Thursday, January 03, 2013

The Teej Goes To Ghitaly

Florence, to be exact. And we leave tomorrow. But, I am confident my Italian lessons have prepared me for the trip:

I have been informed we have wifi in the apartment we are staying at, so look forward to unfunny and lame updates from me in the G:TB comments over the next ten days.


  1. watch-ay notradame game-ay?

  2. crowdsourced twitter...i think i have some possibilities for the 2:30am bcs champ game kickoff...

  3. i could just pipe you in via skype...the call would begin by me saying, "YOU ARE LOOKING LIVE...."
    that could be kinda cool. of course you'd have to head to the bathroom with me every quarter.

  4. you're such a world traveler. i hear the wine is pretty good there. pizza too.

  5. you got an iPhone? we can do whatever that "facetime" thing is, I'm told

  6. Teedge, you need to ask for the following foods using the following pronounciations:


    and let me know what they bring you. I'm curious if they speak different forms of Italian in Italy versus NJ.

  7. in answer to mayhugh's question, i'll be pulling for the patriots in the playoffs.

    actually, there are very few teams i hate in the playoffs this year, so it'll be interesting. the manning story would be fun, until espn beats that horse dead and then some. on a matchup by matchup basis, this weekend i'm pulling for:

    indy over baltimore
    houston over cincy
    green bay over minny
    skins over hawks

  8. I am old.

  9. Rob, here's a question to ponder. Would you be more passionate about your NFL rooting if you'd chosen the other finalist, the Colts?

  10. that's one of those eternal unanswerables, clarence. like, which came first, chicken or the egg? or how did someone as swarthy and drunkenly violent as dave score so heavy with the chicks?

  11. 'a doofus abroad' is a sublime tag

  12. Re: the ridiculous pronunciations that Italians use for those foods (and others): I go out of my way to say pronounce these words as stilted and close to the standard pronunciation as possible. Of course, I also regularly call my infant daughter a wop.

  13. Since my bowl predictions have been so stellar, ill take stab at tonight's game. Oregon wins by more than two touchdowns. 42-24.

  14. Wait, what just happened? I went to get clothes out of the dryer, and came back to an 8-0 score??
    Go Ducks

  15. Oregon might want to make the most of this bowl game. Could be a while before they're allowed in another one.

  16. they accused of some chicanery? some duckanery, if you will?

  17. You're for the birds. Cheep laughs.

  18. I'll disregard all those awful puns. Yes, the NCAA is coming for Oregon. Surprised you don't remember hearing about it. Involved a "talent scout" named Willie Lyles who (allegedly) delivered guys like Darren Thomas Lache Seastrunk to Oregon for a fee. And Oregon paid these fees via check. So there's like a record of it and shit.

    This all broke last year. NCAA is finishing up there investigation and recently rejected Oregon's offer of self imposed penalties.

    Chip be gone.

  19. It is quite amazing that Brian and Peter are both voiced by same guy.amanda vanderpool fashion
