Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Still More Rise of the Machines

Boston Dynamics, which in 2008 unveiled a four-legged robot called BigDog, has been tapped by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research and development arm of the DOD, to create a human-like robot and an agile, robotic Cheetah that developers said will eventually be able to run 70 mph.

Robot Cheetah! With Adonis blood, one presumes.


  1. Cool technology. Would be a great watch dog for the house.

    But I think most of (FO)G:TB would like to see this hit the US shores.

  2. dubya in town if any of you are looking for him...playin a little gawf over at stadium...

  3. so we're cutting heating assistance and funding for the EPA, but we've got plenty of money for an electric cheetah?

    i guess it makes sense in a strange way: the cold poor people can go to the zoo, but since the real animals will be dead, they'll have to look at the robotic ones.
