Friday, August 05, 2011

(Not) Metal Up Your Ass Friday, Sponsored By Callaway

I present to you a pretty terrible song* from an even worse movie**, sung by a man who knows the proper pronunciation of "Mill-e-wah-que":

Nice lyrical stylings, Alice.

*The song is off Cooper's "Constrictor" album, which also apparently had a track called "Teenage Frankenstein". I am tad curious now to hear that one too.
**Friday the 13th Part 6 was another abomination in the series. Jason Vorhees was killed off in the fourth film, didn't appear at all in the fifth installment, and then as you might remember gets electrocuted at the bottom of Crystal Lake to wreck havoc in this cinematic masterpiece.


  1. Cooper is not metal. You have corrupted my recurring series. You have peed on my opus.

  2. You're deep in love but you're deeper in the woods/
    You think you're doin' alright


  3. Nothing is sacred anymore...

  4. Was tigger wearing running shoes yesterday?
