Thursday, May 20, 2010

Saving you from the post below (do not scroll down)

This clip, well, this clip is fantastic. Choreographed dribbling routine set to Neil Diamond's "America" (Hi Kilgore!)? Yes please.


  1. Eh...bring back the polyps...

  2. Next time on Gheorghe -- Katie Couric's colonoscopy video!

  3. the ball handling leaves a bit to be desired...they've got some work to do really. but much better than the nose innards.

  4. Geoff, the polyps are just a few mouse scrolls away if you really need your fix.

    Unbelievably, there might be a sports-related post in our near future...

  5. I love the "nasal polyps" tag.

  6. Whatever happened to Kilgore? Is he one of our silent readers?

  7. No, he reads the blog aloud in his living room.

  8. what bizarre ailment/mishap will befall stephen strasburg and thus torpedo yet another deecee team's hopes and dreams? bonus points for working nasal polyps into your answer.

  9. He's a lawyer.
    /not joking

  10. Being a lawyer will indeed torpedo Strasburg's spirit and morale.

  11. After hearing incessant buzz on the interwebs about Gheorghe: The Blog, Strasburg will point his mouse our way and instantly become enthralled by our brilliantly witty content. Then he’ll dig around in the archives and find the nasal polyps photos. The images will shock him into unconsciousness, at which point Dave will abscond with his flaccid body and sew him into the human millipede Dave’s working on at Greasetruck HQ.

    The gnats won’t recover. Neither will Strasburg’s bung.

  12. Zman...

  13. It seems as if all of G:TB is falling apart. The nerve issue affecting my shoulder/elbow/arm has suddenly gotten worse after a week's worth of progress. MRI scheduled for tomorrow morning. Current status: Severely Bumming.

  14. I have walking pneumonia. The cough syrup with codeine almost makes up for the fact that every time I cough/sneeze/laugh it feels like a javelin is being shoved into my right lung.

  15. And rob of course fights the good fight daily against his Achondroplasia.

  16. it's true - i do hate spiders

  17. senator ben nelson says he's never used an atm, so he doesn't know anything about atm fees. i don't object so much to the fact that he's never used an atm as the fact that he's dumb enough to make that statement in public.

  18. Yes, Sen. Nelson discussed at length on the floor yesterday that he's never used an ATM and that he has no idea what a debit card is. Running as a populist, man of the people is out of the question now, I believe. He is up in 2012, and he has almost no chance of getting reelected.

  19. I had a second bout with MRSA last week and will probably need minor surgery Monday to remove a cyst from my head. Plus, my blood pressure went from always normal to "very high" in the past few months. Oh, and I am really fat.

    "Looking good, Igor!"
    "Feeling good, Teej!"

  20. shouldn't his staff have prepared him better?

  21. the g:tb staff is falling apart, but i admire TR's bravery in posting that. and so . . .

    i have a terrible case of oozing poison ivy-- my wife was appalled that i was teaching with it exposed, and just occasionally dabbing it with random pieces of loose-leaf, so she has dressed it for the past few days, but right now it is all flaky and it ITCHES and it is all i can think about (except for the abscess that might be above the tooth i got a root canal in, which may be healed, or may not. but my knee cap seems to be back i place, i was able to play soccer for an hour last sunday, so at least one body part has recovered.)

    i'm going to photograph my poison ivy and post it later today.

  22. i can't stop looking at those nose polyps.

  23. Oh, yeah, I also have some wicked crotch rot going on that I will post pictures of after lunch. The crease where thigh meets scrotum is the absolute worst. It's like a crevasse of infection, a manila folder of pus and scab. File this, young intern!

  24. Rob, they should have...but unlike House members, most Senators go to the floor without a script. They just speak for 20-30 minutes based on a things can get weird.

    As to my physical health, I feel fine. However, our nanny did call in sick today which means my wife and I each took half days and I'm about to head home to take care of two 8 month old infants by myself for 6 hours...which will likely lead to me harming myself.

  25. fat are we talking? 250lbs? 275?

  26. nothing ails me, but i stayed at a holiday inn express last night.
    i did however on a recent trip learn of a coworker out in AZ who couldn't come to work b/c of an erection. he was not taking cialis or any of the like...he just had a boner that he couldn't get rid of. he went to the dr and apparently it was a good thing that he did...quite likely would have stroked, no pun intended. the doctor pricked the prick to drain it of blood and other fluids. the young man is fine and in good spirits today thanks to the prick.

  27. We had a fraternity brother who experienced that problem in 1998. He went to the esteemed W&M health center, where they advised him to pleasure himself. Seriously. He did, and while the act was successful, the turgid member never abated until many hours later.

  28. This thread has derailed...good god.

  29. Dennis, zman, jerry - any maladies you want to share?

  30. I'm at the luxurious VA hospital while my dad is undergoing cataract surgery. If you like, I'll ask if I can sit in and video the procedure.

    And Floyd landis admits to using steroids during his entire career. I'm shocked.

  31. Ask for some extra herbal cataract "medicine" please.

  32. floyd is implicating others, including sir lance.

  33. Landis thing was going to happen at some point. It'll be interesting to see the journals he kept. Supposedly he detailed every workout and drug he did.

    Cycling has been out of control when it comes PEDs for a very long time. It amazes me that they still have races. Everyone single one of those guys that places in the top 50 had to have used something over the last 15-20 years. This includes Armstrong. Off soapbox.

    Btw, new Band of Horses, The National and Black Keys albums are very good.

  34. thank god i don't have poison ivy on an interminably tumescent erection. or crotch rot in my nose. or any other combination of the abhorrent conditions that have somehow become the new thrust of g:tb.

  35. And Floyd smoked the second page of the letter...

  36. Dale Peterson is the greatest man alive.

  37. I particularly like the part of his story where the team bus pulls off on a remote road in Spain, feigning engine trouble, while the entire team gets transfusions.

  38. Hey man, get some beer and some cleaning products...

  39. i feel top-notch, in some of the best shape of my life, reinforcing the point that the diminutive are the most evolutionarily perfect amongst us. i will now go step in front of a bus.

  40. geoff, how many sarah palin-endorsed candidates have actually won elections?

  41. That Dale Peterson ad is the funniest thing I've seen in weeks. I'd love to see the story board: close up on Dale; close up of Dale's horse's eyes; close up of Dale's hand brandishing a rifle; pan back to Dale nonchalantly wrapping arm and rifle behind his neck.

  42. Sad to say every single candidate she has ever endorsed on facebook has won...don't know the number though. The God and guns crowd votes.

  43. landis' next gig - celebrity apprentice.

  44. I heard Sexual Harassment Panda won a barnburner for Assessor in North Slope. Had to be Palin's work.

  45. Don't con ... condenscend me man.

  46. I am working on the first ever G:TB interview...with Dale Peterson.

  47. Too bad we don't have pictures on our radio show.


  49. get'r done teej.
    didn't rob interview someone on g:tb?

  50. Yeah, some dude whose mom is giving it up to Delonte West. Forgot his name tho.

  51. Geoff, I went to the doctor 10 days ago and the old-time weights scale got me at 236. Went back this past Monday and the new-fangled electronic one (in the same office) said I was 248.

    Either something screwy is going on with the technology, or by the next time you see me, I'm going to be 560 pounds.

  52. I just bought two concert tickets (not code, Teej, the real thing) that were $16 apiece. Including Ticketmaster charge, my total was $52. $20 on $32. Eddie Vedder, you left no mark, my friend.

  53. You scored "Temple of the Dog" tix? Sweet.

  54. I was referring to Eddie's futile crusade against Ticketmaster, but "Hunger Strike" rocked. Vedder and Cornell on the same track? Fuhgeddaboutit.

  55. Igor, I would hate to be behind you in the Human Centipede.

  56. uhh, yeah...was he a great big fat person?

  57. Jame Gumb...hell of a dancer...

  58. just teasin bigor!
    grow a few more inches and you'll be jus fahn.

  59. /insert erection joke here
    /or in Lebron's mom

  60. "We had a fraternity brother who experienced that problem in 1998."

    How did this get glossed over without comment? What's the story?

  61. That's pretty much the story. Brian McCaca had an erection that didn't go away for more than 4 hours (no viagara involved). He made the mistake of letting other guys on his floor know, and there was much mockery. He ultimately went to the health center where they told him to try roughing up the suspect. That didn't work. By the late the next morning, the problem had resolved itself.

  62. was the mockery related to the woody or the last name?

  63. A hefty dose of both Daniel.

  64. That's not his real last name.

  65. Dan doesn't need to know that.

  66. Comment 69 should definitely be about benevolent ninjas:

  67. G:TB, where you can be the jackass that you are with a low degree of anonymity.

  68. I would've gotten away with it too, if not for those meddling ninjas!!

  69. and the women that tolerate you for it

  70. "guys, i'd really appreciate it if you'd stop calling me mccaca. my name is brian"...

  71. Holy shit, where the hell did Lumpy come from?

  72. I just checked G:TB for the first time in hours and numerous AHLs have been the result. You guys are killing it today, and I haven't even taken any drugs yet. Though, that's about to a big way.

  73. John Black is still on DOOL. Rob is still short the 3 credits he failed for watching John Black (then Roman Brady) every day at 1pm instead of going to his gov't class (which was his major). To look at that little slob then, who knew he'd end up the Vice President of . . . something . . . defense . . . incorporated blah blah affairs . . . strategic . . . something. Kudos.

  74. another post would be divine. still see the first and worst polyp pic which is narsty. gag me with a spoon.

  75. I googled DOOL. Do you mean "Days of Our Lives"? If so, am I to honestly believe that rob, whose frattiness is inversely proportional to his stature, religiously watched "Days of Our Lives"? And am I also to believe that he wasn't constantly jammed as a result? Did he bring the TV into the bathroom with him so he could watch with his head in the bowl?

  76. didn't all the lammi's back then watch? the few i know did so religiously. yes homo.

  77. i was by no means the only one who enjoyed the cruise of deception during the spring of 1990. easily 12-15 lammies congregated in the pit each day after lunch to dick around and watch dool.

  78. mr. rob - for the benefit of our jury, could you please define "dick around?"

  79. This makes me reevaluate everything. Up is down, day is night, sick and rude is healthy and polite.

  80. dan, as an example, one time we played a game where dave kicked a soccer ball at the motorcycle helmet clad head of another guy. also, we measured one another's peckers.

  81. kenny asked for that and i delivered what he wanted. best shot of my life-- knocked the helmet clear off his head. but when everyone got addicted to DOOL is when i went cold turkey on TV. never really watched much since that hideous sight of a group of smelly hungover frat guys huddled around a soap opera, day after day after day.

  82. interesting philosophical debate at sentence of dave today.

  83. I wonder if the doctor let TR bring his polyp home with him, maybe in a jar of formaldehyde, to show Mrs. TR.

  84. so DOOL takes place in a town called salem- not sure how i didnt know that?

  85. so i always go out on thursdays for outdoor drinking, but i help with dinner and the kids first, but tonight i feel like i can go out way earlier because my wife was out last night-- so it's only fair to leave her with all the evening duties.

    except that her evening consisted of reading to a friend's kid who had an operation and is in two casts and then going to a PTO meeting. maybe she had a beer afterward with the PTO moms.

    am i a bad person?

  86. Yes, but only if you're motivated to help with dinner because of the meatballs.

  87. z - if tr can bring the polyps home, and i have no idea what made me think of this - i think should fry 'em up, just to see what they'd look like. could he serve them to someone unknowingly on a plate of calamari? i wonder....
    dan's thought of the day.

  88. Is that a Funny Farm joke?

  89. negative. that's a very strange random thought. that just happened.

  90. Dave, that doesn't make you a bad person.

    The time you stole the W&M girl's underwear after sexing her up, then took them back and threw them at her in front of her friends after she threatened to press theft charges -- that's what makes you a bad person.

  91. and we need another pseudonym. well played, igor.

  92. I want everybody to have a pseudonym and it gets so confusing we have to post a key on G:TB.

    First up -- TJ and TR. One of you guys needs a change. Stunted minds like mine sometimes read too quickly and get confused which of you is talking about the gross anatomical stuff and which is quoting RoboCop.

    Next up, Dan and Dave. Olympics are over. Get a new name. probably won't be the guy who has a blog with his name in the title and URL.

  93. can we skip the very specific comments until we all have pseudonyms? if i adopt one, i'll also have to change the name of my blog, which might be a pain in the ass . . .

  94. I think you can have more than one blogger name, Dave.

  95. Leave my cyber cross dressing out of this.

  96. I think Dave and Dan and Geoff should goatate their names every few days.

  97. I've been silently goatating in my living room all afternoon.

  98. Yes, but were you posting as Dave? You should be. And Dan should be Geoff and Dave should be Dan.

  99. No. No I wasn't. To be honest, I never knew it was an option.

    Don't con...condenscend me.

  100. Best new app(s) for the iPhone: Dragon search and Dragon dictation. Apparently they have taken the voice recognition technology deeloped for the medical field and plugged it into one app that you can search Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, and several other sites by voice, another that takes dictation and sends it into texts or emails. Hate to be that douche (IGOR never really hates to be that douche), but these are great for in the car. I need Dragon Gheorghe to be developed and I'll never have to type again. Actually, I bet I can cut and paste...

  101. hi.
    dan says good bye.
    says he's wanted to change his name for a while - "there are only so many "dans" out there he said...

  102. I'm sure most of the DC residents who frequent this space participated in this survey.

    In response "to a youth survey," DC Mayor Adrian Fenty's (D) office announced that "instead of handing out Durex condoms," the city will now hand out "Trojan brand, in the larger, 'Magnum' size" (Washington Examiner).

  103. In the movie Real Genius, the makeup was apparently done by "Zoltan." Zman, Uruguay!

  104. val kilmer. 2010 apple blossom grand marshal.

  105. I think I may change my blogger name to Swint.

  106. With a name like "Zoltan" I would expect him to be Hungary. For some Turkey.

  107. had a hard time deciding between this and zexy professional, or simply, zexy p
    when i get bored with this i'll do that.

  108. no pressure or anything...

  109. It appears that, like me, Igor watched Real Genius on Encore Love this morning. I think it's the first time I ever watched the first 10 minutes of the movie. But did Igor have blood trickling out of his nostrils from a wild Thursday? And did he catch himself drooling in a Vicodin-induced haze while watching Gabe Jarret and Val Kilmer yuck it up?

    They wouldn't tell me how many polyps they took out, and they didn't let me keep them. I think they resemble capers. The surgeon did enough work to brutalize my nostrils. I think I was DP'd in my right nostril. Not good times.

  110. Worst. Unicorn Tattoos. Ever.
