Tuesday, December 04, 2012

In Gheorghe We Trust

This is not a Gheorghe-mas post, but it probably could be. Thanks to G:TB, we have been reunited with an old friend of ours from Unit M in the post comments below, and it only makes sense (because we need filler) to share some of his work below.

Pre-clip background, provided by our guy Scott B. in the comments:

New Roanoke Jug Band lived from 2000-2007. Original Roanoke Jug Band lived from 1925-1935 (and were not pederasts to my knowledge). Now it's Rootstone Jug Band - I've hooked up with some amazing cats who can do it all - Jug Band, Psych Rock, Hip Hop, Metal, Cock Rock, Old School Country, you name it. Jug Band stuff is here: www.rootstone.net


And give this a shot too. Scotty, welcome to the madness.


  1. it's a gheorghemas miracle!

  2. the airing of grievances are still on the agenda...

  3. His name is Scooter. Get it straight.

  4. I have a great airing of grievancest story. At least I think it's great. Maybe I'm just an asshole.

  5. Maybe I'll write it up as a filler post and see how it flows. Flows just go through me, and all that.

  6. I say we call him by his handle, Rootsminer. Anonymity, after all, is like walking a mile in another girl's pumps.

  7. Damn guys, I wasn't looking to pimp my musical endeavors - I just heard there were some frat guys hanging around here.

    Nice to see the action here. Drew - we've got about the same hairline these days, but my nipples still pale in comparison to yours. I still have an occasional flashback to you coming down the stairs of Braxton Ct. at the crack of noon in your boxers with your morning cig hanging out of your mouth.

  8. i assume 'morning cig hanging out of your mouth' is a euphemism. which is pretty fucked up.

  9. Shit, Zman was sending ladies home with panties in their pockets in those days. But that refers to his bleary eyed puffy nippled stagger to his morning smoke.

  10. Don't forget about the smiles on their faces.

  11. somali women, my friends, are an attractive lot.

  12. I'm at the Wizards game and just ran into our 7'7" friend. He was happy to hear that Gheorghe-mas has started. And said to tell you guys "hi"

  13. Totally serious Teej. He loves the idea of Gheorghe-mas.

  14. how did you describe it to him?

  15. shlara is a good luck charm!

  16. she's magically delicious.

    i'll stop now.

  17. My less than a week old iphone5 up and died today. Apple was extremely helpful in trying to help rectify the fact that the product they produced was a lemon. AT&T on the other hand didn't give two shits about there part in the transaction (which involved the purchase and wireless contract). Seriously, they couldn't have been worse. Or cared less. Fuck AT&T with a corn cob pipe.

  18. You should have Shlara call AT&T for you, she gets shit done.

  19. Meanwhile, R Kelly is killing it on AXS. He is insane.

  20. AXS is channel 569 for those of you with Fios. Can't make that up. I guess I could. But I didn't.

  21. Told him yesterday was the first day of Gheorghe-mas. He said "really, very nice" and then gave me a high five. Told him I would send him the info & photos.

    Oh, and the Wizards won. Which was awesome. I'm attributing it to RGIII, who was sitting in those seats next to the Wizards bench

  22. Wouldn't that be a low five given your disparate heights? I'm just sayin.

  23. day 2 teed up and ready to fly. the teej will be happy to know that it includes a 'christmas eve in washington' reference.

  24. i'm impossibly impressed by rootsminer playing guitar and mouth harp (and then jug) at the same time. i can't do any of those things by themselves.

  25. kinda dig nc state's jimmy v classic uniforms.

  26. dickie v is really great during jimmy v week. no snark - what he's done for cancer research is remarkable.

  27. Um, the Jay Wright rumors?
    Not true according to Nova

  28. Such a good insight! rumors all over the world! are not true.. Amanda Vanderpool
