Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Can The Wheelhouse Be Saved?

As many of us have noticed, our friends over at The Wheelhouse seem to be on a sabbatical of some sort. Questions are being asked: Where did they go? Will they return? What has Chip been doing all this time? Well, I was randomly emailing Wheelhouse Jerry and his colleague Craig about Michael Bradley heading to Aston Villa (I got that right?) when I also mentioned that it might be time for G:TB to send out The Wheelhouse in true wrestling fashion with a fake funeral. Jerry took that as we should wrestle for the future of the site, and then 10 minutes later Craig emails us this:

After laughing for 20 minute I sent this to Geoff, and his response?
This was time well spent. I have many questions, the first of which is: Was there some sort of wrestling match between TJ and Jerry that precipitated this? I’ll hang up and listen to your answer.

So the floor is open folks...how do we play this out? No-holds-barred steel cage match? (Step)ladder match? I'll see you in the comments....


  1. I did once bite Jerry during a scrum. I was teething.

  2. Probably 9 years ago now, Jerry crushed Michael, Dennis and I in a McNugget Off...I believe Jerry ate 40+ and only stopped because we ran out. Dennis wife-to-be was appalled.

  3. if t.j. and jerry are going to wrestle, then there has to be some sort of handicapping to make it fair.

    maybe we could amputate jerry's arms and legs. that would give t.j. a fighting chance.

    but then jerry would have to blog like that guy who wrote the diving bell and butterfly book by fluttering his eye-lid.

  4. The match should re-enact the one from The Wrestler with the staple gun, barbed wire, broken glass, and ladder. I'm not sure who should have a heart attack afterwards.

  5. Is there anyway that this could be the centerpiece of a springtime revamp of the Mag 7's tourney somewhere in the greater DC area. It could sort of be a G:TBcon.

  6. Obviously I would have the heart attack first.

  7. I think I could eat 40+ 'chicken' McNuggets.

  8. I would have to be in the conversation in a McNugget eating competition.

  9. I remember TR's first foray into competitive eating. It wasn't pretty. But it impressed all the girls.

  10. And by "impressed" I mean "made an impression."

  11. Show down should happen at OBFT.

  12. I was hoping for a break dance showdown, but I'll settle for a McNugget-off. Or a Ben's Chili Bowl chili dog-off.

  13. The last time I was in an eating contest Mrs. Morgan's beans were involved.

  14. Ben's Chili Bowl, rocks.

    TJ, is this your long lost son?

  15. the match should NOT happen at OBFT. we are too far from the hospital there, and it will ruin good beach fun. it should be a separate event.

  16. we're actually really close to the hospital there. i think it's a must. and we could conduct it on the beach. maybe on a tandem kayak. win-win.

  17. It's a beach brawl only...Point Break-esque...

  18. Dave, you are kidding right?

    There is a hospital close enough. And besides there will be a lot drunk men willing to gamble on the stupidest of things. like first facewash with sand or first Chicago smile. Lots of money could change hands.

    And as Rob says the beach could add another element to the challenge.

  19. So, who's drugging Jerry so I can win?

  20. I think it should be a good old-fashioned strap match. And in thinking of my answer, I was drawn to this site - lots of good ideas here.


    The "Item on a Pole" match could present some additional challenges for the Teej.

  21. Maybe it needs to be a pentathlon.

    A little herbal bowling, McNugget challenge, movies line, lacrosse ball roll and wrestling.

    You got to have some chances in the non-physical things.

  22. I ruined this post with META love. I blame Dave. Or Mr. Yojo. Or Greasetruck. Or Inception.

    New post above...
