Thursday, November 29, 2012


Ghita excite:

Necessary Les Boulez clip:



  1. Wiz just 5.5 games out of the 8th spot in the East.

  2. i am not that much with basketball, but this seems good.

  3. I look like I'm "with basketball" in that picture.

  4. Brandon Marshall claims NFL players are using Viagra to gain a competitive edge. At football.

  5. He better have rock hard evidence to make such a claim.

  6. i failed to win powerball last night, so you asshats are stuck with me.

  7. competition in the nfl is stiff, jerry.

  8. You are looking live at the Queens County Central Jury Room.

    Doing my civic duty bitches.

  9. Hastily trying to get my lawyer to move my case to Queens County.

    Not four years ...

  10. How many civic duty bitches are you going to do, Marls? I'd guess you only have the stamina for two, maybe three.

  11. I'm shooting for between 6 & 9.

    Based on results so far, I'm thinking that a single payer government run healthcare system would be a terrible idea.

  12. Sure. Will you need affidavits from each of the CDB or will my word suffice?

  13. NY ponied up for a video about jury duty narrated by Ed Bradley. The masss are enthralled.

  14. Masses.

    We have now moved on to Armageddon. The Queens County courts are apparently fans of Jerry Bruckheimer.

  15. i'm a bit behind on my g:tb reading, but i'd like to point out that i don't like bourbon or scotch, but i am excited to drink a beer named "ron."

    also, when i was doing a workout similar to the "tax day swim," this happened:

  16. A million-dollar winning Powerball ticket was sold at the 7-11 in Arlington on the corner of Lee Hwy and George Mason Dr. I can only hope it was one of you guys on your way to the Cowboy Cafe.

  17. hope solo is married to jerramy stevens? how did we not know this? and how fucking stupid is she?

  18. When I win the lottery gonna donate half my money to the city
    So they have to name a street or a school or a park after me

  19. I did drive past that 7-11 yesterday. But I haven't bought a lottery ticket since I was 18.

  20. rob. how did you not know this is the question? admittedly i did not know either until about 2 weeks when a brawl broke out in their house. it was mentioned in more than a few news media outlets.

  21. must've happened while i was in london. they don't speak american there.

  22. nova peeps - they're tearing the buick city complex down. also, springfield mall. for those of us of a certain age, that's a bit sad. and overdue by about 10 years.

  23. speaking of overdue tear downs, caught my first glimpse of the jmu dukes bball team last night. whoa. not a lot of talent there. they'll be lucky to win 6 games. The days of "THE ELECTRIC ZOO" are a distant memory. Sad.

  24. I'm with Dan. YOU missed the Solo-Stevens marriage, Rob. Don't put that on us. Best part of the marriage was that it occurred the day he was released from jail after bring booked on assault charges against...(wait for it) Hope Solo.

    Also, a google search of those two brings up a great image of them flashing "west side" signs (probably Washington in their case but still) with their jack-o-lanterns. I'm sure they'll have a long, happy marriage.

  25. Washington City Paper stole my Les Wizerables bit. Jerks.

  26. When I win the lottery
    Gonna buy all the girls on my block
    Color TV and a bottle of French perfume

    And when I win the lottery
    Gonna buy all the girls on my block
    Silver plated six shooters with a quart of the finest highland scotch

  27. hope solo is not sexy and lucky to find anyone nice enough to assault her and then marry her.

  28. was just notified that fios is discontinuing the blue highway channel, but my monthly fee will remain the same. this is an outrage.

    (what is the blue highway channel?)

  29. Michael Landon-only programming?

  30. Blue Highway is Billy Idol. Assright, Billy Oidol. Y'don't discontinue 'at bloke wiffout a foight, lad.

    Sorry. Felt very British just for a moment.

  31. Civic duty done. I may have overestimated the bitches quotient.

  32. But not the bitching quotient. Sitting you on a jury would e malpractice.

  33. I hope you all are rooting for Rutgers tonight. The school deserves it after running a pretty clean program for the last decade. We are F.A.M.I.L.Y.

  34. seeing kentucky lose never sucks. and notre dame's black on black unis are tight.

  35. The only thing Rutgers related that I'll be rooting for tonight is Mike Rosario (Florida-Marquette tips at 9). Nothing against Rutgers but I always root for Charlie Strong. A great coach who worked forever in CFB to get his shot. And half of that Louisville team is from Florida. Including my favorite name in CFB (and one of the best QBs), Teddy Bridgewater.

  36. Teddy Pendergrass > Teddy Bridgewater

  37. Loving the Spurs hanging with the Heat tonight despite resting their big guns. F David Stern for threatening sanctions.

  38. totally agreed - that was some megalomaniacal bullshit from stern. not like the spurs are tanking a season.

    nice work by my saints thus far.

  39. It's a national TV game and he's been planning to do it since July, reportedly. The NBA is still a business with paying customers and (more importantly) television contracts.

  40. Teddy Pendergrass ever play QB with a broken left wrist? I didn't think so.

  41. and the spurs are winning after 3.

  42. Florida is destroying Marquette. Best defensive Gator Basketball team since the 06-07 teams. In a completely different manner.

  43. Just over 10 minutes left in the second half...and Marquette has 31.

  44. Teddy Pendergrass was cool and smooth R&B in a wheelchair. I'd say that's pretty decent in its own right.

  45. as a college student, this could have been interesting.
    as a 42 year old parent, it frightens me slightly.

  46. It is cool, Clarence. Just defending Teddy Bridgewater and his awesome name. Bridgewater will now play in a BCSO game. Something Teddy P never did.

    Also, I'd like to ask TR what his favorite Teddy Pendergrass song is. I'll hang up and listen.

  47. Rob actually made a comment extolling the merits of his favorite Teddy, Teddy Ruxpin, but he deleted it in shame.

    And although the Partiots of the last decade annoy people, Teddy Bruschi has a pretty cool name.

  48. Hey, Partiots. That's what we become after Beer #19.

  49. How about a wacky post from Dave on the challenges of Christmas shopping for the people who have everything and do nothing where he transitions into broader sociological observations on gift-giving in an upper-middle class society and some non-sequiturs about how he only has a few Christmases left until his kids can start beating him up?

    That's what I'm in the mood for right now.

  50. it's tedy bruschi, clarence. short for teddy. and don't fuck with teddy ruxpin.

    if dave's taking requests, i'd like something in a breezy, life-affirming exposition of the joy of indian food.

  51. I'm surprised that Harvard's lawyers would allow them to approve a BDSM club.

  52. We've been covering this story for over a year!

  53. We are the #1 google result for Jack Urbont ...

  54. fuck yeah, zman.

    also in jurisprudence, four hofstra hoops players were arrested today for assorted burglaries. owner of one of the houses they broke into: mo cassara, hofstra's head coach. that's some uggggly shit, right there.

  55. nice! you guys are famous.

    how about a year-end post reporting the ghoogle analytics of gtb? hmmm?

  56. Will that include a picture/words ratio?

  57. As long as we can count comments in the words section.

    And I looked at the paper today and saw that Ron Zacapa is on sale at my local liquor store. Seems meant to be.

  58. Amazing video. Imagine if they'd kept that team together. So much potential basketball and musical greatness, lost forever. Amanda Vanderpool
