Saturday, June 02, 2012

Cross-Platform Marketing: Footy Filler

If you're Facebook friends with me, you've already seen this. Suck it up.

As I have for the past 5 years or so, I coached my daughter's soccer team this season. The Cheetahs are a great group of kids, but they're somewhat size-challenged, and were a whole lot of unlucky in the Spring 2012 campaign. We entered our last game of the season 0-6, losers of four one-goal games.

I'm nothing if not a skilled motivator, so I offered the girls this challenge: if they won, they'd get to paint my toenails any color(s) of their choice. And on a gorgeous Spring morning, despite falling behind 1-0 in the game's opening seconds, the Cheetahs pounced. Each of the five girls in attendance scored, with one kid tallying the first two goals of her soccer career. The Cheetahs topped the Eagles by a 7-3 count.

I'm a man of my word:



  1. You're a better man than me. And you have really ugly feet.

  2. How bout dem Mets heh?
    Nice job rob. Go for the trifecta and put it on twitter.
    Getting loobed for my cross the pond trip....have never ever been able to sleep on a plane for more than 30 min....going deep tonight w the ambien. If anyone has anything to say about ambien tell now.

  3. My father-in-law always sleepwalks when he takes ambien. Last time he split his forehead open. I also read about a woman who sleepwalked and woke up in the kitchen eating buttered cigarette butts. So have fun with that.

  4. Kevin Durant is good at basketball.

  5. I may be the only one to care about this, but the divergent paths of the Thunder and Chesapeake Energy are fascinating.

  6. Sager has out-Sagered himself tonight, wardrobe-wise.

  7. Jose valverde's goatee is tremendous.

  8. I love Kevin Durant--he was unbelievable last night.

    And, if you're not watching BBC cover this Thames River Flotilla, you're missing some seriously entertaining unintenional British comedy.

  9. this is definitely some weird sports-foot fetish fantasy thing . . . i think you've been waiting all your life for a bunch of little soccer girls to paint your toe-nails.

    i let my undefeated golf team shave my head-- that was the deal if they didn't lose. you never saw happier high school kids . . . of course i had hair back then, so something was on the line.

  10. survey, richard dawson

  11. am currently in scoot-lin and saw a wee bit of that boat parade on the bbc. tomorrow and tuesday are holidays for these jokers. i wish we had a monarchy.

    looks like rors is going to win this thing. tigger now putts like me. missing you guys like crazy.

  12. how bad is that jim furyk 5-hour energy hat?

  13. Me: Dartmouth won the rugby national championship.

    zwoman (Dartmouth alum): Dartmouth has a rugby team?

  14. daddy went to, count 'em, five different dance recital performances this weekend. glad that's over.

  15. i've actually got some exciting content up on sentence of dave today, despite the two day hangover from the rugby tournament.

  16. I hope you wore some open toed shoes to show off that lovely paint job.
