Monday, August 01, 2011

Mondays hurt, so does the truth

I didn't do much this weekend. Hung out with the family. Played a little basketball. Spent a fair amount of time tweeting with Geoff. Enjoyed a few beverages. And downloaded a shit ton of music.

I'd been pretty delinquent in this area of late with all the other "things" going on in my life, so this was a welcome and necessary exercise. What I downloaded isn't really the point of this post. In fact, there isn't a point to this post. It's Monday. I guessed that, with the Doofus Overlord already drunk down in the Conch Republic, we'd be in need of some filler. And, as often happens when you're downloading new music, I stumbled upon a few songs that rank among my all time favorites that had somehow slipped from my regular consciousness.

Two of these (no longer)forgotten classics are titled "The Truth". They each feature one of my favorite less known MCs (J-Live, Brother Ali). Both of whom have unique backgrounds for rappers. Each song also comes from a compilation type album.

So it stands to reason that they're pretty similar, right? Hardly. While both come from the so-called underground hip hop genre, they couldn't be more different in terms of style, tempo or energy. Hopefully Dave will at least mildly approve of this G:TB musical selection.

Enjoy your Monday. Print out this morning's MMQB and read about the greatest weekend in the history of offseason sports transactions for 15 minutes while you're on the can. Yeah. That'll make it all better.


  1. that albino's got some soul!

    i am sure zman will be happy with this return to musical sanity as well . . .

  2. Can we make every NFL offseason start in late July? This has been awesome.

  3. I liked the (nominally effete) song in rob's previous post -- I'm down with the glockenspiel. I like this post too. "So ... How's Your Girl?" is very worthwhile.

  4. This offseason is really awesome for Bills fans. Brad Smith y'all!

  5. And Nick Barnett, don't forget Nick!

  6. If you were paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated and you shit yourself and someone came along and said "Don't worry buddy, I'll take care of this" and then proceeded to wipe your ass for you, bathe you, put lotion on your chapped ass, talc your balls, and dress you, would you piss in his face? What do you do with a guy like that?

  7. I would recommend these for you:

  8. did anyone know the atlantic 10 is based in newport news?

  9. just crashed past the hundred taco mark-- strong showing tonight, i ate eight green chorizo tacos.

    the key is to avoid filler such as rice and vegetables, and make your meal consist of only tacos.

    i may eat one more . . .

  10. i just ate one more.

    i should also point out that my six year old son wants to start keeping track of how many tacos HE has eaten this year-- so he's definitely on the road to gluttony-- and my seven year old son alex thinks i'm trying to eat more tacos than "some guy named gheorghe" which led to a whole discussion of G:tb and what a difficult name it has . . .

  11. TJ is in Key West, so he cannot comment. Word has it he's eating a lot of sausage.

  12. This may be a mere coincidence, but withleather appears to be re-running G:TB's re-run material.
