Saturday, April 30, 2011

Annual Semi-Serious Post

We've occasionally engaged in half-assed efforts to make the point that legitimate differences of opinion on public policy have been obliterated by lunatic fringes on both sides of the political aisle. That the level of what passes for legitimate political argument in America today requires our duly-elected President to take time from his duties to hold a press conference defending his eligibility for office is mind-boggling. No, we need a better word than that. It's brain-fucking.

In this year's attempt at moderately serious conversation about the issues of the day, we give you Baratunde Thurston's take on the birther movement and its current ringleader. It's no surprise in this era of Jon Stewart's ascendance that it takes a comedian to reveal truths that should be self-evident. I'd tell you to 'enjoy', but the truth underlying this message makes that a hard thing, indeed.


  1. Hi Gheorghe,

    My name is Catherine Meyers, I'm the admin of a web blog directory, while reading your blog and it's reviews and articles about, well everything =) , I was wondering if you might be interested in a link exchange (no money involved), I would add your blog in my directory so my visitors will also visit your site and in exchange you add my website to your blogroll or links. Please let me know if you are interested and the best of luck with Gheorghe: The Blog.



  2. Nice work rob. Bringing in the bots with your semi-seriousness.

  3. comedian? i was four minutes into that and there were no jokes!

    i would like to ban all future semi-seriousness from g:tb content.

    as far as the "birther" movement, you have now entered the paradoxical conundrum whereby you gave more legitimacy to the movement as a news story, thus taking up valuable time that could be spent on more serious (or humorous) issues.

    also, i've given up on my novel and should begin posting again soon.

  4. agreed, teej. my bad. i did enjoy that we were addressed by our proper name.

  5. also, i complimented whit on his last post, but on closer inspection, i think he has a crush on joshua bell (and not a man crush, a real crush, like where he wants to tongue kiss him) because he included a picture of him playing violin-- necessary-- but then he also included a glamorous head shot as well.

    that's it for me today-- going to clean out the shed and then coach rugrats soccer.

  6. I considered posting on Dave's paradox but decided against it because it would make me as knuckleheaded as the legitimate pundits who write about Trump's illegitimacy as a candidate and that we shouldn't take him seriously, thereby making him legitimate and serious.

  7. The Bills just drafted a dude named Da'Norris. Solid.

  8. But more importantly, I never thought about this birth certificate jackassery as a corollary to Jim Crow voting laws. Depressing stuff.

  9. Does he know Da'Quan? Or Ras-I?

  10. According to, Da'Norris did more reps on the bench press than any other safety at the combine. This will come in handy if Da'Norris gives hanggliding lessons and some Jersey jackass student retorts to his instructions "Oh yeah, well how much can you bench?"

  11. Meanwhile, the Redskins drafted Roy Helu, who did the fewest bench reps of any RB at the combine.

  12. Can we get Jerry Seinfeld and Gheorghe Costanza to man the PA for Roy Helu's plays?

    "Gain of two on the play by Roy Heluuuuuuuu, la la la."

  13. And I like the semi-seriousness. You never know what you're gonna get at G:TB. Kind of like a box of chocolates. (Donald Trump does not care for that expression.)

  14. Dave wants to ban semi-serious posts? I'm pretty sure he's done more semi-serious posts than anyone else at G:TB. I'm all for that ban as long as it means I don't have to read any more of Dave's takes on New Jersey public policy.

    In other news, I might have to root for the Steelers a little as they now will have 3 Gators starting on their OLine.

  15. Roy Helu Jr. likes God. A lot.

  16. paul hewitt's the new coach at gheorghe mason.

  17. Heluuuuuuuu, God? It's me, Margaret. La la la . . .

  18. I hope the Texans played this in their war room when they drafted Shiloh Keo

  19. Jacquizz Rodgers reminds me of Warrick Dunn an awful lot. Undersized, average speed, better between the tackles runner than you'd expect for his size, good receiver out of the backfield. Bummed Atlanta grabbed him. Would've loved to have seen Tampa get him.

  20. But I'll happily take Ahmad Black.

  21. philly stockpiling pitt running backs

  22. Lewis seems like he'll be a good fit in there system. I imagine the Teej is pleased with getting Jeremy Kerley in the 5th round.

  23. Looking forward to getting some of those bud light bottles you can write on. Game changer.

  24. Someone let Dennis know Skins just took Royster from Penn St

  25. Sorry about my poor grammar, Dan.

  26. if i go serious, i go full serious. yahoo serious.

  27. mcelroy's a jet, tr and teej! get fired up.

  28. Pretty cool that the jags were the 1st ones done, like 3 hours ago. That's how good they are at this draft thing. Just wrote on my Bud Lite...."Gene Smith and J Del Rio Ruh-TARDS" for everyone in my house to see.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Channel 613 on dtv for a couple of the collegiate natl championships for triathlon.....

  31. eric wedge is sporting a tremendous mustache. must see.

  32. UFC tonight. Wife is out of town. Looks like I'm getting drunk on whiskey and watching people beat each other up.

  33. Isn't that every night in Florida?
    /too easy

  34. rob, is Doug Fister your favorite non-Red Sox pitcher?

  35. Because ... he likes fisting?

  36. No, because he loves nondescript major league starters who have random good starts to a season.

  37. Oh. In other news, the Bills drafted a guy who weight 394 pounds. Outside of sumo, how often is a 394 pound pro athlete good at his job?

  38. cc sabathia seems pretty good

  39. The difference tonight, Rob, is that I'll be watching people fight on the fancy picture box.

  40. Holy shit! Lyoto Machida destroyed Randy Couture with a flying front kick to the face. That was sick.

  41. Machida basically pulled the crane kick on him.

  42. Yes. I think you can watch it streaming on the UFC facebook page though.

  43. Is Catherine related to Lane?

  44. I am now starting both Cleveland Indian Cabreras in my roto league. Thought you all would appreciate that.
