Tuesday, June 04, 2013

RIP Deacon Jones

David "Deacon" Jones, likely owner of a BAMF wallet, passed away on Monday at the age of 74 from natural causes. During his Hall of Fame career, the "Secretary of Defense" terrorized quarterbacks as a member of the Rams' "Fearsome Foursome" defensive line. Simply put, the guy was one of the greatest defensive players in the history of the (cue Ron Jaworksi voice) National Football League.

He was also also quite the pitchman:


Farewell, Deacon. Here's hoping you and Merlin Olsen caught up at the pearly gates to take down St. Peter on a blindside rush.


  1. Retirement Frat will be in Monaco or some similar venue with perfect weather, no taxes, and topless beaches.

  2. My new boss (zboss?) likes to refer to screwed-up situations as "a goatfuck" or "a total goatfuck." For example, "Tomorrow's meeting is going to be a total goatfuck, the other side is completely unprepared." Should I start signing my emails "MLFG zman"?

  3. headed over to the kenyan embassy for some hobnobbing. i'll give the ambassador your regards.

  4. Please congratulate them on all their marathon winning and presidential birth certificate hiding.

  5. My men's league team begins scrimmaging one of the local high school teams for the summer again tonight. 5th summer is a row doing this. Might be the last as I'm now twice the age of of most of these kids.

  6. The 2 hrs I just spent in the dentist chair was a complete goatfuck.

  7. TJ Quinn blowin up the tweet machine with talk of 100 game suspension for A-Rod and Braun in Miami Scandal.

  8. had a beer with the ambassador, who was - get this - a community organizer before becoming a diplomat. the plot thickens.

  9. Gq had a great article on this Bosch guy a few months back. Classy fella. (P.e.d. Guy)
