Thursday, August 05, 2010

Geoff's Pitino joke in visual form

As you might have seen in yesterday's comments section, d-train linked to the article about the Rick Pitino trial. d-train was also kind enough to highlight this key passage for his wife:
On the night of the sexual tryst, two restaurant patrons told jurors Sypher first approached Pitino, forcing her way into his circle of friends, and that the two were hitting it off as the night went on. Pitino testified that the sexual encounter lasted 15 seconds.

Which led to Geoff's easily mounting the comedy pyramid with this doozy:
You have to guess Pitino made the 15 second comment as a way to (futilely) attempt to make his wife less angry...and when he said it, he probably didn't consider it being publicized internationally.

There's also a shot clock joke in here somewhere...

And, after way too much time this morning, I have attempted to make a funny based on those words. More than likely I failed miserably, but honestly, I didn't need to see Dave's post any longer.

Wow. A reader submission. Photoshop phun. "You don't have to credit me. Actually don't credit me. it's awful."


  1. THE TEEJ!!!!!!
    and you found the white suit...tight!
    sounds like that chick is a real skank

  2. If I'm correct, 15 seconds implies no shot clock violation whatsoever.

    I hope he didn't get called for a...

    wait for it...

    ...a double dribble!

  3. I'm sure there was at least one up-and-down.

  4. but not likely more than one

  5. in the pic, it looks like ricky is practicing a slightly version of the "stop short"
    either that or the ever difficult left-handed hacksaw

  6. Refresh for a reader submission.

  7. awful but still pretty funny. what the hell is he doing in that pic?
    she's quite flexible.
    and laughing again at the double dribble.
    now THIS is the GTB that i have come to know & love...

  8. If you do a google image search on 'rick pitino white suit' you get a bunch of good hits and one that is way off the mark but fits the search parameters.

  9. What to hear what the Black Keys sound like live?

  10. Note that on July 28 I opted to drink beers in Norfolk with Igor instead of going to see Lee Fields open for the Black Keys. My fratitude knows no limits.
