Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Time to elect the Pope

So, get those ballots ready, folks. Vote early, vote often, just remember to vote as much as possible. The end of a papal election is signified by smoke, of course, and be it white or black, I think we all win. Once a session (to randomly choose a word) of balloting is complete, the conclave might find themselves hungry (or so I've heard). So, in that instance, I suggest you throw back a few (dozen) of these conclave-themed peeps for fill up the belly.

That is all for now. There are ballots to be cast, and smoke to be released. Vote Sarducci!


  1. The pope! He is-a coming! Here! I got my nice white suit!

  2. this Peeps diorama is AWESOME!

  3. I liked this quote:

    "The pope, whose identity isn't yet known, is due to emerge from the loggia overlooking St. Peter's Square"

    Robert Loggia?

  4. Grantland has a bracket for the most hated college basketball players of the last 30 years. (Naturally, Duke has its own region.)

    Surprised to see Calbert on the list -- would you agree, Shlara?

  5. (Reuters) - Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected pope on Wednesday to lead the Roman Catholic Church, a prelate announced to huge crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square.

    He took the name Pope Francis, the cardinal said.

    Of course, if you call him Pope Francis, he'll kill ya.

    There was apparently some controversy in the election of this pope. During the passing of ballots, it was unclear who had handed in the ballot that gave the Argentinian the victory, but later it was simply declared that it was the "Hand of God."

  6. did they not follow the traditional ballot procedure of "vote, vote, pass"?

  7. Does the Pope Emeritus get to take one extra vote?

  8. yes, from the ceremonial pope clip

  9. With that Grantland bracket, I feel like they made the bracket, got close to the deadline and realized they had like 55 white guys and 9 "others". Then is was just, "quick who's a black guy who played college basketball?" Then they published it and realized they forgot to replace Aaron Craft.

  10. Tribe baseball falls to Liberty.

  11. They only had one representative each from the Fab Five and the championship Runnin' Rebels. People seemed to dislike those guys. (I really liked that UNLV team.)

  12. From what I can tell, Grantland doesnt have a ton of guys who follow college sports really closely. I think that shows up in the bracket.

    For example, Kirk Hinrich is the most hated Kansas guy they could think of? I'd have gone with Rex Walters, Jeff Boschee, Drew Gooden or even Jerrod Haase.

    The idea of the bracket was good, the execution was poor.

  13. "the idea of ______ was good, the execution was poor."

    isn't that the secondary g:tb motto?

  14. They should've gone "All-Caucasian" with the bracket. Everybody loves to hate on the less athletic whiteys who hang on for one reason only (usually height or 3-pt shooting).

    With that said, I have hated few players as much as I've hated Chris Duhon.

    On the topic of not knowing college hoops, Sports Guy is the WORST. He loves to dissect teams' draft decisions while admitting he doesn't watch college hoops. That makes sense. However, I'll never bitch about him too much b/c the 30 for 30 documentaries are so bad-ass. You have to admire him for spearheading that project.

  15. Chris Duhon was standing behind the bar one night when Slater was out. Slater didn't recognize him and tried to order 4 Miller Lites from him. Duhon didn't respond. Later in the night, Slater had figured out who he was and went up to him and said, "Hey Duhon, sorry I tried to order 4 Miller Lites from you."

  16. Dude, if you're standing behind the bar, get to work.

  17. Hey, are three piece suits back in style? I just saw a guy in one. 'Cause I'm all over that if they aren't too ridiculous any more.

  18. get after it, clarence. hipsters have been going three-piece for some time now.

  19. i wish i could dance like that white guy with the beard.

  20. well done, norfolk state.

  21. Squeaky, did you delete two comments of a verrrry interesting nature? I think you need to repost for the group.

  22. Danny Amendola is a Patriot. Now it all makes sense.

  23. Wait, this "most hated college players" bracket is redic.
    Pervis? Calbert Cheaney?? And my BF Danny Ferry?
    Those Grantland guys don't know what they are talking about...

    And, regarding the pope--I like the Jesuit selection. But disappointed it wasn't Sean O'Malley from Boston. My mom has a direct line to him--one of her uncles was the Headmaster as his seminary. Three of her uncles were the same order and they all are from that seminary in Pbgh.

  24. delle donne named caa women's player of the year. this is not a surprise.
