Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wiz Khalifa and Curren$y Like Bowling

Wiz Khalifa and Curren$y are exceedingly Gheorghe. And they clearly like bowling in every sense of the word. I feel like Mark would fit right in if they wanted to form a three-man crew. Wiz Khalifa has a nifty mix tape out too, available free here.

Keep the volume down at work.


  1. I am not familiar with these two gentlemen. I shall endeavor to make myself familiar.

  2. Happy 4/20. Vote early, vote often.

  3. "How did you guys meet?"

    "I bumped into him at the smoke shop."

  4. Daily Beast is running an article on the 40 Highest Cities. Go to their web site to find the article.

    NYC, which they dubbed "the pot arrest capital of the world," came in at a strong #3.

  5. i like that bowling alley. we don't have those down here on the prairie.

  6. what's this w/mcnabb urging his now team to sign T.O.?

  7. i wish i had a friend who could do back flips.

  8. oh, goody. mcnabb wants the skins to sign t.o.

  9. I've got to think, based on the reports of how Shanahan is treating Portis and Haynesworth so far, that he has no interest in the T.O. Show.

  10. Skins just swapped 5th and 7th round picks with the Rams and got Adam Carriker in the deal. Seems a low price for a former first round pick. He must suck something awful.

  11. We've had good luck with getting former Rams. Trung Canidate and Adam Archuleta come to mind.

  12. Did we get Sean Gilbert from them as well?

  13. Wow. Didn't Carriker go 3rd in the draft? Shanahan sure seems to love retread first round d-lineman. Don't seem to remember many of his reclamation projects being big hits in Denver.

  14. I believe we got Sean Gilbert from Carolina. Via God's will, if I recall.

    The Rams have won 6 games in the least three seasons. Makes me not feel so bad about the Skins.

  15. Igor - you may want to rethink that, seeing as how we're trading to get players from a team that has won 3 games the past 6 seasons.

  16. Yeah. I meant that we don't have that much room to complain, not that the Skins are going to get any better. It's too bad they can't trim a game off the schedule; we'd have a damn good chance of going 6-9 every year.

  17. Rockies up 10-0 on the Nats. In the 3rd. In Washington.

  18. still early igor...be patient.

  19. the red sox have allowed 9 stolen bases in 4 innings tonight. fucktards.

  20. So this Ray Allen guy. He's not bad.

  21. The Red Sox haven't allowed another baserunner, and now they're in a position to win. File your complaints at Gheorghe and your luck turns around!

    Dammit, I never had sex with a hot pair of Swedish girls. Fucktards.

  22. Be careful Igor. If the G:TB powers turn out to be like Pet Cemetary, you may find yourself getting bent over by two Swedish men. Not that it would upset you.


  23. I want nothing to do with Sweden or Swedes in light of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo." I recommend that you avoid them.

  24. I don't remember that version of Pet Sematary -- is that the gay porn version? (Also known as the Swedish version.)

    TV shows that have sexual names (without editing), and thinking what the show's premise would be about if the innuendo were actually the plot. I'll start: The Unit.

    Every Sunday a guy wakes up and his unit has some crazy stories from the night before, but the guy can't remember because he was hammered. They use montage-style editing to flashback to what may or may not have happened. (Sometimes the Unit lies just to get a "rise" out of the guy.)

  25. The Wire - TJ brings ladies home only to disappoint them. He tries exclaiming "I was in the pool!" but to no avail. The shrinkage episode is on right now...

  26. Wild on E! Igor takes coeds through the Magnolia Projects of New Orleans on a drug-fuelled sex romp.
