Sunday, May 20, 2012


This is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

And also pay homage to His most perfect creation:


  1. As you can see from this video, rob's sabbatical involved intensive training for an upcoming Tough Mudder competition.

  2. just finished the godless neil gaiman's 'neverwhere' - first of his work i've read. any recommendations for other stuff by gaiman?

  3. euro 2012 starts in a few weeks and takes us into july, which brings the olympics. j'approve.

  4. rob needs Gaiman recommendations. Dave, have you ever carried one of Gaiman's works twixt your buttcheeks, thereby elevating him to the rarified status of Chaucer?

  5. Lance popped his cherry today....won the half. Crushed it actually winning by 11 min. Danimal not so good but finished and am drinking.

  6. I hope you dedicated it to Robin Gibb, Danimal.

  7. How drunk was I on Friday night? Well, unless someone got a hold of my IPhone and is severely messing with me, drunk enough that I downloaded a version of the song Teddy Bear's Picnic from iTunes. And I don't have kids.

  8. gaiman is a little slim for my meaty buttocks. i never made it through one of his novels-- too whimsical for me, but perfect for rob. i was a big fan of "sandman" back in high school . . .

    i am trying to watch "the abyss," never saw it and it's kind of slow. i think i will bail.

  9. whimsy is my stock in trade

  10. Rob, read American Gods. You could probably read Coraline with your daughters.

    Weekend of solo daddy duty done. Time for some beer.
