Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Tiger Woods Apology Day

In honor of this very special day, a video for you:


  1. happy bracketbusters friday, too. odu/uni at 7, tribe/iona at 9.

  2. And there's also this:

  3. God bless the fucking internet...

  4. Insightful...and well crafted...

    "I am not happy about the way things are. I pray for President Obama every single day. But tell you what. Homey made this bed, now he has got to lay in it" -- Stephen Baldwin, telling it like it is ("World Newser").

  5. is that *the* stephen baldwin?

  6. Chris Russo is on FoxNews right now talking Tiger. He just said that his sources tell him that one of the people standing by Eldrick's side will be Michael Jordan. That strikes me as an odd choice. Is this the "at least I'm not as bad to my wife as this dude was" approach?

  7. Scott Peterson will be there live from San Quentin via satellite feed.

  8. a-rod
    security over there is g-8 summit'ish...

  9. I love that the media is crucifying Tiger's presser when it hasn't even happened yet. The guy will be grilled at every tourney for the next 1-2 years. How about we let the guy get the public flogging started with a soft touch? It's not like there won't be more opportunities down the line.

    I would like him to review every woman whose names surfaced and give true/false answers to every allegation:

    Joslyn James:
    - sex: true
    - unprotected: true

    IHOP waitress:
    - sex: true
    - sex in car: false (it was in her trailer)

  10. god, do i hate this story. if i hear one more bloviating head tell me that tiger 'owes' us an apology, i will not be responsible for my actions. he doesn't owe us shit. and he owes the media less than that. he probably owes his wife something, but that's between the two of them.

  11. Warren Moon and Corey Dillon are dialing in for telephonic emotional support. Lawrence Phillips was unavailable.

  12. over/under on return, my guess, is Open at Pebble

  13. that pisses me off. i'd like him to play next week.

  14. You know what's the worst part of today's events?

    The media breakdown we'll be getting for the next 24-48 hours. I saw the statement, I don't need "experts" to tell me what was good and bad about it.

    One last thing: The mention of his ties to Buddhism was cheesy and smacks of trained PR (to me). When in doubt, touch on religion. Regardless of what that religion may be. Good thing I'm not famous, because I'd fuck up (for sure) and I don't have any religion to fall back on.

  15. no one summarized the video for me.

    i think you all owe me an apology.

  16. David, a prominent African American "rap" musician was letting us know he has networking opportunities with ladies of the night in many, many different municipities.

  17. The Teej, breakin ish down like Voltron.

  18. To Teejay's comment at 11:40 AM, substitute "golfer" for "rap musician" and you have the Tiger Woods video description.

  19. Which is, I guess, why he put the Luda clip up in the first place. Master of the obvious I am.

  20. In the immortal words of down-on-his-luck NYPD detective John McLean, welcome to the party pal.

  21. 100% NSFW but spot-on interview with Ghostface, Method Man, and Raekwon (who have a new album coming out) regarding the lyrical decline of hiphop. Brilliant GFK at around 8:10 and a defense of "Chicken Noodle Soup" around 11:00.

  22. And if we can get Nipsey Russell involved we have a Chris Rock video.

  23. Tiger Woods Sex tape??!!
