Saturday, June 12, 2010

Open USMNT Thread

Never let it be said we don't listen to our fans. By popular demand, Captain Donovan. May we see this pose many times today.


  1. Shlara stole my line, so I'll go with this: Fuck England.

    USA! USA! USA!

  2. John Harkes = really hot.
    Last comment like this...promise.

  3. I believe that was the Alvin and the Chipmunks version of the anthem.

  4. i'm nervous as shit about this game. weird.

  5. That was a soft fucking goal.

  6. cherundolo looks really good on the right side

  7. If that goalie were Colombian, they'd be looking up his address right now.

  8. england are bound to get one at this rate

  9. damn, but we're sloppy right now

  10. okay, we'll take that result

  11. We will take that 10 times out of 10, but this isn't helping Joe Six-pack become a soccer fan. That was a tense, good match to watch, but the yokels in this bar don't understand. Americans are dumb, I guess. Especially TJ

  12. rooting for a tie feels so european

  13. I like the new "unsolicited testimonial feature. Feel free to add this one:

    "Gheorghe the Blog accounted for in excess of $1.5 million in lost productivity in FY 09 in the financial, consulting, defense contracting and association advocacy sectors. Thats true greatness."
    -noted Econ 101 Taker Geoff Burr

  14. thanks for the mcgillin's recommendation in philly-- we got there an hour early and snatched the last two bar seats for the game, and coincidentally, one of my old students was bartending-- from ten years ago-- and we ended up staying there and drinking for nearly six hours and our tab was absurdly minimal. great place to watch the game.

  15. USMNT = unusually salacious mutant ninja turtles?

  16. Looks like rob sent that whiskey to the wrong Gainesville guy:

    GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- Florida receiver Frankie Hammond Jr. has been suspended from all team activities following his early morning arrest on charges of driving under the influence and possession.

    University police say Hammond, a 20-year-old sophomore expected to be part of Florida's revamped receiving corps, was speeding, swerving and driving with two open bottles of whiskey in his car Sunday morning.

  17. Poor Frankie. He was doing the same thing that at least half UF's students have done many times before. He just didn't do it well. Making matters worse is that he chose to do it during summer term when the streets are relatively empty.

    Result: Suspended for the opener against Miami (OH).

  18. We went to see "Fences" today. When they make the movie about my life I think they have to cast Denzel to play me. He's the only actor alive who can believably jack my swagger and survive the experience.

  19. I jacked my swagger in a movie once.

    Game 5. Get excited.

  20. I beat my swagger like it owes me money.

  21. Our cable box decided that tonight was the night it should shit itself so that we can get regular cable channels but not HBO. The zwoman is ripshit as tonight is the season debut of True Blood. I am ripshit because Time Warner can't get someone here with a new cable box until Thursday, which means I'm not getting what I'm paying for.

  22. I always thought vuvuzelas were part of a lady's anatomy. Turns out they part of soccer games.

  23. Scalabrine wearing jeans, a white belt, sneakers and a sport coat on the bench. Really? You can't wear a suit. For the Finals.

  24. Scal can do no wrong. Loved him in "True Romance" and "Bamboozled."
