Root for the Seahawks

As a general rule, the team with the most Bills loses the Super Bowl. For example, the Bills lost every Super Bowl in which they appeared. Gale Gilbert rode the pine in four Buffalo Super Bowls, then lost a fifth consecutive SB with the Chargers (and the Niners team that beat them had no former Bills). Former Bill Don Beebe won a SB with the Packers, but the Patriots team he beat had former Bill Monty Brown and three future Bills: Drew Bledsoe, Lawyer Milloy, and Sam Gash.

Former Bill Marshawn Lynch seeks to buck this trend this weekend. Here's what he had to say at Media Day:

You have to love and appreciate a guy who refers to himself in the third person, stating "Beast Mode luh an' appreciate that" upon learning that Marshall Faulk respects his game. Throwing in a "Yez lawd!" at the end only makes him that much more lovable and appreciable. As does stuff like this.


  1. So who has big plans for Chinese New Year, or as those of us "plugged in" call it, CNY? Ya'll fired up or what?! Wife & I just but 8 grand worth of fireworks and $12.00 worth of rice & noodles. China. Fuck Yeah.

  2. someone get me a delaware @ w&m line so i can dispense some terrible gambling advice.

  3. Tribe -4.5

    The ESPN ScoreCenter app has lines.

  4. this is the tribe's 4th game in 8 days. they're coming off a pair of very good wins and sit at 4-2 in the league, good for second place. delaware has won 8 straight games, including a 76-71 win over the wrens in newark. the hens are 6-0 in caa play, in first place. they've got very talented guards and a high-scoring offense. i anticipate a close, offensively-focused game. take the hens and the points.

  5. My niece in Tallahassee just sent me a picture of their back deck covered in light snow. How's it looking in Jacksonville, Dan?

  6. Just cold here Mark - 38 degrees. I've seen several pics taken in and around Pensacola with ice & snow. That's just cray cray. Thankfully, our long and brutal winter will be over by the wkd when temps vault back into the 70's. You poor bastards.

    Squeaky - I failed to respond to your Bonita Springs inquiry. I know nothing about the area other than it's not too far from Naples & Fort Myers. It's been a long time since I've made myself known in those parts.

  7. looks like the hens may be missing some key players due to disciplinary issues. so they'll probably win by 20.

  8. I'd love a 38 degree day right about now. Or even a 40 degree day.

  9. Umm...

  10. #1 "sluts are everywhere" Either things have changed drastically there, or this clown is sorely mistaken.

    #2 Speaking of sore -- such a weird, clumsily phrased ode to vagina and vaginal intercourse reeks of "the Moke doth protest too much, methinks." Same ol' Mo Chi Mo Chi, etc.

  11. two delaware starters suspended until the end of february, including their second-leading scorer. conveniently, they'll be back for the caa tourney.

  12. The author is obviously unaware that "they're not like the others, they..."

    (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

    We should be thankful we never posted schmuck-off odds on-line.

  13. So, Atlanta is much like a third world city at the moment. Yikes.

  14. My Uncle in Atlanta slept in his car on the side of the highway last night. He left work at 4 yesterday afternoon.

  15. Did Juggs Carles go back to school as a moke

  16. what's with the clips? almost as non-functional as my sentence today.

  17. My flight home has 5 babies, 4 Hare Krishnas, a full-sized dog and a blind dude. Should be a smooth flight.

  18. How much snow did they get in Atlanta? I don't want to be a typical Yankee jackass, but the photos I've seen online don't look like more than a dusting.

  19. You'll definitely be able to buy a pencil if necessary.

  20. Z, the roads snowed/iced over and the highways became gridlocked. There were some fatal crashes and hundreds of fender benders and people skidding into ditches. Everything just shut down.

    In fairness to the Yankee condescension, Georgia doesn't really do "plows" or "salt trucks." It's a worst case scenario line item that gets used every 5 years or less. But they're hosed right now.

  21. In '97 (maybe '98) I was making my way from DC to Miami for the Orange Bowl. My connection was in Hotlanta as one of the big storms of the century was just beginning. I made it to the ATL. And I made it onto the plane for the flight to Miami. We began to taxi out to the runway and didn't get too far. Ten (10) hours later, we were still there, in the plane, on the runway, in Atlanta. And unfortunately, that just happened to be the day I quit sniffing glue. We were the last plane to take off. The next day the place was shut down entirely, if not the next couple of days. I missed the Orange Bowl and almost was involved in a mass murder/suicide.

  22. There might be a chance I get to experience a 50 degree change in temperature Monday. Going from 35 to 85.

    ATL is crazy. Kids slept in some of the schools last night. Poor resources and planning.

  23. Hashtag gone wrong: Energybits is using the hashtag #itsOKtoSwallow.

    Good product but man that hashtag wasn't thought out, at least to this juvenile mind.

  24. 25 years ago, almost precisely, there was a blizzard in Williamsburg. Dave, Rob, Hightower, and I played snow football, where Team "Eat Me" beat Team "The Shit" in a barnburner thanks to a glorious heave from all-time QB Doug E Fish Nelson.

    Later that night I experienced something similar to Squeaky's 35 to 85 when the love of my life Amy and I romped in the snow on the adjacent field, going from 35 to 69.

  25. was that the night of the "snow jam"?

    and how does clarence remember things so vividly? does he own a time machine?

  26. though i don't remember the team names, i am guessing that i was a member of team "eat me."

  27. comprehensive bed-shitting by the home team in williamsburg

  28. Tonight is Zion's first night in his big-boy-bed. zwoman failed to get a bumper to keep him from falling out. I predict a long a bloody night in zhome.

  29. Your son is a synonym for Jerusalem? You sure the real father isn't Spector?

  30. I have a friend that has four sons. One of them is named Zion. It's ony the third most ridiculous name amongst his sons.

  31. Yes, Dave, you were Eat Me. Hightower was The Shit.

    And yes, I have a time machine. I built one out of the couch in Squirrel and Cliff's room. Let me know when you want to take a ride.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. If Spector was the father zson would be a lot smarter.

  34. Anyone else have their angry shut-in neighbor call the cops on their dog tonight? Just us?

  35. You should have KQ mail a turd to them. The Shitvelope is great revenge move.
