Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reader Submissions Filler: 'Stacherific

Via Work Jerry, aka @dumbartonsbeer, comes this "news" item. Apparently something called the "Stimulus to Allow Critical Hair Expenses" (STACHE) wants a tax break for hair care products. Let this charming video explain everything:

Why do I have this strange feeling this is a ruse?


  1. Society for More Coal Energy, or "SMOCE"

    Society of Petroleum Industry Leaders, better known as "SPIL"

    Key Atomic Benefits Office of Mankind - "KABOOM"

  2. I assume everyone else will stop shaving their upper lips tomorrow?

  3. Isn't there a tax credit for free mustache rides already?

  4. n just a few hours, Google will put into place new privacy policies. Gizmodo reports, "things you could do in relative anonymity today, will be explicitly associated with your name, your face, your phone number come March 1st."
    If you don't act today, all your past searches and activity will be retroactively applied. Here's how to change that in less than a minute:
    1. Sign into your Google account.
    2. Go to (clicking will open in new tab)
    3. Click "remove all Web History."
    4. Click "ok."
    Note that removing your Web History also pauses it. Web History will remain off until you enable it again.

  5. i will not be happy if zman just perpetrated a hoax upon us.

  6. My browsing history was already off. Just like Jack Bauer does it.

  7. Your information already exists on the internet if you use google, facebook, bing, yahoo, twitter or any smartphone. Really anything on the internet you do is being tracked. Deleting web history will only get you half way there because of the cache files that will still exist. Hell, facebook actually has information stored about you even if you don't have an account.

    So unless you are using private proxies and/or no tracking/incognito mode within your browser, your information is being stored and is retrievable.

    Get your tin-foil hats out. Privacy on the internet died many moons ago.

  8. rob, it appears to be very true.

  9. Wait, how does Facebook have shit on me if I'm not on Facebook?

  10. wait what?

    when are we going to begin seeing acres and acres of buildings holding nothing but servers?

    the fb thing has gotten a little's always advertising things on my page that i want. it's wicked trippy. the interweb is smart.

  11. TJ, ever been tagged in a photo on facebook? Then that is one way they have info on you. They also get info on you if your friends with fb accounts allow facebook to look at their address book.

    Twitter and other web 2.0 companies do the same thing with address book scrapping.

  12. If blogger is going to force changes like this new comments area, it might be time to actually change the look and feel of this whole entity. Bear with me in the next few days as I try out new layouts.

  13. aren't we always bearing with you?

  14. King Kong ain't got shit on me.

  15. From what I hear, the airport scanner people are in cahoots with goolge and facebook, and by Friday everyone's facebook profile pic will be a close up of their penis from their least flattering scanner shot. Yes, the women too.

  16. Both goolge and google...just to clarify.

  17. g:tb's adopted team, coastal carolina, bounced in the first round of the big south tournament after a 19-11, 12-6 season. curse of the fans of the big romanian.

  18. need a ruling: crowded grocery store parking lot, rainy evening, dude pulls all the way through two parking spaces so he's parked head out. dick move?

  19. Why is that a dick move? It's not like virginians can back into a parking space.

  20. sorry - should be more clear. if someone else was preparing to pull into the space in the conventional way before the guy pulled through, is that a dick move?

  21. Yeah. But I give him a pass if he had VA plates. That's not a dig. Virginians just get shook in parking lots and do dumb stuff unintentionally.

  22. People in VA are otherwise nice polite drivers. Just not ion parking lots. Or the beltway.
