Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cougars in the Outfield

Shlara went to Nats/Cards Game 3 on Wednesday. We asked her for a brief recap. Enjoy.

The cougars are 1-1 at Nats Park. And the loss was poorly timed. #Saditude

We had excellent seats -- a table right above center field (Bryce!!). We consumed beers and NAT-chos. There were balloon sculptures, bunting and a massive American flag greeting fans as they walked into the park. It was about 70 degrees and sunny -- I even got a sunburn. Really great atmosphere for the first five innings -- almost everyone wearing red, standing & cheering unprompted, waving the Nats version of a Terrible Towel, singing along to Ah-ha's "Take on Me".

Then Morse flied out with bases loaded and the air went out of the ballpark -- cue the Pacman dying sound. Stranding runners has been a problem for the Nats all season and I'm afraid the playoff pressure is making the guys too tense to get out of the jam.

The fans then seemed to lose patience and the ability to pay attention. People started leaving to beat the rush on the Metro. One of my coworkers was sitting a few sections over and sent me this note in the seventh: "There is some serious unrest in the cheap seats. Nearby child just asks her dad, "what's douchebag mean??"

Tomorrow is do-or-die. I’m sure the fans will bring their passion and refreshed Natitude back to the park for the 4:07pm start. I have complete confidence in Davey to get the team ready for Game 4. Teej & Jess will be in the VIP seats -- maybe they will bring us luck! And, I'll be back on the Red Porch (without the cougars) to see the Nats even things up.


  1. I aim to please. The "Shlara Does..." tags are slowly piling up.

  2. Regular season baseball still kind of blows but playoff baseball more than makes up for it.

    Once again: Go Cardinals!

  3. The Nats need to lose 'Take On Me' as their song or at least the fans do. Great song from the 80's but not a baseball song. Way too effeminate. Wait, scratch that idea. It might be perfect for baseball.

  4. Need to start 3: Mendenhall, Ryan Matthews, Alfred Morris and Ahmad Bradshaw. Who sits?

  5. Bradshaw sits against SF. Mendenhall starts against TEN. I don't trust Mathews yet so start Morris.

  6. And I'm an idiot. You need three. So just sit Bradshaw.

  7. That works. Its on you now if I lose.

  8. Yes. Because I think I'm playing you this week (in another league?).

  9. Do NOT bench a guy who ran for 200 yards last week.

  10. Morris and Matthews are going to its between Rashard and Ahmad...

  11. Well, the Titans do suck donkey balls, so I guess playing Mendenhall isn't exactly a bad choice.

  12. Yes, must consider the donkey balls factor.

  13. speakin' of balls...the sack that holds mine will be cut open in about 2.5 hours. the house of danimal will remain 5 unless the wife catches the demon seed of another. which is possible.

  14. Do those 200 yards count if they came against the Browns? I would avoid the SF defense when possible.

  15. Do they ... do they actually open the sack?

  16. Yeah, I need to hear more about this...may be in the market for a despermerizing someday soon.

  17. z - they don't do it by staring at it unfortunately.

    i can give you the play-by-play later today or tomorrow. am surprisingly not nervous.

    i did get myself all shaved up this morning.

  18. Beano Cook, the man who predicted 3 heisman tropy wins for Ron Powlus....dead. R.I.P.

  19. Excellent recap Shlara. I still think we should consider live video blogging from our next sporting event. We could be the first sideline reporters for the GTB Network. Natitude! Cougars!

  20. Best Beano Cook moment:

    Idiot Radio Host: Hey Beano, what's your favorite band?

    Beano: Ohio State Marching.

  21. Meeting bingo: "It bears repeating" and "Low hanging fruit" in the same paragraph!

  22. what does "douche-bag" mean?

    it always amazes me that people -- especially children-- can even sit still for five innings of a baseball game!

  23. pour some out for danimal's naditude.

  24. Texas Rangers CEO Nolan Ryan said the timing of Josh Hamilton's decision to quit smokeless tobacco this summer "couldn't have been worse."

    "You would've liked to have thought that if he was going to do that, that he would've done it in the offseason or waited until this offseason to do it," Ryan said during an appearance on ESPN Dallas 103.3 FM's "Galloway and Company" this week. "So the drastic effect that it had on him and the year that he was having up to that point in time when he did quit, you'd have liked that he would've taken a different approach to that."

    Hamilton, who began his quest to quit dipping in late June, admitted in August that he was dealing with a "discipline" issue and said it was discipline at the plate and discipline in "being obedient to the Lord in quitting chewing tobacco."

    His struggle with tobacco coincided with the one at the plate. After earning AL player of the month honors in April and May, Hamilton hit .223 in June and .177 in July and had eight homers and 27 RBIs combined in those two months. He had belted 21 homers and driven in 57 RBIs in the first two months of the season combined.

  25. Too bad no one has invented nicotine replacement products.

  26. Just catching up while watching the Cardinals-Nationals game. Was going to go with "thriller" in place of game but I'm not sure this game is quite thriller status.

    Geoff's talk of fantasy football made me realize I haven't changed the lineup for the G:TB team since week 2. Should probably get on that.

    And Geoff, thats certainly a great Beani moment but my favorite is still his meltdown during an interview set up where he's yelling about his earpiece.

    Okay. Now it qualifies as a thriller. Shit. Game 5 coming.

  27. The Beano meltdown is in here. Starts at :18.

  28. The Werth walk-off HR was AWESOME
    Just watched it again online.
    Natitude is alive and well in DC tonight.
