Friday, February 26, 2010

I bet Rob Gordon listens to the Whitefield Brothers

Have you ever said to yourself, "I'm looking for some new music, maybe some acid jazz/Afro-funk, the type of thing Don Draper's hipster mistress and her friends would listen to after they got done listening to Miles Davis"? Probably not. Doesn't matter. You should check out the Whitefield Brothers. They're two funky guys from Germany, and their new mostly-instrumental album is "Earthology." It's in my steady rotation right now, and I'm going to dig into their first album "In the Raw" soon. Details to follow.

I know our readers want videos because reading more than a few sentences at a time is tough, but the Whitefield Brothers only seem to have one legitimate video out. The first song isn't particularly interesting, but it's only a minute long and then the second song heats things up.

They have a two or three songs featuring rappers, but the result is more spoken word than hiphop, which I guess makes sense given the throwback vibe of the album. Pretend this clip has people moving around in it while you listen:

So the next time you have people over you should throw Earthology on the hi-fi and eventually someone will say to you "This music is good" and you can channel your inner Rob Gordon and reply "I know" and they'll think you're cooler than you really are, unless they read this blog in which case they'll know I'm the source of your coolness.


  1. Must. Have. This.

  2. Two Thumbs way up...thanks for the cool lessons, Z-man. Oddly, I have a strong urge to spin a Red, White and Blue ABA ball on my finger right now...

  3. on my way to piratebay . . .

  4. i won't be getting that promised trombone shorty review to you today. apologies to those who were eagerly awaiting it. short version: killer, killer band with great chops and even better chemistry in a small venue. two paws up and waving.

  5. usa/finland hockey semi at 3:00. i believe this one's televised.

  6. This Swiss curler with the nose ring is pretty foxy.

  7. I saw her during lunch yesterday Z-Man. My kind of lady, Swiss or not. The matchup between her and Cheryl Bernard yesterday was quite the barn my pants.

  8. Shaun White is on the Swiss women's curling team?

  9. Please link picture of Swiss Curler. I think I got a virus from searching for the Russain women's curling team over the weekend, so don't want to risk that again.

  10. "two funky guys from Germany"

    The list of people who fit that descriptor has to be shorter than the Famous Jewish Sports Legends leaflet, right?

  11. Thanks for picking up on that Whit. I try to embed witty little gems like that throughout my posts, and I'm always pleased when someone notices.

  12. Z-man, I meant to comment on one from a week or two ago. The clever inclusion of a little-known lyric from my favorite song on one of my favorite albums of all time, some sort of reference to "homeboys bonanaza to beat your ass down." By the time I read it, hours had passed and another post had been launched, so I made no comment, but I appreciated it.

    Keep 'em coming, even if the cultural illiterati gloss over them unknowingly.

  13. Patrick Kane just raised a leg and urinated on Finland.

  14. The Finnish word for Finland is Suomo? And the Finnish goalie is made of Swiss cheese?

  15. NATO needs to send out a warning...we just invaded Finland. How much for the women? The little girls?

  16. I hear their lamentations. This is a football score.

  17. i just got out a meeting hoping to tune into the game to find the u.s. hanging tough. what the fuck?

  18. What the fuck indeed, "Robert".

  19. The fourth headline down on ESPN's front page is "Florida QB's father has prostate cancer." Really? That's the fourth biggest thing happening in the word of sports today?

  20. Was it above or below "we got Thabeet" going to the D League?

  21. It's better than the appalling Alvin Robertson story.

  22. i am listening to earthology right now.

    someone should write a post about the varieties of spandex in short track racing. the australian women's spandex suit looks like a skeleton.
