Saturday, October 19, 2013

Eight is Enough: To The Pain Picks Continue

(TR Interlude (Introlude?): No Eight is Enough Reference Can Be Made Without a Photo of Willie Aames and his hair.  I've fist-fought over this belief in the past and will do so again on a moment's notice. The picks can be a "Page Down" click away. I don't care. And fantastically enough, a Willie Aames label has already been used on this blog.  Good job, guys.)

Danimal Picks

It only took 7 weeks but Danimal finally did it…He beat Mark! Bad News (Hughes), Danimal is still 5 games back on the year. Is this where he REALLY makes his move?

FSU -3 at Clemson
Ummm…yeah, I don’t think so. FSU walloped Maryland last week 63-0. Is that what this line is based on? Of course it isn’t. The makers of lines, lines makers if you will, are way smarter than that. They must know something we mortals don’t to have the Seminoles favored by 3 going into the stadium otherwise known as Death Valley occupied by a Clemson team that is undefeated AND who have undeniably had a tougher road to 6-0. Clemson played poorly last week against a totally (dude) inferior BC team. So what. Who cares? Show me a team that has yet to play a bad game and I’ll show you Oregon. But that’s it. Clemson should be will be is was highly annoyed with the dis. Eff them say the Tigers and Hear us ROAR! Go Tigers!

Texas Tech -5 at WVU
Oh boy. Am I going against my pal’s wishes who implored me to “stay away from the Mounties” after beating a then top-10 ranked Oklahoma State in week 4? You bet your sweet ass I am. You know who I’m talkin’ to. There are a couple of key reasons I’m going with the TeeTees here…1) they’re the TeeTees; 2) they have 3rd best passing offense in the America, fuck yeah; 3) 14th in Scoring; 4) 15th in overall defense; and 5) the opening line on this game was TT -9.5. I feel this is a bargain I just cannot pass up people. Oh, and 6) I told you I only had a “couple” of reasons but I spewed out 5! Show me the TEETEEES!!!!

Purdue +27 at Mich St
Betting for such a shite team is never, ever a good idea unless they’re trending upward in some shape or form. And trending upward Purdue is not. Buuuut, 27 seems a tad bit on the high side for me. Michigan State isn’t exactly a powerhouse. They scored 55 against Youngstown St & 42 against the Hoosyourdaddies? Other than that it’s been pretty ho-hum. But then I look at Purdue’s accomplishments. They are absolutely terrible. I’m embarrassed for the Irish by only beating them by 7. That my friends, is a terrible joke. I honestly came in here with intent of betting on PeeeYOU! but that says it all.
Here we go Sparty Here we go!

Mark's Picks

I'm coming off two straight losing weeks here at Gheorghe: The Blog (I broke even last week thanks to a late decision to take Boise State after I realized Utah State QB Chuckie Keeton was out for the year. Yay for degenerate gambler type knowledge!) and Danimal is starting to creep on me. I'm going to blame last week on the distraction of my Baton Rouge/New Orleans trip which may or may not have resulted in me quickly making my picks while stoned and waiting for my plane in the beautiful Melbourne airport. This week though I'm stuck at home while my wife parties in Mexico at a Jewish Wedding. That's right, two Jews getting married in Mexico. The 21st Century is awesome, y'all.

Washington State @ Oregon (-39.5)
I fucked up last week. After riding Oregon regardless of the point spread all year I got spooked by Washington's performance against Stanford and chose not to give the 14 points to the Huskies. As you all know by now, I'm dumb. As we learned from Stanford's loss to Utah, the Stanford-Washington game was more about Stanford than Washington, though the Huskies are still strong to quite strong. Anywho, I'm sorry Oregon. I'm sorry I didn't believe in you. Please take me back. I'll never hurt you and your ridiculous uniforms again. DUCKS.

(Note: A video of Tim Meadows as Ike Turner was supposed to be in this spot but NBC thinks we don't deserve that. Why do you want to hurt us, NBC?)

South Carolina (-7.5) @ Tennessee
The Volunteers have tripped me up once already this season but that was more about Georgia's offensive injuries than Tennesee being any good. South Carolina hammered Arkansas last weekend and I think they've started to find their legs after a September filled with some weird out of conference games, trumped up controversies and QB injuries.  The Gamecocks are just too talented for Tennessee. South Carolina pulls away in the second half and wins by two TDs.

Arkansas @ Alabama (-29)
Despite being a CFB dynasty, it's risky laying a lot of points with Alabama. Their style of play often lends to easy wins that don't cover the massive point spreads set by Vegas. I'd imagine that is what many people think when they see this line. Not me. This is the most explosive Alabama offense that Nick Saban's ever had in Tuscaloosa and Arkansas has been exposed the past two weeks. After looking semi-competent early in the year, the Razorbacks have fallen apart against two good SEC defenses in Florida and South Carolina. Arkansas has scored 17 points combined against those two teams and they rank 113th in the nation in passing. You're not going to rush for a ton of yards against a Nick Saban coached Alabama team. Like, ever. This is going to get ugly. Roll Tide. Speaking of the Tide. Have you met Phyllis? She seems lovely.


  1. And for the record was just busting testicles with previous comment.

  2. I ended up pulling my Alabama bet. May revisit it later. Took Ohio State (-17) over Iowa.

  3. Florida's OLine might be the worst I've seen in my time as a fan. Struggling to even block a four man rush at this point.

  4. Florida's offense seems to be geared heavily around behind-the-LOS passes and throws out of bounds.

  5. When I pick against Tennessee at home you should bet against me. Duh.

  6. s'okay, mark. danimal talked himself out of the right side of the purdue/sparty game.

  7. Fsu now giving 4.5 to 5 against Clemson.

    And these ejections for targeting are redic.

  8. neighbor's annual oktoberfest shindig is this evening. it's awesome. and i'm running the army ten-miler tomorrow. which is also generally awesome - reminds me of my dad, and the start/finish line is about a quarter-mile from his burial plot at arlington national cemetary. the confluence of these two events, however, is very much not awesome.

  9. Fortunately I didn't wager wager on it. A Clemson win would be large for the Danimal which means I got no shot.

  10. For those of you tuning into OSU-Iowa, that's NY Jets' radio voice and NJ native Bob Wischusen doing play-by-play. Great sportscaster voice. Good to see him climbing the ladder.

  11. Is Mike Evans the best player in CFB?

  12. Also, Mike Sherman redshirted Manziel and Mike Evans...

  13. What's worse, A&M's defense or Florida's offense?

    Just kidding, it's Florida.

  14. I am full of oysters and lobster rolls. On tap next: O Ya. I'm eating my way through Massachusetts.

  15. So Bill Russell is senile? Or he likes to carry guns on planes like Indiana Jones and Samuel L Jackson?

  16. Silver lining to the Gator loss is that Kelvin Taylor (Fred's son) confirmed himself as a stud tailback. Downside to that is that after rushing for 56 yards on 5 carries and Florida's only offensive TD of the day he received one more carry. One. In an entire quarter after clearly being the best offensive player on the field in his only real opportunity.

    I'd be drinking a lot more if my wife wasn't out of the country.

  17. Georgia converted Nick Marshall to a safety. Today he's led an Auburn offense to 38 points (and counting) against Txas A&M on the road.

  18. I think Bill Russell just doesn't want to turn down an oppty to kill a cracker who deserves to get shot.

  19. Ole John Football is a tough son of a bitch.

    Additionally, you could make the case that A&M's shitty defense is to his overall benefit. He's regularly in the position to make late game comebacks because they put him in said position.

  20. Barry Switzer is so insulted, Z.

  21. This is your annual reminder that Auburn's Tre Mason is Maseo from De La Soul's son. And he's also pretty awesome.

  22. Pretty amazing the difference one year has made for Auburn. Gus Malzahn is a hell of a football coach. Impressive.

  23. Looks like I should've stayed (in my actual $ bets) with the Alabama pick. Outsmarted myself with Ohio State.

  24. Where'd y'all go? Same place Clemson went?

  25. Also, because I was bitter about bailing on Bama I went and took them and Baylor to cover second half totals. Degen. Erate.

  26. Wow, FSU-Clemson is a great TV watching experience. Crowd is absolutely juiced down 10 in the 2nd quarter. Gives me the chills a little bit.

  27. Especially enjoy the utilization of House of Pain.

  28. My sister and brother in law have been to Clemson multiple times. Say it's great. Apparently very similar feel to Auburn.

  29. hi, gheorghies! i'm going to bed in 10 minutes, 'cause i have to get up at 5:00 to run 10 miles. seemed like a better idea when i signed up than it does now.

  30. Tri guys / gals watch otl tomorrow at 8 am

  31. TJQ with a feature on said OTL btdubs.

  32. Jameis Winston is really good. It bums me out.

  33. We'll, no. But they should do that!

  34. Mike Mayock keeps sayin to stuff the box.

  35. ND's backup QB is fucking awful

  36. Yes. Yes he is. Regardless of this outcome, Rees haters will appreciate him more. Maybe.

  37. Packed box. Stacked box. Stuff it. Stuff the box!

  38. This ND/USC game is bruuuuutal.

    Oh, hey Ole Miss, you're determined to cough this game up, aren't you?

  39. USC makes nd's d look like last year's

  40. Yes Tj. Yes it is. Unless you like the dirty talk.

  41. You can delete my Clemson fsu commentary if you'd like.

  42. I just realized Boxing is on. Hi Mayhugh!

  43. Who's fighting? HBO?

    I'm fascinated with this Oregon game right now, and my mother in law is still up, so I'll have to catch the west coast edition.

  44. Alvarado-Provodnikov. I didn't know much about them. Watch.

  45. Clemson scores a TD with 10 seconds left to hit the over. Lovely.

  46. Somebody wake up squirrel and let him know the sox made the series!!

  47. I'm in Cambridge. The reaction here is underwhelming. I guess now everyone acts like they've been there before.

  48. Sounds like you're hangin with the smaat kids at MIT why don't you walk down to kenmore square and check out the scene?

  49. Watched the Gatti-Ward documentary. Got a little dusty in here with around 10 minutes left, but amazingly well done overall. Jim Lampley possibly cares too much about boxing (his interviews seemed like they were conducted after a girlfriend broke up with him), and Ward's wife was pretty funny in her few spots. You hear the stories about how they became friends after the fights, but the doc did a good job with the details.

  50. After a FOUR hour nap brought on by some heavy and unexpected gardening duties, I am wired and may need to pour my first drink. Thinking this might be a Zacapa occasion.

  51. Mark - thanks for the heads up, was an enjoyable fight. Somewhat familiar with Provodnikov, not at all with Alvarado. I really liked Alvarado's style but at that light of a weight class, it is hard to weather a guy with power in both hands over 12 rounds. From a conventional stance, Alvarado's only chance to keep RP off him was to throw right hands, which would open him up to RP's left hook, which seemed like it had plenty of stank on it. Fight probably should have been stopped in the 8th.

  52. if you have to wake up at 5:00 on a weekend, waking to find out your team is in the world series is a pretty good way to do it.
