Saturday, April 02, 2011

Rollin down a hill snowballin gettin bigger

The first line of "Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun" characterizes the current state of VCU's men's basketball team, and although it may be more accurate to say "b-ballin gettin bigger," I never let technicalities get in the way of filler posts. Butler is now looking down the barrel of VCU's gun, which is pretty fitting given Richmond's insanely high murder-by-shooting rate.

The remaining members of the tournament's field are now on notice: Shaka Smith has homeboys bonanza to beat your ass down. ESPN analysts should also watch a game or two lest they unexpectedly wind up with a steak on their collective head.

Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun from Titus Curare on Vimeo.


  1. right on, z. i spent the day chasing my kids around deecee. ccommencing operation hunkerdown shortly.

  2. just heard from our onsite correspondents in houston. all is well.

  3. Yeah. All good. En route to arena. Flasks filled up and currently strategizing.

  4. I'm kinda sick of CBS hyping Kings of Leon all day. More Shaka and Brad; less Kings.

  5. What's worse -- chasing kids or changing diapers?

    I got a nook for april fool's day. The touch screen is funky but it is now easier than ever to blog from the couch.

  6. The vcu campus footage is depressing.

  7. OK, I realize I'm a little loopy from post-op drugs this week, but that VCU behind the scenes story made me cry.

  8. worried about butler's defense vs vcu's offense

  9. I'm really into tracys wart.

  10. It would've been cool if just one talking head said "I've been wrong about every vcu game so far so I'm picking them to win today."

  11. oh no!!! he can't be hurt!!!

  12. getting better looks than i thought they would

  13. If Joey Rodriguez had this performance 2 weeks ago, Jay Bilas would be telling us he told us so.

    And this is my favorite B-Boys song, Zman. Well done.

  14. I know I've said this before, but I need to say it again. I love Charles Barkley.

  15. coincidentally, i hear he has a thing for short white girls

  16. oh, I have a good Charles story from the 90's that I'll share in person sometime.

  17. Is there demand for another fast/furious Movie?

  18. "Skeen skeen skeen" as lil john would say.

  19. butler's physical style is helping them. they're not getting called for some of the same things that are drawing whistles on vcu.

  20. these teams have missed a fuckton of bunnies

  21. how do you leave mack that alone?

  22. How coul you name your kid Shelving?

  23. OK, I"m sad for Shaka, the Rams and CAA Hoops. But I'm kind of excited that hottie nerd Brad Stevens has a chance to win it all.

    And, is there ANY chance that Shaka will stay next year??

  24. What a game, what a run. I'm exhausted.

  25. red sox may not win a game this season

  26. our reporters in houston say that this game is even uglier than it looks on television. they're also reporting that they're shitfaced.

  27. this game is a giant shitburger

  28. i like butler against either of these teams. write it down.

  29. Hey! I'm spent the night at yet another wedding which means I missed most of the first game. Awesome.

    I continue to think that Shelvin Mack is a 1st round level talent. He gets it done, over and over again. As for Butler as a team, they get less whistles due to their style of play. It happened throughout the tourney last year and it's happened again this year. They are the new Duke...mark my words. Stevens will stay and we'll all be so annoyed by them in 10 years.

    Kentucky lost and I lost money, but I can't be mad. Kemba Walker is my dude.

  30. Large arena that reliant center. Damn the NCAA for hosting there. Good times though. Heading over to watch mickel-boobies

  31. It's Phil Michelson, Dave. He's been sporting a pair of jiggly B-cups under his golf shirt for almost a decade.

  32. dave's c-cups aren't jiggly in the least. he's got some quality man breasts.
