Friday, March 29, 2013

I should've had a....

For no reason other than the fact that I'm sick of looking at that dude's dong in a yellow banana hammock, I decided to post a picture of new, healthy Rob after a morning run.

Have a happy Good Friday and try not to accidentally kill any messiahs today.


  1. but never fear....the dong is still near. just scroll down. happy good friday to you all.

  2. Funny, it was the Bud Light unitard that really offended me in that picture.

  3. i'm with rootsy. didn't notice yellowdong until marls pointed it out.

  4. what's happening, hot stuff

  5. I noticed it, but when a guy that's got balls enough to wear a get up like that, what the hell can you say.

    Plus it reminds me of being a pledge in the W&M IM Wrestling Tournament. Knapp got us singlets. I won my first match by forfeit, but first I had to stand on the mat for a minute or two while the fratre heckled about the bulge in my singlet.

  6. As the heaviest pledge in my class (at a whopping 192 lbs), I was forced to be in the heavyweight division. I did not win. Instead of a unitary, I wore spandex pants and Converse low tops. Strong look.

    For the record, I would pay a lot of money to be at/under 10 stones these days.

    In other news, I am about to write a $2G check for a new garage door/motor. Home ownership is awesome!

  7. You don't have to pay a lot of money to get to that weight, TR. You can just exercise! It's free!

  8. I, too, wrestled heavyweight as a pledge. Bad things ensued.

    And Mark, exercise may be free, but the massive amounts of health care related to resultant trauma events are not.

  9. I wrestled heavyweight, and won my first match (I have no idea how). I was then quickly pummeled in the second match by some guy that actually knew how to wrestle. Not good times.

  10. I think I wrestled 171 - pinned 2 guys (probably pledges from other frats) by tackling them and flipping them over. Then I was supposed to face Dewey in the next round, which would've caused me unimaginable amounts of pain. Somehow I managed to talk the "authorities" (probably TJ & Ichiro) into letting me forfeit so I could go back to some kind of social event and try to get a date for an upcoming date party. Which I didn't do.

    All in all, a fantastic evening.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 10 stone is 140 lbs. I dare say, none of the male readership of this fair blog are under that unless Rootsy has picked up a mean smack habit since college.

  13. Clarence, the cost of your healthcare down the road due to a lack of exercise for most of your adult life will be much greater. I assure you.

  14. Rob, is that true?

    Hold me closer tiny dancer....

  15. I hear you Mark, but 60-hr work weeks, 80-minute one way commutes, work travel and two young uns don't leave a lot of time for Pilates. They mostly leave time for train beers and couch scotches.

    When I move to TX in 2 yrs and live in a sweet house that costs a ton less than my current 0.13 acre place, you all will know why.

  16. And I plan to buy my wife a Texas-style chassy to fit in. I shod probably get her used to the idea of "healthy Fs" at some point.

  17. Can I be there for that conversation? I'll bring beers and chips.

  18. Hey, Marls, how about that Johan Santana news? I have officially canceled the Extra Innings package. The 2013 Mets season has been over for a while.

  19. TR- When you move to Texas I hope it's Austin or Dallas. There's really nowhere else worth living in Texas. Actually, I hope it's Austin because Austin is awesome and I don't know anyone who lives there anymore so I need a place to crash.

  20. GTB Skype-based workouts with Sparky 6 AM, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I'd watch the highlights.

  21. If you move to Houston, you can watch the Astros, whose payroll totals $25 million this year. Or you can stay in NYC and watch ARod play (or sit) for $29 million.

  22. So there's going to be constant interleague play now? What a world.

  23. 135 lbs, marls. lean, mean, fighting machine.

  24. move to fla and we'll get that fat ass into shape in no time.
    austin better than dallas yes...houston pretty decent too...dallas and H-town are in the same wheelhouse. better golf in houston, especially if your in the energy/oil sector heh guy?

  25. Austin and San Antonio only worthwhile cities in TX.

  26. I always get El Paso in my top 3 when I do try that FindYourSpot survey. Something to think about...

  27. t.r. - get yourself some gauze pads and ball bearings for that garage door opener.

  28. Just did the Find Your Spot survey.

    1. Orlando, FL
    2. Tampa, FL
    3. West Palm Beach, FL

  29. It's worth mentioning that it's really cold in my office now, so that may have skewed what I was looking for.

  30. San thanks.

    Jerry- I think Danimal would like to get in on these GTB Skype workouts. Maybe he can take Tuesdays and Thursdays and we'll alternate Fridays.

  31. And Clarence's find your spot survey results are awful. South Tampa/Hyde Park is the only redeemable part of Tampa. Orlando is awful and West Palm is just an ultra rich Del Boca Vista. Sorry about your luck, Clarence.

  32. I got Norfolk in my top 5, but overall Find Your Spot is reasonably sure that I'm a redneck.

  33. I also think they have a deal with the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce - The Queen City comes up for a lot of people.

  34. I'm cool with the plan as long as I get to see Teejay and Clarence working out.

  35. Alas, Austin would not work. Would be big D or Houston. Was bullish on D and bearish on H, but have turned quite a bit. D is a town of "millionaires" making $40K a year. Lots of wannabes. Houston is very much a transplant town and has a decent amount of non-TX expats. Houston is better for investment banking, Dallas is better for asset management. Both are great for staring at boob jobs everywhere and dealing backbreaking summer heat.

    The idea of a 15-20 minute commute, an hour time difference for stock market hours and no state income taxes (vs 7% in NJ!) makes for an enormous lifestyle improvement.

  36. The rest of my Find Your Spot results:

    Augusta, GA
    Charleston, SC
    Houston, TX
    Jacksonville, FL
    Austin, TX
    Brownsville, TX
    McAllen, TX
    San Antonio, TX
    Chesapeake-Virginia Beach, VA
    Oklahoma City, OK
    Memphis, TN
    Corpus Christi, TX
    Dallas, TX
    Fort Worth, TX
    Norfolk, VA
    Dothan, AL
    Clearwater, FL
    Atlanta, GA
    El Paso, TX
    Galveston, TX
    Bradenton, FL

    Bleh. I either already live there or it's pretty gross. Charleston and Austin excepted.

  37. looks like key west and danimal go hand in hand.

  38. don't forget the full-size suburban/yukon...either or, or both.

  39. Survey says!

    Albuquerque NM
    Corvallis OR
    Eugene OR

    Apparently I checked a granola box?

  40. Hi Gheorghies!

    I'll be in the NoVa area this weekend. I know it's last minute but anyone around/available for drinks or dinner Saturday night? We'll be in the Oakton area.

  41. Rob and Dewey Oxenberger....two peas in a pod.

    I say we all move to New Orleans and open Gheorghe: The Bar

  42. I second Marls' idea. And Clearwater's not bad.

  43. I second Mark's second. Let's go out in a blaze of glory. And hand grenades.

  44. i was told to wrestle 145 for the intramural tourney -- which was a lot of weight for me to cut. i had to take off my underwear to make weight -- really ugly -- but the weigh-in was the day before. hightower and elliott also cut a bunch of weight, and we immediately went to pizza hut and put it all back on -- i was over 160 pounds by the first match, and pinned the first two guys (who were actually 145 pounds) by grabbing them and using leverage. i made it to the finals and had to wrestle a guy nick-named "the box," because he was shaped like a box. he knew how to wrestle and i could not use my insane weight advantage to pin him. good times, aside from all the spitting to cut weight.

  45. Top Spots:

    Long Island, NY
    New York, NY
    Charlotte, NC
    OK City, OK
    El Paso, TX
    Norfolk, VA

  46. Augusta, GA
    Charlotte, NC
    El Paso, TX
    Oklahoma City, OK
    Chesapeake/VA Beach

    I must have skipped a page.

  47. Hartford
    Worcester, MA
    Washington, DC
    New Haven
    Gaithersburg, MD
    Bergen-Passaic, NJ
    Providence, RI

    Apparently I want to live in blighted cities.

  48. Is long island a city? Nobody got Winchester?

  49. new brunswick.

    more wrestling memories: senior year i decided to train with mazzoni and wrestle for the house in the name of all points. i cut weight to 168. unfortunately, in between training and the tournament was our trip to daytona -- no girls to mention -- but a LOT of chicken fried steak. came back from the trip at 185. did not wrestle for the house.

  50. Long Island City is a neighborhood in Queens. Long Island is an island comprising several counties and two boroughs. Neither are cities.

  51. Does anyone else think Lee Westwood looks a little Downzy?

  52. At the start of that Daytona trip, Dave wrote "EAT ME" in sunscreen on his chest in the name of fratitude. "Only "EAT" was legible, and that's what we did all week. Subliminal. I recall eating a huge Mexican meal one night, then going to McDonald's after the bars with Dave, then halfway back to the hotel we turned around and going back to McDonald's for another round.

  53. i remember that, as well as the sand sculpture of morgan that we made, and the other sand sculpture of an octopus groping a naked woman with seaweed, that we also made, and the ill-fated MTV idea of pairing Salt'n'Pepa and Primus together . . .

  54. sorry . . . naked woman with seaweed pubic hair.

  55. My list is interesting and I think I need to seriously consider #13

    1. Baltimore, Maryland
    2. Little Rock, Arkansas
    3. San Diego, California
    4. Orange County, California
    5. Oakland, California
    6. Charleston, West Virginia
    7. Long Beach, California
    8. Los Angeles, California
    9. Las Vegas, Nevada
    10. Washington, District of Columbia
    11. Las Cruces, New Mexico
    12. Frederick, Maryland
    13. Honolulu, Hawaii
    14. Portland, Oregon
    15. Norfolk, Virginia

  56. Little Rock and Charleston stick out like sore thumbs.

  57. Mr. KQ and Shlara both got Portland, eh? Just remember...puff puff pass

  58. Mayhugh, I got almost the exact same top 5. I guess that means we're gay. Or equally straight.

  59. Everyone's gettin' Norfolk!! Come on down!!

  60. And seaweed salad pubic hair on a girl is my idea of Utopia

  61. The reverse on those tests is also interesting. Do the survey but enter the opposite for your answers.

  62. Was your opposite #1 "inside a condom"?

  63. my opposite #1 was inside a cock ring.

  64. Am on board w the non tx/ ark locales

    Brownsville, Texas
    McAllen, Texas
    Key West, Florida
    Fredericksburg, Texas
    Atlantic Beach-Morehead City, North Carolina
    Rockport, Texas
    Port Aransas, Texas
    Hilton Head-Sun City Hilton Head, South Carolina
    Edenton, North Carolina
    Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina
    Marble Falls, Texas
    Wimberley, Texas
    Kerrville, Texas
    Corpus Christi, Texas
    Sarasota, Florida
    Winterville, North Carolina
    Hopkinsville, Kentucky
    Brunswick, Georgia
    Beaufort, South Carolina
    St. Marys, Georgia
    Naples, Florida
    New Smyrna Beach, Florida
    Ormond Beach, Florida
    St Augustine, Florida

  65. Am on board w the non tx/ ark locales

    Brownsville, Texas
    McAllen, Texas
    Key West, Florida
    Fredericksburg, Texas
    Atlantic Beach-Morehead City, North Carolina
    Rockport, Texas
    Port Aransas, Texas
    Hilton Head-Sun City Hilton Head, South Carolina
    Edenton, North Carolina
    Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina
    Marble Falls, Texas
    Wimberley, Texas
    Kerrville, Texas
    Corpus Christi, Texas
    Sarasota, Florida
    Winterville, North Carolina
    Hopkinsville, Kentucky
    Brunswick, Georgia
    Beaufort, South Carolina
    St. Marys, Georgia
    Naples, Florida
    New Smyrna Beach, Florida
    Ormond Beach, Florida
    St Augustine, Florida

  66. I think you should seriously consider #5, Shlara.

  67. So...nobody else is rooting for the Gators tonight, right? Except for maybe Jerry?

  68. I am rooting for FL. Will help in my office pool.

  69. Me too on gators. For financial reasons. Won't cry if they lose.

  70. So you're not really rooting for them, Dan. Get out of here with that half stepping bullshit.

    And yes, I'm starting to get a little anxious for game time. Why do you ask?

  71. I also feel like Michigan State -Duke is going to be really, really good. Which is too bad since it will be on tv2.

  72. Ok...I am rooting for them. Officially. Still won't cry though.

  73. I'm too old (re: drunk) for games to tip off at 10pm.

  74. I'm dead sober right now. Will be rectifying that soon.

  75. You're just a butter knife, I'm a machete...That's made by Ginsu, wait until when you...

  76. One of our company partners' kid (5 yrs old) is winning our pool. All the kid does is watch ESPN and is like an instamatic stat-kid. He has Syracuse going all the way.

    And in one pool I have Florida going all the way. Mark, make room on the bandwagon for me.

  77. That was fucking unreal. Just a 30 foot step back to send the game into OT.

  78. yeah, that's a top 10 all-time sick shot.

  79. Just wrote an $800 check for a new garage door. Out of scotch. My bracket blew up w/ Indiana losing. And my plantar fasciitis has flared up.

    But my 5 y/o learned to ride his two-wheeler today. And we got it on video. Life is good.

  80. And I found a bottle of Crown Royal in the bak of my licker cabinet. Good indeed.

  81. capping off spring break: the gluttony with some cold pizza at 10:30. tomorrow, vegetables.

  82. That 10:38 PM start time is a dagger.

  83. little rock, ar
    ventura, ca
    monroe, la
    shreveport, la
    baltimore, md
    gaithersburg, md
    fayetteville, ar
    san clemente, ca
    santa barbara, ca
    santa cruz, ca
    valencia, ca
    oakland, ca
    orange county, ca
    palo alto, ca
    san diego, ca
    alexandria, la
    charleston, wv
    berkeley, ca
    long beach, ca
    sacramento, ca
    vista, ca
    honolulu, hi
    baton rouge, la

    find your spot really wants me in california or louisiana. that makes a ton of sense.

  84. I'm not in love with the 10:38 tip time for Florida. Especially since my wife is out of town for the night and I'm waking up with the kid. Michigan-Kansas was worth it though.

    Well, worth it if Florida wins.

  85. for the record, i'm rooting for the gators. i'd like them to win it all. they were my favorite team to watch this year.

  86. Stop piggybacking off my astute insights, Mark.

  87. Def rooting for OMFGCLMFAO. And slugging Decoy Cab. And Stone IPA. In no particular order.

  88. also rooting for the gators in hopes that mark sends me some gear that he outgrows.

  89. Am I going to hit a growth spurt? Because that would be awesome.

  90. Fantastic defense by Florida is the past 2 minutes. Yeguette and Prather are everywhere.

  91. thanks to duke and florida for making it okay for me and tr to turn in at a moderately reasonable hour. or as clarence calls it, warmups.

  92. Was in bed early. Waking up to a 12 point victory instead of say...13 makes me sore.

  93. 27 yrs in the making, but we're about to get the Duke-Louisville rematch we've all been looking for. That Duke team was pretty stacked - Amaker, Dawkins, Alarie and a name I did not know was on the team that early in the 80's, Danny Ferry.

  94. "Danny Ainge needs to shut the f--- up and manage his own team," Riley said in a statement released through a Heat spokesman. "He was the biggest whiner going when he was playing and I know that because I coached against him."


  95. fighting delle donnes vs kentucky at noon

  96. Your girl is balling today, Rob.

  97. TR--you didn't know that Danny Ferry was a Dookie in the 80s??? He's the original Dookie. And I loved him.

    I'm heading to the Syracuse/Marquette game today. I don't think Gary Williams will be sitting behind us today--he's probably on the golf course.

    And I guess I'm cheering for Marquette because I cannot tolerate those Orange fans, or Boeheim.

  98. too bad she's the only one on her team. they're physically overmatched.

  99. I felt bad for Dookie when he turned into Bubbles.

  100. You should also cheer for Marquette because Buzz Williams is awesome and Vander Blue is named Vander Blue.

  101. and junior cadougan is named junior cadougan. and nobody associated with marquette is named jim boeheim.

  102. I didn't realize that Ferry went back that far. I thought he and his prematurely balding hair played a couple years later.

  103. Shlara -I think TR was unaware that Ferry was at Duke that early. He just did not realize that Ferry was that super old.

    I wonder if Gary Williams sweats through his golf shirts too?

  104. And the snozzberries taste like snozzberries.

  105. Two with just one mind.

  106. new post up front for today's elite 8 games.
