Saturday, October 26, 2013

"To The Pain" Pick 'Em: Nine Times

Danimal Picks

It’s unfortunate not to have taken advantage of Mark’s 1-2 wkd last week. It hurt the big Russian. Time is running out. I need a 3-0 against a goose egg. Help me out Mark.

Baylor -34.5 at Kansas
Is Charlie Cheeseburger still down there in Lawrence? I thought so. A rarity it is to side with the team giving soooo maneeee points on the road. Why so? Because for the first weekend of the season, I am letting myself be influenced by other betting sources. I have not done so up until this point and you can see where it’s gotten me. For this game, I do so. It’s as simple as that. I did & do like Baylor despite the lay down. The other sources cemented it for me. And then I looked at what Kansas has done up to this point. Don’t bother. It’s bad. Hey, Baylor. Let’s go.

Fresno State -8.5 at San Deee-Aago State
It hasn’t fared well for me, picking the home doggy. But I must stick with it. I will stick with it. I haven’t seen one play from either of these two teams. They play really late at night, like…after 10 pm. Danimal’s usually spooning with his sweet bride by that time, sometimes consciously and sometimes not, but that’s another story. As an aside, when I think Aztec I think Walter White. Fresno State likes to score points. They also have a tendency to keep games close. This is a rivalry game, with the Bulldogs coming into the Adobe undefeated and most certainly in front of a raucous crowd. Bulldogs don’t like raucousness. Or Adobes. Aztecs will protect their Adobe.

Duke +13.5 at VaTech
Every single person is picking Missouri this week over the Caaacks. That was my other possible bet here. But no. I will go my own way here.
This is one of those classic VT games they should win handily but won’t. They may even puke all over themselves and lose it. Duke’s not bad…5-2 albeit with nothing too impressive under the Win column. This is a big game for them, almost huge. And the Hokies have next week’s game against Miami on their mind. And it’s time for Logan Thomas to revert back to his old ways after several straight solid performances. And this is just what the Hokies do, struggle when they shouldn’t.
And so I pick…..DUKE

Your bonus pick of the wkd the San Francisco 49’rs….it doesn’t matter what the line is. Cheery-o!

Mark Picks

I reached a new low, or new high depending on your point of view, on Thursday night. I knew the Bucs were going to get trounced by the Panthers and was looking for a parlay. I didn't like Mississippi State and their high school offense -12 over Kentucky. But, but I was intrigued by the possibility of St. Louis and Michael Wacha at +1.5 runs in Game 2 in Fenway. And what do you know? It worked. For now. I understand that this is the beginning of the end. I bet on a baseball game. I hope you'll all stop to give me you pocket change when I'm destitute and living under a highway overpass.

Baylor -34.5 at Kansas
Remember when we all thought Charlie Weis was a good football coach? I'm sure Danimal loved him at one point. Hell, I was actually excited when Will Muschamp lured him to Gainesville fresh off of a season commanding a dynamic Kansas City Cheifs offense. That excitement, like most of Charlie's attempts at dieting, quickly waned. Charlie Weis is not a good football coach. And he's certainly not the  offensive genius he was once hailed to be. Art Briles, now that guy has a schematic advantage. BAYLOR.

Louisville -20.5 at South Florida
UCF ruined Lousiville's season. Truthfully, Lousiville wasn't going to make the BCS Title game. Their schedule was too bad and the program doesn't have the national cache to overcome that. However, they could've gone undefeated, made a second consecutive BCS game and then bitched endlessly that they were snubbed. Well, that's all gone now too. That tends to happen when you blow a three touchdown lead to a directional school at home on Friday night. Now, we may end up with the Golden Knights of UCF and alcoholic George O'Leary in a BCS game. Meanwhile, I'm just hoping Florida gets bowl eligible at this point. Tis been a strange season. Did I ever mention that UCF was my other choice when I was deciding where to transfer to for my junior year? Well, it was. Thank Spurrier things worked out the way they did. UCF fucking blows. Anyway, this isn't Jim Leavitt's South Florida. They suck out loud and Lousiville's going to take out all their season ruined anger on the Bulls tonight. CARDINALS.

UCLA at Oregon (-24)
Oregon didn't cover for the first time all season last week. Much of that had to do with a slew of first half turnovers. The rest you can blame on Washington State keeping in their starters and throwing 89 passes during the game. 89 is a lot of fucking passes. Speaking of a lot, that's a lot of points to give up to a team that was undefeated before losing at Stanford last week. I'm a little worried about it. But I'm going to ride Oregon here. They get D'Anthony Thomas back from an ankle injury and they get the Bruins in Eugene for a night game. Oregon wears down UCLA and pulls away late.  Take the Ducks...but don't celebrate by snorting blow in your car later.

(This one's for you, Shlara. It's the least I could do after you rooted for the Gators against LSU)


  1. One of these Saturdays, do you think you can include a photo of the hot Texas Tech Coach Kingsbury to balance out the various half-naked, side-boob-showing sorority girls in the weekly CFB post?

  2. Who says they're in a sorority?

  3. That is not side boob. At all.

  4. So much for my concern over a Texas A&M letdown. Or UCF not getting up for UConn.

  5. Post has been updated. Because I care about Shlara's Saturday.

  6. Am on a nice losing streak at moment.

    Tech question...any of you guys/gals have a sling box or know of anyone that does?

  7. Broke out a coupla Knob Creek manhattans last night, FYI.

  8. I think Jerry has a sling box. Or did at one point.

    FSU's level of talent is absurd.

  9. I call it a sling blade.

    Instead of side boob we need more nipple. Just sayin.

  10. Nice win tribe. Surprised and disappointed with lack of smack talk.

  11. Texas tech....good game here.

  12. Is Rob in his HOA meeting now?

  13. W&M had a football game today?

  14. Texas Tech-Oklahoma is indeed quite entertaining.

  15. I imagine they do most fall Saturdays, Z.

  16. Fox News viewers are pretty bent out of shape about Tech-Oklahoma being on.

  17. Furman is down 4 at the half against LSU. They are 47 point underdogs.

  18. nice effort by your little college this afternoon, danimal. thanks for coming out.

  19. I really enjoy betting on Oregon.

  20. you bet baseball tonight, mark, or was there an intervention?

  21. I urge all of you footie fans to dig up highlights of Tim Howard's saves today for Everton. Great day for one of ours.

    And while you're at it, dig up highlights of our favorite Uruguayan racist Luis Suarez today. He had two first half goals that led to his hat trick. Both were ridiculous.

  22. Mizzou-Cocks just got interesting.

  23. Time for a dp! Hate to tell you mark but the sox are gonna win this one.

  24. What kind of dp did you have in mind?

  25. I didn't bet on baseball today. Thank you for your bitter concern, Rob.

  26. Well I guess we just neede one by time my msg posted. But your comment sent my mind into the gutter

  27. Nava broke up the no no last week. Time to win one!

  28. no bitterness, mark. i'm pleasantly drunk. just curious.

  29. So bogarts was playing in Salem a league ball last year. I got to see him a lot. Crazy watching him now

  30. So we just walked the rib injury to pitch to the hottest hitter.?? Hmmm

  31. I'm not planning on being a regular baseball bettor. Just needed something to parlay with a sure Bucs home loss.

    Playoff baseball is excruciating.

  32. Why do pitchers wear those goofy rope necklaces?

  33. That's why it's so good. I haven't sat down since the 4th inning

  34. john farrell...possibly stoned

  35. hi, gheorghies! i'm flabberboozled by that ending.

  36. Hey mark. Fair enough! :-) I asked for that

  37. Interference at third was clear the instant it happened. No idea what took so long to call it. More importantly, Heat is on HBO Zone.

  38. I'm just drunk and feeling good about my sports luck. Not surprisingly, Florida had a bye this week. I'll be bitter and miserable next Saturday.

  39. Hopefully you will be bitter and miserable tomorrow night in your sports luck

  40. No personal ill will intended. Nice series we've got going. Think ferrel needs to get his head out of his ass and pitch Lester.

  41. Didn't realize the nfl was exempt from paying taxes. As is the PGA tour.
