Friday, October 26, 2012

Robert Downey Jr. got dap from the real Toney Starks

Not only does Robert Downey Jr. get paid lots of money to pretend to be a super-hero version of himself, he gets to hang with GFK. I'm jealous.

Luckily for us, Pretty Tone lends credence to our conclusion that he made Iron Man a hot joint. Luckily for Jack Urbont, Cocaine Biceps also notes that the old Iron Man cartoon was much better than the comic books.


  1. We have 10 teams in the Yahoo league - should we do the draft tonight, in case rob is right and we get f'ing pummeled by this storm?

  2. It is Homecoming weekend at the College of William & Mary. One or more of you may be incapacitated tonight.

  3. I'd be OK with moving the draft to next week.

  4. Draft is Monday night. Season kicks off Tuesday.

  5. oh sugar, was just about to see if i could still get into the league. AS IF!

    the sea is a little annoyed this afternoon. winds are going on strong and soon to be a wee bit stronger. i'll be tailgating in this shit, and gladly so, at 0900 tomorrow. there will be some added moisture of course. not to worry during the game, i'll be watching from inside. hmmmmm...hmmmm...danny?! how 'bout a fresca?!

    and then the irish at wife won't be annoyed with me at all by that point. love you honey bunny!

    don't forget to dvr your ironman world championship at 4 tomorrow...

  6. Dear Gheorghe,

    An elderly lady was in my work building just now. She waved at me as she was slowly making her way out the door into the pre-hurricane rain. I said, "Have a good weekend -- stay dry!" She looked me dead in the eye with a smile and replied, "Oh, I will." I laughed really hard. None of my colleagues laughed at all. Was that what she meant? Am I a jackass?


  7. sounds like that is what she meant mr. confused but that doesn't mean you still can't be a jackass.

  8. And they're singin' up in Jersey:

    The aurora is risin' behind us
    Those pier lights, our carnival life forever
    Oh, love me tonight, for I may never see you again
    Hey, Sandy girl...

  9. Did she have a Canadian maple leaf shaved into the back of her head?

  10. A kid just got on my train carrying a 3 foot bong.

  11. I'm also really looking forward to season 2 of "People in the North get really over excited and scared about a weak hurricane (because every thing that happens to people who live between DC and New York City is more important)". It has a really clunky title but it was immensely entertaining last year.

  12. We already stocked up on truffle oil and organic Greek yogurt here at zcentral.

  13. And thanks for referring to us as "people in the north" instead of "Yankee jackasses."

  14. Duke. Nc state. Your wagers for tomorrow.

  15. No problem, Z.

    No wagers from me just yet but I'm alone with 9 month old this weekend so I'll be up early enough to look them over in the morning.

  16. Bring that little bugger up...can scrape up a coupla terrace suite tix.

  17. Reporting to you live from Williamsburg, Va. Rob and I are up and at 'em, only slightly hung over, and preparing to crack our first cold one of the day. Saw Shlara last night, hope to do the same today.

    Best part of a 20-year reunion, all our old friends embrace alcoholism the same way I do on a weekly basis.

  18. you are looking cary field at zable stadium.

  19. I'm housing this solo parent weekend. Kid slept for 13 hours last night and fully cooperated at the gym's day care this morning. Now just a little lunch and then it's off to Grandma's house so I can watch Florida-Georgia.

  20. Checking in from New Brunswick, NJ. Get ready for some Rutgers football.

  21. That's classic Cocktail Party preparation right there.

  22. My kid spent the morning re-enacting the "fuck yo couch" part of the Rick James sketch.

  23. The kid is out of the house. I can now hate Georgia in a manner befitting this rivalry. Mark Rich and TR can both go to hell.

  24. Z - Was your kid calling you "Darkness" as well? Cause that would be pretty cool.

  25. Rather weak turnout for a ranked Rutgers team on homecoming. Maybe 3/4 filled. Maybe.

  26. Mark's comment at 3:16 still has me laughing.

  27. Driskel making some terrible throws today.

  28. Rutgers is losing 28-10 to Kent State?

  29. Driskel is happy that Aaron Murray is on the field to deflect so e of the awful decision making attention away from him. That last pick was a killer. Denies Florida a halftime lead when they've played like shit and ends the best drive they'd had all day. Time to drink...more.

  30. anyone see the gambling beat nc state inflicted on punters today? brutal.

  31. I did. Pretty great. Watched Gio Bernard play in high school. Love that little Italian.

  32. I do not look forward to the Sooners steamrolling Notre Dame tonight.

  33. Maybe it will make up for the sorrow you will feel when this derpfest has ended, and the Gators have lost.

  34. My power company says I should prepare for a power outage of 7 to 10 days. How the fuck do I prepare for that? No heat or hot water for a week and a half?

  35. would you expect any other kind of response?

    and z, yeah, I'm pretty sure PEPCO will be srewing us down this way, and power will be out for days if not a week, when this storm comes through

  36. Well, shit. Florida didn't deserve to win anyway.

  37. Why are you jumping from the 7 yard line, Jordan Reed?

  38. fratty Florida today:
    6 turnovers
    9 points

  39. Just an awful day I. Ever possible way for Florida. Sloppy, undisciplined and disorganized. The solace I take from this: I never thought we'd go undefeated and I (probably) don't have to watch the Gators get curb stomped by Alabama.

  40. Oh Lane Kiffin, you always know just what to do to make me feel better. Thanks, bud!

  41. Bets I made today were all of the degenerate gambler variety. Oregon (-21) in the 1st half vs. Colorado. The 1st half ended with Oregon up 56-0.

    Then a small two team parlay, Oklahoma (-7) in the 1st half and Bama (-14) in the 1st.

  42. altogether now: hey auburn! ha ha! /muntz

  43. landry jones got that old time rhythm

  44. ND has the lead. Will be cherishing this moment before it gets ugly.

  45. Auburn should just fire Chizik now. Everyone knows its going to happen. Just put the man out of his misery.

  46. That botched snap is looking pretty big right now.

  47. this irish defense is impressive

  48. Whatever the hell just happened in that ND game I dont think I've seen before. A rushing TD apparently overruled by a penalty that was never even announced.

  49. Yes. Very odd. Bob Stoops was it p,eased. Deservedly so.

  50. bob stoops was so mad he started speaking in punctuation and gibberish? damn, that's some serious angry.

  51. just saw the lattimore injury for the first time. oh. my. god. that's some horror movie shit. hope he plays again.

  52. Marqise Lee had 345 yards receiving today? That's insane.

  53. Indeed it was, Rob. Indeed it was.

  54. Hi!
    Losing my ass....can't wait to see whatever the fuck happened in ncstate game. Good times nonetheless. Ga is a bucket list item. Must do it. Mark, sorry for your loss. And mine...lost a dollar or two on that one.

  55. broken femur, and all four ligaments torn, according to reports. mercy.

  56. Nd managing this nicely. Teejus...come on man....believe.

  57. danimal, state was getting 7.5, led by 10 in the 4th. carolina came back to tie the game, then took a 41-35 lead on a punt return touchdown with just seconds left. holder dropped the snap, picked it up, found an open player in the end zone for a two-point conversion. heels win, 43-35, cover on the botched snap/hold.

  58. Thanks, Dan. Not taking the loss too hard. As I said earlier, Florida in no way deserved to win that game. The Cocktail Party is definitely a must attend event. Been five times but haven't been in three years. Need to remedy that next year.

  59. Notre Dame's D is certainly even more legit than I gave them credit for it seems. Imagine how good they'd be if Aaron Lynch hadn't transferred.

  60. Golson just got annihilated.

  61. I think about that Lynch transfer daily. Pussy.
    It is a luxury to know your back-up is more than capable but in this game Rees hurts their chances.

  62. Golson back in. Need a td here. Kicker blows.

  63. Just farted
    Oh boy...that kick was not good. Too late now I guess. Heehheeee

  64. James harden traded to the Rockets for Kevin Martin, Jeremy Lamb and draft picks. WHOA.

  65. Big response by Notre Dame on this drive.

  66. Doubters. Fuck you. Fuck you Danimal.

  67. Ron Zacapa. Johnny Walker Blue.

  68. If Lamb ends up being a player, I really like this OKC trade. Harden may be at his ceiling right now. Martin is a 1-yr rental and Lamb is a potential scorer off the bench. OKC realized the distraction potential all year and acted.

  69. I don't think Harden has hit his celing as he's ony 23. But I do like the trade. Harden wasn't taking less than the max. If Lamb develops he's a great fit with Durant and Westbrook. Plus, one of the first round picks is from Toronto so it should be a high pick that gives OKC a chance at another elite talent.
