Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hummala Bebhuhla Zeebuhla Bop

Though the good people at long ago clarified the delightful rumors about Van Halen's legendary tour rider that demanded the band not be exposed to any brown M&Ms, the story - like a lot of stories, I imagine - is more fun when David Lee Roth tells it. While it falls short of being an apocryphal tale of rock star divadom gone berserk, it's still an entertaining yarn. I like to watch this while pretending that Diamond Dave is giving a lecture on Contract Law to an awestruck1L class, maybe at Pepperdine. Bet it'd be a lot more fun than Zman remembers his first year.

Brown M&Ms from Van Halen on Vimeo.


  1. My Contracts class was fun because my professor was remarkably good looking, by law school standards. I note that "law school hot" is just one notch above "prison hot," but she was pretty good looking nonetheless.

  2. I like that TR is taking to the tweet machine with more frequency these days.

  3. i think i might have to get me some carhartt bib overalls.

    on the van halen front, i did read the sammy hagar book that came out a few months ago. it's a quick one with a few good tales of eddie's & alex's total dysfunction.

  4. contraception? we talkin' 'bout contraception? not the economy. not the economy. contraception.

  5. I was reading this article about Mitt Romney using revisionist history regarding his advocating against the GM bailout. Whatever points might have resonated with me were completely lost because I am so juvenile.

    The first individual they quote in the article is Bernie Porn of EPIC-MRA, a Lansing-based research company. Seriously . . . Bernie Porn??

    I chuckled for several paragraphs about what Porn thinks of Mitt Romney, retaining nothing. Just when I was back on track, they quoted someone else: Tony Fratto, a Republican strategist who was an aide to President George W. Bush.

    Come on! Tony Fratto?? Bernie Porn and Tony Fratto?? When Porn and Fratto get together, the shit gets crazy.

    Yeah. Good article.

  6. Has anyone seen "Linvincible" be used yet? Because I think that's pretty good. I just hope he's not "Linvisible" a year from now. Feel free to use those if you'd like without issuing me the credit.

  7. The news is making me laugh today. I was scanning Google News headlines and clicked on a link to an article about Peyton Manning. As I got to the end of the article, I was thinking that it was one of the most worthless pieces I'd ever read on It basically said nothing at all, just vapid words on a page. I'd scrolled down past the author's name and picture at the top, but at the end of the article, things made more sense.

    Please leave your comments here and chat with me on Twitter @LaVarArrington.

  8. i am still giggling about porn and fratto.

  9. wow. aside from the fratto porn stuff, that article is pretty boring. i'm sure it's important, politically, but how did you find yourself reading that, igor? do you scan all the news for funny names?

  10. Lavar Arrington, even for 10 seconds on the radio, makes my head hurt.

  11. I didn't even make it to Tony Fratto. Porn was enough for me.

    I swear one of these days I'm going to take dictation of Arrington's interviews on The FAN. I think Dave would be especially offended (SOD notwithstanding). He typically uses 100 words to say, for example, "How do you feel about playing for Coach Shanahan?" He also likes to switch from first to third person during his hypotethicals. It is a project to follow and not one I'm usually up for.

  12. alex morgan. body paint. two great tastes that...i'm gonna need a minute.

  13. Rest in peace Gary "Kid" Carter. One of the '86ers, one you hated if he played for your team's opponent but loved if he played for your team.

  14. rob, you're just now seeing that Alex Morgan stuff? I've been staring at her for days.

  15. just got my dead tree version today, teej

  16. Shaquille O'Neal is such a piss poor television "analyst".

  17. Iverson owes his jeweler $860k?! I can't comprehend taking an $860k loan for a house, let alone for some four-finger rings or whatever.

  18. Do they teach you how to be a d-bag in law school? Or do d-bags naturally gravitate to that field?

  19. Wow. Didn't see that coming.

  20. I can definitely verify Igor's Gary Carter comment. As I was a rabid (at that time) Cardinal fan and despised Carter. My least favorite Met of that era. I also happened to fear & respect him. Great, great player and a reportedly even better guy. Sad day.

  21. Sorry--comment wasn't directed at anyone here...You all are very lovely people

  22. I thought maybe you knew Iverson. I'm honestly stunned that he has money problems and that e bought $860k worth of jewelry.

  23. Sorry Zman! I was just venting about my week. Comment had nothing to do with Iverson. Surprised he's in that situation too
