Thursday, October 04, 2012

So That's What Would Happen

I've long harbored an irrational intellectual curiosity about what would happen if, rather than drifting down in tiny, unique little flakes, snow fell upon the ground as a single blanket. If nothing else, the resounding 'whoomp' of a good 8-inch single-event snowfall strikes me as something I'd like to witness.

As it turns out, this may be a case of 'careful what you wish for'.

According to the physics website 'What If?', a scattered rainstorm that would normally drop 6 cm over a 100 km/sq area would, if consolidated into a single large drop would demolish all structures in a 20-30km radius.

 Sure, a consolidated raindrop isn't the same thing as a fluffy blanket of snow, but I'm not prepared to take the chance of being flattened by a metric fuckton of snow. Consider my curiosity slaked.


  1. Physics makes us all its bitches.

  2. Physics definitely made me its bitch in high school.

    Ms. W (my Physics teacher), handing back midterm exams: "So, nobody failed the exam..."
    Me: [fist-pumping]
    Ms. W: "The lowest grade was a 73."
    And with that, Whap! She put my exam on my desk with resounding emphasis. It was the 73. Not cool.

  3. And by the way, Adam Ant was incredible. Incredibly ridiculous, incredibly fun.

  4. "the resounding 'whoomp' of a good 8-inch single-event." Wishful thinking?

  5. adios, Bobby Valentine. great work this season, chief.

  6. thank you, merciful heavenly father

  7. At least he kept it fratty. 69 wins.

  8. I had to attend what was basically a sensitivity training session on how to provide feedback to subordinates. When asked how I would respond in a hypothetical situation, I said "I would tell him that he needs to buck up." Apparently this was not the right answer.

  9. Tell him to goatate and that points are huge. Also trust your brother and never above a whisper.

  10. I bought all of that stuff hook line and sinker up until I heard "Reshefsky is drinking beers in the pit with the brothers." I knew that was a lie.

  11. So Wayne Hunter leaves the Jets and pretty much turns into Anthony Munoz for the Rams? Figures.

  12. And Brian Schottenheimer turns into Don Coryell...

  13. Is Kolb going for the "college sophomore" look with his facial hair?

  14. Very dumb announcers. Kolb should have run that in.
