Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This makes me laugh

Every time I look at it.

I'm sure you know why this is funny. And if you don't know, now you know.


  1. Because you used to read Word Up! magazine.

  2. I'm going going, back back, to Cali...

  3. Danimal got any opinion on Lance coming clean?

  4. probably the same as most that have not had to deal personally with the Big C.

    but since i haven't, he receives permanent status as a douchebag. he sued people for slander prior to this confession. serious c-sucker imho.

  5. From today's Grantland piece on KISS (good read):

    Equally important to how much Kiss toured in the '70s was where Kiss toured. "Kiss's grassroots following was built on playing secondary and tertiary markets which other acts avoided," writes former business manager C.K. Lendt in his book Kiss and Sell: The Making of a Supergroup — including places "so isolated that the truck drivers carrying the stage show had trouble finding them on standard road maps." Kiss wasn't just aiming for the middle of the rock audience, it was willing to travel and make a semi-regular home there. It was, according to Lendt, "a vast universe of places like Muskegon, Bismarck, Huntsville, Butte, Salina, Waco, Rapid City, Dubuque, Bozeman, Fayetteville, Dothan, Port Huron, Lake Charles, Evansville, Johnston, Erie, Peoria, Lafayette, Waterloo, Grand Forks, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, Fargo, Johnson City, Beaumont, and Hampton Roads."

    Awww, yeah. Take me home, Hampton Roads.

  6. Only when it featured Salt N Peppa and Heavy D up in the limousine, Z.

    And you've got the wrong song, TJ. Way to ruin it.

  7. Gee, do I? Wouldve never known without the education from you. Thanks. Keep up the good work.

  8. I figured you'd be more excited about Johnson City.

  9. This is what I'm really excited about:

    Fri Mar 15 -- Chester, NY -- The Capitol Theatre
    Sat Mar 16 -- Montclair, NJ -- Wellmont Theatre
    Sun Mar 17 -- Baltimore, MD -- Rams Head Live

    Old 97's and Drive-By Truckers in a dual headline show.

    Put your hands together, people.

  10. TJ- What song is this from? FUCK YOU.

  11. Umm, "Hit em Up"?

    Or "No Vaseline"?

  12. I was going for 'The Bitch in You' though.
