Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday for the People

Thanks to FOG:TB Dan for the inspiration. Enjoy your Friday, Flogging Molly-style.


  1. RIP to the guy who designed the blue-and-white Grecian coffee cup.

  2. that's good stuff...inspiring, but not the good inspiring. makes me want to skateboard over to lynch's irish pub, which i can see through my window, and get pissed.

  3. On the topic of Irish pubs, I'm heading to a happy hour for a co-worker who resigned. It's a pub named The Galway Hooker. No idea if it's a rugby, prostitute or other reference, but it's got me more fired up for beer and brown liquor than I usually am on a Friday.

  4. It's also a motivation when you've worked 26 hours the last two days. And do you all realize that this Gulf of Mexico spill will approach (and possibly surpass) the Exxon Valdez damage. Valdez spill was 250K barrels. This is 75K right now and likely spilling 5K per day, with no imminent fix. And that doesn't count the 700K gallons (or 17K barrels) of diesel fuel that sank with the oil rig.

    Not what NOLA needs as it rolls into the second weekend of Jazzfest.

  5. Somewhere, Joseph Hazelwood is watching CNN Breaking News and telling the drunk to his left, "See? See??? I told you it could've been worse."

  6. Galway Hooker is a typical and relatively enjoyable happy hour shitshow. Two levels, lots of Bon Jovi and 80's cheese-rock, people with Blackberries clipped to their belts.

  7. the galway hooker - i bet she's real attractive.
    could be a fishing boat too.
    a good buddy of mine works for bp in houston...(jp, rob & igor)heard a lot from him on days 1 & 2 about the situation...he's been pretty quiet the last few days...

  8. this is pretty much jp's fault, right dan?

  9. It's good to see that even in the worst of situations. mocking Lady Gaga can get you through the day (or a war).

  10. Zman just described every Happy Hour bar near the train station.

    I have to admit that I am not now (and likely never will be) a "blackberry clip on the belt" guy. But it seems to make a lot of sense and reduces the risk of losing it. A conundrum indeed.

  11. rob - yes, jp ordered the wrong ball's all ball bearings these days...

  12. This story should be fun. Maybe it will have legs its second time around.

  13. There was a guy at work who had his work blackberry clipped to one hip, his personal cellphone clipped to the other, and what I assume was a wallet or pocketwatch clipped to his belt via a chain that dipped mysteriously into his front pocket. I joked that it looked like a loser's version of the Bat-utility-belt. He didn't take the joke in the spirit with which it was intended.

  14. i've been to that galway hooker bar. pretty generic, maybe there's some pool tables?

    although jerry and i aren't "friends" anymore, i do appreciate the "greasetruck studios" link!

  15. i thought the woods article was going to be about viagra.

  16. z - do you work for Geek Squad?

  17. I work for a squad of geeks, but not the one known as "The Geek Squad."

  18. Zman was the inspiration for this character:

  19. jimmy fallon getting through a skit without
    a few months ago, i said i found jen anniston to be pretty, but not hot or attractive to me. i take it back.

  20. see, teejay, i told you dan wasn't gay.

  21. That guy can grow a better mustache than I can though.

  22. Dave's kind of a little bitch, huh? I mean, TJ moved the link to my old blog (which featured much more than a sentence at a time), and that's all he did to you. He didn't fuck your sister. Get. Over. It.

  23. It's funny, given that you two have the most tats of the editorial staff combined, that you would hate on your inked friend so much...

    But in all honesty, Dave, settle down, your students will still find your blog whether it's listed on Gheorghe or whether you shamelessly self-promote on your blackboard.but really Dave, settle down.

  24. Technically, I may have as many tattoos as Dave. None of them very good, except maybe Sam I Am.

  25. 'none of them very good'

    new leader in the clubhouse for the 2010 gtb understatement of the year award.

  26. Dude. Tequila worm on the ankle is pretty bad-assed. He has a mustache! And a sombrero.
